Victory has a thousand fathers. Defeat is well… whatever this is.
Kamala Harris’ campaign is careening toward a crackup. As the California senator crisscrosses the country trying to revive her sputtering presidential bid, aides at her fast-shrinking headquarters are deep into the finger-pointing stages. And much of the blame is being placed on campaign manager Juan Rodriguez.
Amid the turmoil, some aides have gone directly to campaign chair Maya Harris, the candidate’s sister, and argued that Rodriguez needs to be replaced if Harris has any hope of a turnaround, according to two officials.
But wait, Juan is trying to blame Maya, Kamala’s sister.
While staff ire centers on Rodriguez, his defenders argue he has stood loyally by the candidate despite being relegated to a role akin to deputy campaign manager to Maya Harris. They say he’s had to get Maya Harris’ buy-in even on routine decisions, which were often slow to materialize, further undermining staff’s confidence in him as a supervisor.
“From the outset of this race, he has had all the responsibility with none of the authority. He’s been managing this race with at least one, if not two, hands tied behind his back,” a senior campaign official and longtime Harris hand said of the Rodriguez-Maya Harris dynamic. Rodriguez’s decision to keep mum amid criticism from staff is evidence of his devotion to the candidate, his defenders said.
“He would never talk shit about [Maya]. He would never undermine her. He’s just not that guy,” the senior official said.
Sure. That’s why there are anonymous quotes from his political allies in Politico undermining her.
The Kamala Harris campaign is entering the exciting circular firing squad range where her campaign manager and sister are fighting over whom to blame for her defeat.
And that girl was her.
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