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There is one universal truth in politics in the United States of America: Liberals fail up.
It doesn’t matter how awful they are, either as people or in their jobs (or both), liberals will always fail upward to a better position, more money or whatever else is a step-up in their careers. Talent and ability have zero role in this, no place whatsoever.
Exhibit A in this new and decidedly political phenomenon is Karine Jean-Pierre, the fumbling, stumbling former public face of the rabid left-wing Move On group created to excuse Bill Clinton’s every sin, moral or criminal, imploring the country to just “move on” from them. It’s funny how someone who used to make their living telling people to “move on” spends most of her day blaming the previous administration for her current boss’s failures.
But that’s how the left works – the administration of Barack Obama was nothing more than celebrating him for his skin color while scrambling to blame the George W. Bush administration for every one of his failings. Somehow, after eight years, Barack Obama wasn’t responsible for never having achieved three percent growth in any given year, but under President Donald Trump, when the economy finally kicked into gear after his economic policies were implemented, that was because of Obama…or something.
Democrats are exceedingly good at moving the goal posts. They are that guy who shows up to the job site at the end of the work, breaks a sweat standing around in the hot sun, and used the word “We” loudly about the project when the boss is around.
But Obama is considered a “great” president by people who aren’t critical thinkers, particularly in media (and there are a lot of people who are not critical thinkers in media).
That lack of ability to think critically brings us back to Karine Jean-Pierre.
I don’t know, maybe when not on camera she’s whip-smart; an eloquent genius able to convey complex ideas in a clear and easy to understand way. But at the podium in the White House press briefing room she can’t even read what you have to assume she either at least had a hand in writing or had time to familiarize herself with a little beforehand in her huge binder.
White House Press secretaries have always had notes and papers with them to aid them in the job; something to refer to for stats and specifics. KJP lives in hers. Can’t live without it.
In media appearances she’s lost. KJP, like the president and vice president, only does appearances where no difficult or even remotely challenging questions will be asked. It’s sad that a grown adult can’t handle a challenge, sadder still that an administration would order their mouthpiece to ignore half the country, and saddest of all that a grown adult would comply. Often times KJP ignores Fox News in the briefing room, unable to handle even polite challenge.
But the saddest thing about KJP is all the profiles of her, the glowing write-ups in newspapers and magazines, or the polished pieces on television about her, which are about her gender, sexual orientation and skin color. When you’re as bad as she is at her job, anything else has to be the focus. And you can count on Democrats to immediately go to the least relevant, most divisive characteristics. People, when pushed, will usually end up there, but Democrats start there too.
They have to. Imagine having to cover for someone so horrible at their job that they tweet under their own name when writing for the boss, as KJP did just on Tuesday. Or, even more pathetically, when there is a natural disaster that destroyed parts of Hawaii, this woman who has worked in Democratic Party politics her entire adult life, could not be bothered to pronounce the names of the state’s two Democrat Senators properly. Everyone makes verbal gaffes, people with an IQ larger than their shoe size notice and correct them almost immediately. KJP never notices them and makes them constantly.
The saddest part of all is she’s reading what she’s saying, having apparently been deemed untrustworthy or incapable of speaking off the top of her head. A person with any amount of self-respect would resign, refusing to be a puppet to their bosses behind the scenes. KJP isn’t about to resign out of self-respect because if she had any she wouldn’t have taken the job in the first place.
Of course, if talent and ability had any role in her career, she wouldn’t have one. The same goes for pretty much all of them, yet they keep failing up to new, higher paying positions. At this point, when she finally does leave the White House, KJP won’t just get a show on MSNBC like Jen “Ginger Goebbels” Psaki did, she’ll be running NBC News. Given how bad they are, you probably wouldn’t even notice the difference.
Mark Sochor says
The press siting day after day having to listen to droning lies, obfuscation and obtuse answers to simple questions says much about them too. I long ago realized she was a waste of our time and money. Not so much the press organizations that continue to give her the air of respectability and importance by sending their Democrat stenographers daily. She wins the prize for saying the least in the most words. Perfect for this administration..
internalexile says
Saying the least with the most words. Perfect.
Paul says
Sorry but ! Rug munchers are always leaning to the extreme left “It’s a values and morality issue” ( There answer to church and state .) They are willingly embraced, agendize ,into Political collaboration” It’s a demonic issue.! A pattern sexual deviate profile. You do not have to look to far to prove my Point (congress our very own Twisted Female ? Left leaning Supreme court justice / And news Media ELITE Rachael Mad cow) Just the tip of the ice-berg when it comes to There abstract positioning of the HIGH Profile Politically Democratic party representation ! / That extra special 666 club !
Albert Yowell says
Learn how to construct a paragraph. I probably agree with what you said, but I don’t know what you said.
Belfast says
Mark’s point is valid. The journalists covering her, the crème de la crème who get the job of White House coverage are every bit as blinkered, left, and stupid as she is. And it goes further, the editors who selected them are every bit as bad.
NAVY ET1 says
KJP proves conclusively that DEI is a wrong and diversity hires are the worst. When she can make Peppermint Patty (Jen Psaki) look like a genius, hiring based on the color of your skin rather than your intellectual capacity isn’t just a bad idea, it’s dangerous…but I watch her every chance I get to validate that point by watching her flop like a fish outta water. She’s in over her head and the Biden administration doesn’t care if she drowns as long as she throws some sub-par shade.
Jeff Bargholz says
Raggedy Ann is obviously an incompetent moron who’s glad to lie for a living and thinks she’s a lesbian, but boy would I like to dig into that. She’s so cute. So long as she doesn’t speak.
Algorithmic Analyst says
lol … my first laugh of the day 🙂
Thanks Jeff!
shempus says
If you mean Jen BallPsaki, I agree I would like to get me some of it. KJP, not so much.
Jeff Bargholz says
Gnarly! Degenerate Psaki is hideous. You can’t be serious.
Jeff Bargholz says
Whoever down voted me hates cute chicks and likes to give rim jobs.
Jeff Bargholz says
Another down vote? You give rim jobs to corpses.
victoryman says
Hope you aren’t allergic to penicillin…..
Jeff Bargholz says
Nope. And I have condoms. 😛
Kay says
Wow, you are right. She does look like Raggedy Ann.
Jeff Bargholz says
There’s a black Raggedy Ann, too. KJM is a perfect match but I still lust for her.
Jeff Bargholz says
More gay guys down voted me? There really is a black Raggedy Ann doll, and a Barbie one, too. And if you aren’t attracted to cute chicks, you’re gayer than show tunes.
No big deal but save your anti-hetero hatred for your next pride parade.
Paul says
Take a real good look at her / She even has the eye liner color to match her dress / is she cute or just well dressed and made up . To match eye liner to the dress is something new and the complimentary tonal lip stick and make up The entire Picture is one of extreme vanity and that special wholesome LOOK.! Think Gay and the issues that surround being Gay and then Take a real good look.. I have been around this group for years ” In general” they can be a frustrated angry group.. (Both Genders”) But the female are More prone to mimic the extremes. Case and point (Try attending a Birthday Party for one of there Male children ) Pretty weird- with a group of hatefully females trying to emanate what they think is male imagery / Even weirder is when they sponsor a surfing contest for there children , Listen to them talk among themselves . :There extremely decisive and condemning. of normal Patter sexuality “Parental relationship.” Humanity is at it’s end there not even protecting guideline to productive sanguine violability..
Sir Peter says
We know why she got the job.
Black? Tick.
Female? Tick.
Communist? Tick.
Sexual pervert? Tick.
Immigrant? Tick.
Brains? No tick
But 5 out of 6 ain’t bad
Jeff Bargholz says
I have an ancestor from Martinique. I wonder if I’m related to KJB?
Kasandra says
What’s the problem? She has all the qualities the Democrats value – female, black, gay. That’s merit, baby, in our brave new world.
Onzeur Trante says
KJP is emblematic of everything that is wrong with the Biden Administration appointees.
BLSinSC says
You’re trapped in an elevator with Special K and the Kamala – there’s only enough air for TWO to survive – who suffers?? FORTUNATELY ALL of you survive since the other two require NO OXYGEN for their brains!!
internalexile says
Ann Coulter, who I no longer much care about, did come up with a good one when she described KJP as “the Biden administration’s Cupie doll.”
commonsense says
Kewpie, not ” cupie.” Sorry – it’s the pedant in me.
Mark Collins says
In the 1850’s, KJP would have been with Mammy and Prissy at Tara, or out in the fields picking cotton..
Jeff Bargholz says
Prissy was hot.
Anne-Marie says
Administrative rule #1 in the White House Procedural Manual: Operate under the Peter principle.
Capitalist-Dad says
Is there any doubt that the professional liars of the left must have a CDC quality decontamination shower between their garage and the living area of their home? Otherwise, how can they even touch their families after wallowing in filth at work?
Mark Cogley says
The author wonders is she has “self-respect”. Who needs self-respect when you’re “making history”?
kay says
She’s making history alright but not history to be proud of for sure. History of being stupid as a box of rocks.
Semaphore says
Base your hiring on quotas and this is what you get…
Walter Sieruk says
The White House Secretary, Karine Jean -Pierre speaking forth those lying words “That our economy is stronger now than ever before.” obviously says nothing but complete and total balderdash.
Likewise Jean-Pierre saying that blatant false statements, as seen in her lying words in her attempt to hide and in cover up Biden disaster of his no secure border policy, is actually an echo of the worthless bogus US “President” Joe Biden who is her pathological liar boss, “Big Brother Biden.”
For example, those 4% of the people who still feel that the economy is in “excellent shape” are completely unrealistic. Maybe this people believe that because they had voted for Joe Biden and now they have their political and economic blinders on because they’re in denial just how terrible Biden actually has harmed the US economy.
Regarding this it should be made clear that “Big Brother Biden “is a villain and traitor to America and the American people. So much so, let us not be naïve about him, that is possible he would inflect upon American and Americans a socialist /Marxist tyranny if he could.
As the type of tyrannical government as in, the classic novel 1984 by George Orwell that was later made into a movie. In which , is headed by “Big Brother,” who issued a new speak dictionary with taught “Peace is war” and “Love is hate” and “Freedom is slavery” as well as “Ignorance is strength” and that the State headed by Big Brother declared that if it says “2+2 = 5 then it is 5.”
Likewise Big Brother Biden, first declared,” Inflation is strength.”
Now Big Bother Biden proclaims the Economic failure is “Economic success.”
ed says
In my memory bHo was the second worst White House resident in history
Guess who is first
John Blackman says
word soup is the pre requisite for a democrat , her heroes are feckless joe and dolt cackle a harris . something for every democrat to aspire to and they don’t disappoint .
Sword of the Spirit says
And someone needs to tie down her right hand.