Remember how Christine Blasey Ford couldn’t fly, until it turned out that she could fly? Just to spare her the indignities of commercial air travel, she was flown on a private plane courtesy of two very unpleasant and wealthy Silicon Valley characters.
Among those who assisted Ford in the summer of 2018 were Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, game company Zynga founder Mark Pincus, and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman, according to The Education of Brett Kavanaugh, written by New York Times reporters Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly and on shelves Tuesday.
Pincus and Hoffman, meanwhile, lent Ford and her friends their private plane and hired a flight attendant when they traveled to Washington, D.C., for the high-stakes Sept. 27 hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, during which Ford and Kavanaugh both testified.
You gotta have your own flight attendant when you’re trying to bring down a Supreme Court justice.
Who are Pincus and Hoffman?
If you remember Zynga, a slime stain of a company even by social media standards, that’s Mark Pincus.
Pincus made no apologies for his behavior. Taking a cocky stance in interviews, he noted proudly the multiple times his belligerent attitude got him fired from previous jobs. Internal reports from Zynga’s current and former employees painted a picture of an ethically bankrupt organization where the unofficial motto was “Do Evil” (the inverse of Google’s “Don’t Be Evil”), and the basic MO was to straight-out steal other companies’ game ideas and focus on lead generation analytics. On the outside, there seemed to be no limit to Zynga’s growing power to not only steal more effectively from competitors and manipulate its users,but also leverage the law to its advantage. They had cash, and cash talked.
And yes, evil.
Zynga’s motto is ‘Do Evil.’ I would venture to say it is one of the most evil places I’ve run into, from a culture perspective and in its business approach. I’ve tried my best to make sure that friends don’t let friends work at Zynga.
Evil. Ethically bankrupt. And Christine Blasey Ford. It’s a perfect combo.
Meanwhile Reid Hoffman was linked to even uglier stuff targeting Republicans.
Democratic operatives, backed by a liberal billionaire and facilitated by a former Obama official, created thousands of fake Russian accounts to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Alabama Republican Roy Moore in last year’s election against now-Sen. Doug Jones.
The secret project, which had a budget of just $100,000 and was carried out on Facebook and Twitter, was revealed after the New York Times obtained an internal report detailing the efforts.
One participant in the project reportedly was Jonathon Morgan, the chief executive of New Knowledge, a firm that wrote a report – released by the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this week – about Russia’s social media operations in the 2016 election and its efforts to hurt Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump.
The Alabama project was funded by liberal billionaire and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman who gave $100,000 to the cause, according to the Times. Hoffman is one of Silicon Valley’s top donors to the Democrats, donating $7 million to various groups and campaigns in the last election cycle.
Flying out Ford to D.C. fits perfectly with the disinformation campaigns. And of course it wouldn’t be a 2019 Dem story without a Jeffrey Epstein angle.
Former MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito is not the only person tied to the organization that’s facing scrutiny because of the lab’s secret ties to Jeffrey Epstein. The Lab’s powerful sponsors — including LinkedIn founder and executive chairman Reid Hoffman — have become implicated in the cover-up.
Just remember, the real victim is Christina Blasey Ford, not the girls raped by Jeffrey Epstein.
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