Now pull the other one.
At the DNC’s first night of video clips, the former Ohio governor and former Republican insisted that voting Biden wouldn’t lead to socialism. That argument might have had a little bit more weight if it hadn’t been made at a DNC event featuring Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-proclaimed socialist who defended Castro whose acolytes like AOC are defining the party and shaping the platform.
If Democrats could pretend that socialism was a right-wing smear a decade ago, now it’s just common sense. A socialist nearly won the Dem nomination and is reshaping the party from the ground up. Insisting that voting Democrat won’t lead to socialism is as absurd as insisting that cocaine is completely safe. Never mind the overdoses.
The Democrats are high on ideological crack. A majority of millennial Democrats are on board with socialism.
Kasich trying to pretend otherwise is a pathetic hoax.
Democrats will insist that Biden won the nomination. But his VP and likely replacement, Kamala Harris, was championing Bernie’s mandatory nationalized health care.
That’s socialism, folks.
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