[This video is brought to you by a David Horowitz Freedom Center-Glazov Gang collaboration. Please help the Freedom Center continue to bring you these vital perspectives on the news – perspectives that you won’t find anywhere else. Donate to the Freedom Center HERE.]
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This new Glazov Gang episode features Katie Hopkins, U.K.’s freedom fighter. Katie unveils Life Under Lockdown in the U.K., shedding a sober and telling light on The Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Don’t miss it!
And make sure to watch our Special 2-Part Series with Katie, where she unveils The Accelerating Jihadist Threat in Europe.
1. French Jews in Paris Under Attack – how the police are telling the Jewish Parisians that they can no longer protect them.
2. They Plotted to Behead Me — when a female Jihadi wants your head as a wedding present.
Follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.
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