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Diversity is our strength and all that, but what the multicultural ethos has really done to the United States and the countries of Western Europe is fill them with large numbers of people who hold radically different values from those that the native population generally holds. If this isn’t a recipe for conflict, what is? A Muslim cleric in Kansas City recently illustrated one potential source of that conflict, unintentionally supplying a warning about the dangers of mass migration without assimilation.
The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported that in a recent Friday sermon he preached at the Kansas City Islamic Center, the imam Muhammad Tarife told the congregants: “My dear respected brothers, know that you were created in this world in a nation that should be a leading nation. Allah says in the Qur’an: ‘You are a nation that was brought to people. You are the best nation. Why? Because you call for that which is good. You encourage others to do good.’”
Kansas City Friday Sermon by Muhammad Tarife: Oh Allah, Annihilate the Criminal Zionists, Kill Them One by One, Allow Us to Torment Them with Our Own Hands; Muslims Are the “Best Nation,” Brought to the World to Encourage Others to Do Good
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 28, 2024
Tarife was referring to this Qur’an passage: “You are the best of people that has been raised up for mankind. You command what is right and forbid what is wrong, and you believe in Allah.” (Qur’an 3:110) While the Qur’an calls Muslims “the best of people,” it calls non-Muslims “the most vile of created beings” (98:6). Also, Muslims are “the best of people” because they “command what is right and forbid what is wrong.” This is the basis for the widespread assumption among many Muslim migrants in the West that they need have no respect for the laws of the vile unbelievers, and need adhere only to the law of Allah. This does not exactly make for mutual respect and peaceful coexistence, as the skyrocketing crime rates in Europe attest.
After this succinct statement of non-assimilation, Tarife continued: “Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not. Oh, Allah, count them, kill them one by one, and do not spare a single one of them, for they are no match for You. Oh, Allah, allow us torment them with our own hands, humiliate them, grant us victory over them, and heal the hearts of the believers.”
As if that weren’t bad enough in itself, Tarife also prays: “Oh, Allah, annihilate the criminal Zionists – those of whom are Zionists and those who are not.” This apparently means that he wants Allah to annihilate the leftist Jews who are not Zionists along with the Zionists.
Tarife’s prayer that Allah would kill the Zionists one by one is all too common. In late November, a Muslim entered a Montreal Jewish business and screamed “We’re gonna kill you one by one.” Just weeks ago, the Palestinian Authority Supreme Shari’ah Court Director Alaa Dweikat prayed: “Strike the aggressive Zionists. O Allah, kill them one by one and count them one by one, and do not leave [even] one.”
In August 2024 came this report: ‘Palestinian’ jihadis heed Sharia judge’s call regarding the Jews, to ‘kill them one by one.’ In Louisiana in June 2024, an imam prayed: “Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and the Chris…Oh Allah, count them, kill them one by one.” In Vienna in February 2024, a Muslim cleric prayed for the Jews, “O Allah, kill them all and leave none of them alive.” In Montreal in late October 2023, a Muslim cleric called on Allah to “kill the enemies of the people of Gaza and to spare none of them.”
This is not a newly minted prayer fad. In Berlin in July 2014, an imam prayed: “Oh Allah, destroy the Zionist Jews…Count them and kill them to the very last one…Make them suffer terribly.” A Quebec imam prayed in 2014: “O Allah, destroy the accursed Jews…O Allah, kill them one by one.” And in Australia in July 2013: “Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one.”
Examples of this kind could be multiplied endlessly. What other religion has common and frequently repeated prayers calling upon the deity to kill the perceived enemies of the faithful, one by one?
Even worse, the Qur’an tells Muslims: “Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, and he will lay them low and give you victory over them, and he will heal the hearts of people who are believers. And he will remove the anger of their hearts.” (9:14-15). If Allah punishes the unbelievers by the hands of the believers, Tarife’s prayer that Allah would kill the Zionists could conceivably be understood as a direct call to violence.
Will authorities in Kansas City treat it as such? Of course not. That would be “Islamophobic.” We can only hope that no one in Tarife’s congregation will decide to “remove the anger” from his heart by allowing Allah to use him to punish his enemies.
Hannah Katz says
We should deport the Islamists. One by one until none remains. We could use a man like Charles Martel about now.
Intrepid says
If an imaginary being is killing Jews, that means no one is really killing Jews. Then it’s just a lot of Mosque bluster. There may be a few losers, mostly converts, who act out.
But if Jews start dying in great numbers, if synagogues start getting burned, that means someone is engaged in mass killings. Gee, I wonder who it would be.
Kurt Schlichter’s novel ‘The Attack’ may just come to life. Everyone, not just the targeted Jews, should be reading it.
The borders are still open. The weapons are in the mosques and private homes. Eventually the ‘go’ signal will be given.
Jews should arm up, Krav Maga up, and quit screwing around with the Tikkun Olam crap until the Muslim danger passes.
Not enough Jews voted for Trump this time around. Cutsie time is over. What is wrong with the Jews in America?
Gabrielle says
Your comment is spot on! I am a Jew and it is truly baffling to me how my fellow Jews seem to have chosen willful ignorance. Honestly, it is truly frightening. It is too reminiscent of the assimilated denial many of our Jewish people had in Germany. I often wonder if we have an almost-sacrificial desire for acceptance that so colors reality that too many of us willingly assimilate in the hope we will be accepted. Unfortunately, our history is replete with the answer: NO, NO, NO
Being informed, armed and prepared (that includes separating ourselves from the Democratic party, more than willing to spend our donated $$, and then work to kill us.) and facing the truth even when it can excruciatingly painful to hear and act upon.
Intrepid says
Thank you. I hope you are armed up. If not head to your local sporting goods store and get “strapped” Don’t forget the ammo as well.
Talk to your friends tell them the same thing.
Some bad sh*t may be coming.
Matt says
In the past, Israel’s only hope was in the LORD. In the future, Israel’s hope will only be the LORD (Jehovah). That’s made more than clear in the O.T. scriptures. But, there’s no appeal to that truth around here, that I’ve noticed.
Some years ago I read Elie Wiesel’s, “Night.” I might be mistaken, but I think he stopped believing in God because of his personal experiences and because of what happened in the ’30’s and ’40’s in Germany and elsewhere. I think that’s part of the reason why there seems to be few appeals to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It’s the age old question, “Where was God?” “Where is God?” There is, however, an answer to those questions. I highly recommend “The Silence of God,” by Sir Robert Anderson.
Maha says
Sorry, but nothing could be more in the spirit of Tikkun Olam than the deportation and eradication of Islamists from the United States. The world will never be repaired as long as imams spout off to congregations of unAmerican believers.
Intrepid says
It’s going to take more than the “spirit of Tikkun Olam” to save the Jews in this country. Repairing the world might make you feel all warm and fuzzy but the Muslims have their imported AK 47s and a lot of knives. And they are rapidly outpacing the Jewish birthrate.
Do you really think they they will sit down with you and have a chat?
Read Kurt Schlichter’s novel ‘The Attack’. It may just save your life.
Steve Chavez says
Why do they get away with this? What if a Rabbi asked God to kill all the Muslims?
Muslims and Democrats can say anything they want about Jesus, mock him, mock The Last Supper, burn the bible…. but if someone dares to burn a Koran….. OH MAN! Just a cartoon… OH MAN!
The Imam is radicalizing and promoting hate. Jihadists in the Middle East, are teaching young children to “kill the Jew pigs” which will incite them to hatred for another generation… so how do you create peace and understanding with them?
How many Imams’ aid and abet TERRORISTS…. whether sending funds, directly or indirectly, and get away with it because the DOJ, DA’s, AG’s, don’t want to get them mad?
A White person shoots up a church or a Mosque, they’re quick to blame a MAGA or White Supremacist movement.
Here in Albuquerque, FOUR MUSLIMS were killed, the Governor, Congresswoman, the DA, and Ahmad Assed, the President of the Islamic Center of NM, ALL DEMOCRATS, blamed ISLAMOPHOBIA! Their anger was over the top… hoping it was a MAGA. THEN, THE KILLER WAS CAUGHT…. HE WAS A MUSLIM! The next news conference was more like a funeral, they were so sad it wasn’t a MAGA, with the Congresswoman and Assed still blaming ISLAMOPHOBIA! (???)
ASSED, a radical I’ve known since the ’80s, and a UNM classmate of JOSEPH MASSAD, the radical extremist Columbia professor, held a protest in support of Hamas over ten years ago during the Israeli/Hamas war. That was openly supporting a terrorist group. Did he ever send funds/aid, directly or indirectly, to HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH??? Even if he or Massad did, our DOJ wouldn’t do anything anyway since they don’t want to get them mad. What about members of CAIR? Now they’re radicalizing college students who are now equal to the Iranian Madman, Ahmadinejad, “wipe Israel off the maps” with “from the River to the Sea!” ATTACKING JEWS ON CAMPUS… NO PENALTY? WHERE’S THE DEI CZAR?
Steve says
They get away with it because of the ICC, the United Nations, The European Union academics who prate about “equity” and “diversity” and “inclusion” rags like The New York Times and politicians such as Barack Hussein Osama, Antony Albanese, Bernie Sanders and Justine Castreau.
world@70 says
This isn’t a new thing, I’ve read of the same claims repeated many times from Muslims wishing to show just how devout a Muslim they are. I suppose they do this to avoid other Muslims accusations of breaking some obscure Islamic taboo and being ostracized or harmed for it.
Then again it could be totally self-serving. Perhaps by this Islamic zeal he is attempting to avoid embarrassment by convince himself of Islam’s truth, rather than face the truth and admit how gullible he and his fellow Muslims have been for 1,400 years to believe such a vile, contradictory and illogical pile of horse hockey.
Darrel Smithson says
There is no reason why Muslims should be in the west. Not a single one. They aren’t needed, they aren’t wanted, they aren’t useful for anything other than sucking blood and welfare from the host.
Gabrielle says
It’s their longterm goal of having a world wide Islamic Caliphate…to do so they must infiltrate and subsequently annihilate the cultures and their values by all means necessary until their “host” is willingly subsumed into either accepting Islam and living under Sharia law or living in dhimmitude as second class citizens paying a tax for their existence.
THX 1138 says
Seventh century barbarism, superstition, and stupidity in the 21st century. Progress is not automatic. And mankind can always collapse back to the 7th century.
Intrepid says
I see it’s fortune cookie time for you.
Spurwing Plover says
People like this need to be taken off the Streets and returned to where they came from and banned from America we don’t need Hate Mongers
Jeff says
I am Athiest. Send them to my house. I will stand with the Christians and Jews. 99% of them have treated me well.
Matt says
All of this severe contention, the envy, goes back to the Abrahamic covenant. Though Hagar and Ishmael were told some things about their descendants which would come to pass, the glorious promises to Abraham were that these great things would be through Isaac.
Romans 9:7 “Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.”
Alkflaeda says
To be honest, I think that it started with Mohammed, and he used Ismail’s position as a pretext, when he found that Jewish people did not flock to his banner.
Matt says
As Maha stated, it began many years before in Genesis 16 when Abraham and Sarah tried to “help” God and Abraham used his corrupt flesh to bring about the promises God made concerning Abraham’s seed.
Genesis 17:18-21
“And Abraham said unto God, O that Ishmael might live before thee!”
“And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.”
“And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee: Behold, I have blessed him, and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and I will make him a great nation.”
“But my covenant will I establish with Isaac, which Sarah shall bear unto thee at this set time in the next year.”
Maha says
Genesis 16-12 And he shall be a wild ass of a man: his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the face of all his brethren.’
Matt says
I urge the use of the King James Bible. Put the modern versions aside except to note the contrast’s and corruption in them
The King James Bible rendering of Ishmael:
Genesis 16:12 “And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.”
Ron Kelmell says
The Dhimmi mind set combines both ignorance and cowardice. Muslims’ tactic is to arrive in the West and claim legitimacy by diversity. Once in the majority they claim superiority by their numbers.
The Dhimmi among leadership buys into that process due to ignorance and their manifest cowardice.
Jim says
The imam should be charged with hate speech. He probably won’t do any jail time, but at least charging him would force a public conversation on the issue.
As for filling the United States and the countries of Western Europe with large numbers of people who hold radically different values from those that the native population — this is nothing more than a large-scale effort to end Western Civilization. If we will publicly and vigorously explain and defend Western Civilization, we might be able to preserve Western Civilization. Unfortunately, publicly defending Western values is often censored.
RLagrange says
The reason is the Globalists and neocons,Soros and Klaus Schwab,the first the founder of the Open Society, and the second of the World Economic Forum have allied themselves with who?.
With the following Islamist groups: the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and Al-Qaida. The last two have changed names and have been supplied with weapons and money by Biden and Obama and the Deep State and are attacking in Syria.
When will Trump speak loud and clear and denounce them all?
If I were him I would publicly declare that all those in the US government responsible for it will be arrested and sent to jail. It all goes against human rights and American values and Western values.
RLagrange says
There is also the factor of Evangelical leaders’ theology which is based on a fake prophet called EZEKIEL and has them believe the Antichrist will be a Russian ( Putin)
under the name of GOG in Ezekiel. Then Gog will ally himself with PERSIA ( Iran) and attack Israel. However Ezekiel chapters 26-29 prove he was a false prophet, a charlatan, as he says there ”the Lord says” then
says Nebuchadnezar would conquer and destroy the island-city of Tyre. It never happened. Then the Lord admits it failed and promises Nebuchadnezar that he would get Egypt as a compensation. That failed.
When the Jewish scholars decided which book was from God,they were asleep regarding Ezekiel. They never read the history books to see if his prophecies were true. They failed to do it.
The solution is for Christian leaders to hold a council and declare that Ezekiel will be taken out of the Bible. Admit it should never have been accepted.
RLagrange says
1st part
To show I am open I also disagree with some things ex-Evangelicals say ( like the most famous,youtuber Paulogia) there is this: they say NOWHERE does the NT condemn SLAVERY. There is,in Revelation 18:1-13.
First, Babylon under Nebudchadnezar in 586 BC and Rome in 70 AD destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem. That is why Rome is given the title of BABYLON ( 1 Pet. 5:13 )
Second,I don’t agree, but scholars say Revelation’s 666 of the Antichrist is Emperor Nero. Using gematria,you get the form ”Nero Ceaser”. Others say 666 refers to emperor Domitian, who persecuted Christians,died 96 AD.
Rome was a city of 1 million,of which 30%,300,000 were slaves. So Rev 18:1-13 about the ”Fall of Babylon” refers to Rome,for them It directly condemns slavery. Paulogia says 1 Timothy 1:9-10 is NOT a condemnation of slavery:
”the law is not laid down for the just
but for the lawless and disobedient,
for the ungodly and sinners,
for the unholy and profane,
for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality,
SLAVETRADERS (literally kidnappers of men ),
liars, perjurers, and whatever else
Thus,being a slavetrader,and by logic , a slave owner,is contrary to Christianity,Christian doctrine.
They are called,
” lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane”.
Paulogia says scholar says it means being against getting slaves ILLEGALY
by kidnapping free people,
but does not apply to buying them LEGALLY,from the marketplace. And those scholars do say it.
But at least in Revelation 18:1-13 it explicitly condemns it.
RLagrange says
If it is correct Revelation is talking about Roman emperor Nero,who persecuted Christians,killing Peter and Paul,then Revelation 18 of ”Babylon is fallen” is ROME.
Revelation was written after 70 AD,the year Rome destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem,just like in 586 BC Babylon destroyed the Temple. Rome=Babylon.
Rome had 1 million people, of which 30% were SLAVES.
In Rome MERCHANTS got slaves all the time LEGALLY. Thus Revelation 18:1-13 says:
”After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven. He had great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his splendor. 2 With a mighty voice he shouted:
”“‘Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great!’ She has become a dwelling for demons
and a haunt for every IMPURE SPIRIT,
a haunt for every unclean bird,a haunt for every unclean and detestable animal……….”
Then I heard another voice from heaven say:
“‘Come out of her, my people,’so that you will not share in her SINS,
so that you will not receive any of her PLAGUES;for her SINS are piled up to heaven,
and God has remembered her CRIMES……………..
“‘Woe! Woe to you, great city,you mighty city of Babylon. In one hour your doom has come!’.
(Now comes the part about MERCHANTS and a list of things they traded in LEGALLY,including SLAVES )
11 “The merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her because no one
their cargoes anymore— cargoes of
gold, silver, precious stones and pearls;
fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth;
every sort of citron wood,
and articles of every kind made of ivory,
costly wood, bronze, iron and marble;
cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense
, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil,
of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses
and carriages; and (LITERAL translation,usually translated as slaves)
the BODIES and souls of MEN”.
RLagrange says
TUCKER CARLSON. He dines with Trump,he dines with Elon Musk. He knows the arguments of the multipolarists,via his friendship with CLAYTON MORRIS, whose youtube channel is Redacted.
Carlson is working to prevent a nuclear war.How? He is the BACK CHANNEL for Trump.He will never say it. But evidence is evidence.
1962 and the Cuba missile crisis.Almost a nuclear war. How was it prevented.Through dialogue,direct talks and back channels. ALL of John Kennedy’s advisors told him over and over and over to launch nuclear bombs.
In 1962 a secret deal was made. Why did the Soviet Union install missiles in Cuba? Because BEFORE the US had installed nuclear missiles in TURKEY. They could destroy Moscow in 12 minutes and the Soviet Union could do NOTHING
to stop it. So missiles in Cuba was a preventive measure. Via back channels the deal was the Soviet Union would take away the missiles and the US would take away the missiles in Turkey. A few months after the Cuba missiles were gone,Kennedy got the missiles in Turkey out of there.
Tucker yesterday or before yesterday interviewed LAVROV,foreign minister of Russia.
As a back channel man Carlson uses the interview to get a public message from Putin,via Larov, to Trump. Russia doesn’t want a nuclear war. Check out this analysis by Scott Ritter.
Robert Hagedorn says
Most people believe Islam is a stand-alone religion just like all the other religions in the world. Robert Spencer has done a good job educating the readers at FPM. But not everyone comes to this site. Islam, as we all know, is not a religion, but a totalitarian ideology that includes a religion.
Andrew Blackadder says
I hope Donald Trump has seen this video and acts accordingly.
Richard Johnston says
I’m a lifelong learner. I’m supposed to learn that the “perfect man” marries a six-year old as one of his many wives and “consummates the marriage” with her when she reaches nine.
That so many remain surprised by the violence inspired by Islam is a commentary on our schools’ failure to educate students. How many students know the historical context of “not one penny for tribute” or “to the shores of Tripoli?”
Darryl says
The Koran does not align with the reality of Muslims being a morally inferior people compared to all the other people on earth. They have been the losers of history for 500 years at this point. Everything Islam touches turns to shit.
The thing about submissives, their wills belong to somebody else, They live as slaves to the devils that keep them marginalized from success.
Roark says
It is a federal crime to threaten violence or intimidate someone with threats against them. Enforce the law.
18 U.S.C. § 241, which makes it unlawful to “conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person” exercising a constitutional right, including the right to vote.
Intimidation refers to any course of conduct that creates fear in a person. To prove intimidation, the prosecution must show:
That you engaged in conduct or directed speech toward a specific person.
That you intended your speech or conduct to create fear.
That your speech or conduct caused the person to be afraid.
How many DemoNazis are guilty of all of the above violations?
Walter Sieruk says
It’s very important to rightly define the definition of words and terms.
Therefore, the definition of “Zionism” has been explained “The word refers simply to the right of the Jews to settle in their ancestral homeland, , the word ‘Zion,’ …. Is referring to God’s work through the Jewish people…” [1]
For the Bible reveals, that God had given all this land that now composes the State of Israel, including all of the West Bank, to the Jewish people. This may be found in the Bible, as seen in, for example, Genesis 28:13-15. 35:10-12. Deuteronomy 32:48,49. Psalm 105:7-11. 135:4.
In other words, the Jews have tall this land by Divine Right. Furthermore, the Jewish people should have this land by historic rights as shown in First Kings 4:20,21, 24,25. 8:55, 56.
“Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.” Psalm 51:18 [K.J.V.]