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Maya Harris, Kamala’s sister, a radical ACLU activist, ran her 2020 presidential campaign. Maya’s husband, Tony West, who formerly served as the lawyer for John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban, is playing a major role in her current presidential campaign. Meena Harris, Maya’s daughter (but not West’s daughter), who is very close to Kamala, has tweeted in support of the pro-Hamas encampments and spread false claims of atrocities against Israel.
All of this provides a certain amount of background about Kamala’s views from some of the most important people in her life who have also served as close advisers to her presidential campaigns and during her time in office.
Here is Maya defending CAIR, an organization linked to Hamas, whose leader, Nihad Awad, would later celebrate the attacks of Oct 7.
Last fall, Senator Barbara Boxer of California issued a routine Certificate of Appreciation to the organization representative in Sacramento, but she quickly revoked it when critics assailed her on the Web under headlines like “Senators for Terror.”
“There are things there I don’t want to be associated with,” Ms. Boxer said later of the revocation, explaining that her California office had not vetted the group sufficiently.
CAIR and its supporters say its accusers are a small band of people who hate Muslims and deal in half-truths. Ms. Boxer’s decision to revoke the Sacramento commendation provoked an outcry from organizations that vouch for the group’s advocacy, including the American Civil Liberties Union and the California Council of Churches.
“They have been a leading organization that has advocated for civil rights and civil liberties in the face of fear and intolerance, in the face of religious and ethnic profiling,” said Maya Harris, the executive director of the A.C.L.U. of Northern California.
This was back in 2007. So let’s just be clear about what Maya Harris was defending.
Co-founder Nihad Awad asserted at a 1994 meeting at Barry University, “I am a supporter of the Hamas movement.” Awad wrote in the Muslim World Monitor that the 1994 trial which had resulted in the conviction of four Islamic fundamentalist terrorists who had perpetrated the previous year’s World Trade Center bombing was “a travesty of justice.”
In October 1998, CAIR demanded the removal of a Los Angeles billboard describing Osama bin Laden as “the sworn enemy.” According to CAIR, this depiction was “offensive to Muslims.”
In 1998, CAIR denied bin Laden’s responsibility for the two al Qaeda bombings of American embassies in Africa. According to Ibrahim Hooper, the bombings resulted from “misunderstandings of both sides.”
The home of Muthanna al-Hanooti, one of CAIR’s directors, was raided in 2006 by FBI agents in connection with an active terrorism investigation. FBI agents also searched the offices of Focus on Advocacy and Advancement of International Relations, al-Hanooti’s Michigan- and Washington DC-based consulting firm that investigators suspect to be a front supporting the Sunni-led insurgency in Iraq. Al-Hanooti according to a 2001 FBI report, “collected over $6 million for support of Hamas”.
Onetime CAIR fundraiser Rabih Haddad was arrested on terrorism-related charges and was deported from the United States due to his subsequent work as Executive Director of the Global Relief Foundation, which in October 2002 was designated by the U.S. Treasury Department for financing al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Abdurahman Alamoudi, one of CAIR’s former directors, is a supporter of both Hamas and Hezbollah, and is currently serving a 23-year prison sentence for terrorism-related convictions.
And that’s a small sample from the Discover the Networks profile of CAIR.
Has Maya Harris changed her mind? Did Tony West? And does Kamala Harris disagree with them?
Seems like a letter of condemnation to me. Fuck them.
I know she’s a Harris, But I’d do her. She isn’t anywhere near as ugly as her sister.
the very thought of that is repugnant – there are morals and ethics — when we make love to someone – ‘do them’ as you write, there is exchange of spirit to soul. You get theirs and they get yours. If it isn’t pure, you have problems. Now when I was young none of that mattered, the head between my legs is what I thought with – not the head on my shoulders. These are absolutely evil people and if you do her, you may end up waving I’m for the ding bat Cackling Kamalala and the antisemitic lying about his military career Walz-iing with the devil in the pale moon light. Then the pithy comments you will write on FP will be anit-Trump and who knows, the devil in them might turn you into an antisemite == tell your son to consult with your brain before taking such actions. Being a playboy in youth, leads to a lonely old man later – just ask Jack Nicholson — who I will have lunch with in the next …..
Hey, I am an old man but I’m not lonely. I have a 41 y year old hottie right now and six or seven chicks on hold. I told the 41 year old (young to me) that I would be exclusive with her, so I will. I’m in love! For now, anyway.
I don’t have a wife anymore or a regular girlfriend so I don’t really care about much. That’s why I drop rude comments here.
I know she’s a Harris : high IQ woman like the lovely Jewish females whose parents are highly educated.
Her mother is dead but she was highly educated. Why Kamelho turned out so bad is strange.
With you high standard my guess is that you admire the intellect of people like Condy Rice and the late Randall Robinson.
I DO admire the intellect of Condoleeza Rice. And the way she stays physically fit. I’d do her in a heartbeat.
With your high standard my guess is that you admire the intellect of people like Condy Rice and the late Randall Robinson.
Five gaylords? That’s a lot of fags.
I like your politics, but otherwise, why are you such a disgusting shmuck?
That’s just who I am. Born handsome and intelligent but crass.
I like your politics, but why do you also have to be such a macho shmuck?
The Harris family sounds like and acts like muslims.
Are they closet case muslims like Obama?
Gimme a break. Neither Obama, Kamala, or the New Left are Muslim or communist. They are NIHILISTS.
They want to destroy America, the West, and Capitalism, simply for the sake of destruction. And Islam and Marxism are simply the means to that destruction.
“Obama is an unprecedented threat to America….
As I have explained in The DIM Hypothesis, Obama is in essence a destroyer for the sake of destruction, a nihilist, the first such to become President. The object to be destroyed is America. Given the academic and popular support he has received, he has been able to pursue this goal methodically and, to many observers, with astonishing success.” – Leonard Peikoff
I see part of your point, but I don’t know about the other – there is no half thumbs up — but I have saying for some time – Obummer wants to destroy USA, Biden and Harris are stooge puppet whores for the deep state that are definitely destroying USA – the systems they have put into place since the coup d’etat of the stolen 2020 election run deep and are pervasive.. It will take President Trump to root them out and permanently make sure this can never happen again followed by two terms of JD Vance who will be mentored by Trump.
This is true of Obama, America hater and traitor, Chief prevaricator in America, regardless who wrote it.
” … Obama is in essence a destroyer for the sake of destruction, a nihilist, the first such to become
President. The object to be destroyed is America. Given the academic and popular support he has
received, he has been able to pursue this goal methodically and, to many observers, with astonishing success.”
Obama is pure evil and a scourge on America and US citizens … just like depraved psychopathic murderous berserk freedom crushing violent hate-filled Islam itself.
The damage that Obama did to America and US citizens will be recognized by all soon enough.
All true, BUT he’s a puppet just like cackling kamala and brain dead biden. Their puppet masters are soros and other very nefarious reprobates.
OMG – There’s two of them — Does sister Cackling Kamalalala cackle too? Is she smarter or as much as a ding bat tool? I would say yes because it takes lazy tool fools to blindly go along with demoncRats and thinking creating enterprising people to vote true Lincoln-Trump Republican.
These are dangerous anti-USA demon possessed evil enemies of the state.
Looks like the Democrat ticket is going to represent Hamas and the alliance against Israel….Anti-American, and Anti-Israel. There it is in a nutshell.
We can document this nightmare until the end of time, but what are we doing besides talking to the converted? Who among us is volunteering every bit of our time, energy, and dollars to make sure the left doesn’t sweep this election? The left is a highly organized machine, they have boots on the ground, etc. We cannot just vote in November. We must work tirelessly for our side, be it for the Trump camaign and/or down ballot races. Don’t sit back and think someone else will do it. If we aren’t willing to do everything in our power to make sure we win, then we’re just doing what’s comfortable and nothing more.
The Kamala Harris family is feathering their nest and enriching themselves and making connections through their Moo–Slum friends.
Just like Jared Kushner is doing with his three billion dollar deal with the Saudi and Qatar and United Arab Emirates ” Royal ” families.
Funny how so many political leaders and their families end up migrating to the money …. and really don’t give a crap about America and US citizens.
Power and Money corrupt ….
Absolute Power and Vast Wealth Corrupt Absolutely.
That is the story of America and its elite political and corporate and cultural and educational and media leaders today..
The American elite political social economic and “aristocratic” oligarchy have taken over on all fronts now.
They just could not really care less about US citizens.
“allahu akbar and death to amerikkka” — kumala & family
At some point all these ANTI-AMERICAN people will have to be prosecuted for either Sedition or TREASON! Oblama and his crew should be eligible for TREASON just for their actions to prevent PRESIDENT TRUMP from BEING PRESIDENT! I’m sure there are MANY RICO cases to be made! And then we need to REFORM our ELECTIONS to make sure they never STEAL another one! Keeping the oblamas, clintons, and Kamalas out of office should help, but the DEEP STATE runs DEEP – they ALL need to go!
incredibly well researched, as usual, by Daniel G.
Jewish and pro-Trump groups MUST read and spread this info about Kamala Harria and those in her inner circle!
Just for fun…what does the name “Maya” mean? It means “illusion” or “magic” in Sanskrit, which is the source for her name. She is, after all, from India and is primarily Indian.. Of course, so is her big sister, Kamalama Ding-Dong..
Spreading illusions, ie. lies, appears to be endemic in people who capitalize on fake black heritage. Methinks this deceptiveness is likely to lead to bad Karmalarma