(The Smithsonian’s ‘whiteness’ chart)
The Smithsonian, a dubious institution whose wokeness has made it absolutely poisonous, wants to continue expanding its fiefdom of identity politics museums indefinitely while gobbling up tax dollars and the Mall.
The Smithsonian Board of Regents on Thursday released its recommendations for the optimal sites to place the proposed National Museum of the American Latino and the Smithsonian American Women’s History Museum.
Both sites are on the National Mall, a location that the museums’ promoters have lobbied for, despite some political opposition.
The museum currently has a ‘whiteness’ section.
Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color. Acts of microaggressions include verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults toward nonwhites. Whether intentional or not, these attitudes communicate hostile, derogatory, or harmful messages.
And then there was its chart which defined coming on time as whiteness.
No one needs a Mall museum celebrating La Raza, assorted Hispanic Democrats and one glorifying Elizabeth Warren and Hillary Clinton. And that’s exactly what these museums will be.
“Legislative action is necessary before the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents can make its final designations,” the Board wrote in a press release.
That’s because the legislation approving both museums banned construction in what’s called “The Reserve,” essentially a no-build-zone surrounding the National Mall.
Sens. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) pushed for that ban, but the museum’s promoters see potential for a bipartisan group to approve the site selection in budget negotiations over the lame-duck session.
Congress should keep this garbage off the Mall. Learn from Bush’s mistake.
Biden’s call mirrored a similar appeal years earlier by former President George W. Bush, whose support was a key step to placing the National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC) on the Mall.
And the Smithsonian showed its gratitude by using the museum to push racism.
The National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC), part of the Smithsonian Institution, has released a shocking new infographic that deems “self-reliance,” “the nuclear family,” “the scientific method,” “the Judeo-Christian Tradition,” “hard work,” “rigid time schedules” and “holidays” as a part of whiteness and white culture.
No more of this.
Bush has to atone for his failed war somehow and America did choose Obama because it likes that version of history better.
Bush sucked but America supposedly chose Obama because people wanted a “historic” black President, even though Obama isn’t even close to being black, and he only won by two percentage points, which is MUCH less than the margin of Dirtbagocrat vote fraud.
And Obama’s failure and sabotage caused people to choose President Trump.
Yeah, they thought they were virtuous voting for Obama.
Yeah, they got priggish tingles up their legs.
We once had a relative (now passed) who worked for the Smithsonian. She said she led tours for them, we thought she meant tours of the museum. Turns out she meant tours around the world. So my poor Mom missed a chance to go on tours around the world with her, because of our misunderstanding.
She was the picture of health, strange how so many people I’ve seen seem to be in perfect health, then die a few years later.
Even Ben Shapiro who used to harangue the hicks for not getting their magic shot now is doing a bit of a reversal. That’s all very nice after the damage is done. As Daniel Horrowtiz says, “always a day late and a dollar short”.
There’s some interesting coverage of the excess death stats for heart, circulatory and cancer causes at Conservative Review if you go a few shows back.
In other news Michael Knowles is all chipper about the definitive “shift” since 9/11 with a Christian/Muslim alliance against the woke in the schools. Shades of Lebanon. Christians never learn.
Over here there’s a huge coercive effort by the Dirtbagocrats to force all children one year and older covid shots………annually.
Aspects and assumptions of blackness and black culture imposed by white leftists in the United States of America.
Favored black culture, or blackness, refers to the way the worst traditions, attitudes and way of life (triple derp redundancy) of black Americans have been normalized and are now considered standard practices in America. Since blacks still hold most of the institutionalized advantages in America, we have all internalized some of the worst aspects of black culture – even people of color such as whites (far and away the most colorful,) “hispanics,” Asians, Amerindians and everybody else.
* The black collective has primacy. Dependancy on government.
* Anti-white racism, identity politics and criminality highly valued + rewarded.
* Government is assumed to be in control of their environment, “no accountability for their actions.”
* Welfare mothers: a single mother on the government dole with multiple illegitimate children from multiple sperm donors is the ideal social unit.
* Sperm donor is absent from household and often unknown.
* Mother is dependent on the government, helps her offspring to be flushed through the “school to prison pipeline” and all in the social unit are required to support the Dirtbagocrat party.
* Children should all sleep in the same room and learn no life skills necessary to thrive and contribute to society. Government is all, society is whatever it decrees.
Unfortunately that is true of one side of American black culture as you say imposed by white leftists.. The main silent majority hard working cultural portion of American blacks has as little use for the deadbeats as you do. They contribute greatly to the total culture and their contributions go overshadowed by the horrible behavior of the criminal element in young black males. Blacks don;t .like their status as crime victims any more than whites. Most of the crimes committed by blacks are committed on other blacks, The loss of good family structure and the communist generated propaganda driven lies being fed to us and the general falloff in church attendance and Christian behavior has produced a disobedient lawless generation and has hurt all of us. It’s about to destroy us completely, black and white and Hispanic and Indian etc..
Yes, exactly. Most American blacks are reportedly middle class and don’t conform to the white left’s portrayal of them except the demand that they most vote Dirtbagocrat, which the majority do.
But hey, the percentage of uppity blacks who reject the Dirtbagocrats has reportedly risen from 12% when Trump was elected to 22% now that the Alzheimer Joe administration has ruined America. I guess they “ain’t black'” as Grand Dragon Biden would say.
With so called hispanics, 41% now reject the D-Bags and oppressive policies. I guess they don’t know their place, either. I think 41% was the reported percentage but it might be more and is at least 40.
Oops! “Must vote Dirtbagocrat,” not “most.”
I have not been to Washington, D.C. in so long that it was then American territory.
Washington D.C. or the District of Crooks with Biden leader of them all and with the M.S. Media covering up for them all
The Smithsonian is clearly a woke institution that must be taken with a huge grain of salt if one visits it
I’d sooner visit the headquarters of BLM or the Nation of islam. Only a tranny strip show could be worse than the Smithsonian, which will probably put tranny tyranny propaganda on the National Mall anyway.