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The new academic year has scarcely begun, and Hamas supporters on campus are already signaling that they haven’t lost a bit of their fanaticism. If anything, they’re even more menacing. An incident at the University of Pittsburgh Friday evening shows that American college and university campuses are becoming increasingly dangerous places for Jewish students and other supporters of Israel, who are being threatened and brutalized all in the name of the “liberation” of “Palestine.”
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported recently that a man named Jarrett Buba, who at 52 years old is unlikely to be a student at the university, “attacked two Jewish University of Pittsburgh students with a glass bottle as they walked through campus Friday evening near the Cathedral of Learning.” Buba “had been sitting at a table across Forbes Avenue from where the students were walking when he ran across the street and attacked them about 6 p.m.” The attack was as bloody as it was gratuitous: “One of the students had cuts on his face and the other was bleeding from cuts on his neck.” This was no random incident; the headgear that each party was wearing indicates what was really going on.
Buba’s victims were wearing yarmulkes; Buba himself, however, was sporting a keffiyeh, the checkered scarf that is closely associated with the Palestinian Arab jihad against Israel. The simple fact that he was wearing this scarf indicated that he was fanatically committed to the Palestinian cause, even to the point of thinking himself righteous when attacking random Jewish students.
Yet like everything that is “Palestinian,” the keffiyeh comes from somewhere else. It originated among the Bedouins as a protection from the sun, and not just Palestinians, or Arabs in general, wear it; Kurds and Yazidis sometimes sport it as a non-political statement. Nevertheless, the close identification of this headdress with the Palestinian jihad against Israel has made it unmistakable: the keffiyeh is today what the broken cross of National Socialism was in the 1930s and 1940s. It is a symbol of an irrational and violent hatred of Jews, and a determination to destroy them.
The close association of the keffiyeh with this genocidal cause began about ninety years ago. Initially, some Jews who moved to British Mandatory Palestine donned the keffiyeh, as they saw doing so as part of trying to fit in with their neighbors. However, during the 1936-9 Arab Revolt against British rule, Arab commanders ordered Arab men to wear the keffiyeh as a symbol of their “resistance.”
Harold MacMichael, the British Mandatory High Commissioner in Palestine, told the British Foreign Office that “this ‘order’ has been obeyed with surprising docility and it is not an exaggeration to say that in a month eight out of every ten tarbushes in the country had been replaced.” Keffiyeh-wearing jihadis murdered around 500 Jews, and the Jews of the region, as they were the targets of those who were wearing the keffiyeh, stopped wearing it themselves.
Yasir Arafat, who played an influential role in the invention of the Palestinian nationality in the 1960s, cemented the link between the keffiyeh and the Palestinian jihad by making a black-and-white keffiyeh with a fishnet pattern his personal trademark. Wearing the keffiyeh became a symbol of “solidarity” with the struggle of this new and yet supposedly indigenous people, and so it has remained to this day.
Today, the association of the keffiyeh with the Palestinian Arab jihad has become so universally accepted that it is now commonplace to see leftists who are not “Palestinians” or Arabs wearing it to demonstrate their loyalty to the left’s cause du jour. The available news reports don’t say much about him, but Jarrett Buba may be one of those leftists.
It is fitting that the symbol of this fake nationality would be a headdress that has been appropriated from elsewhere, and which Palestinian Arabs themselves did not wear for the most part until less than a hundred years ago. Nonetheless, the association is now unbreakable. The person who puts on a keffiyeh now is endorsing Jew-hatred, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. The keffiyeh is this century’s National Socialist symbol. What Jarrett Buba did at the University of Pittsburgh is an ugly recrudescence of National Socialist-type violence against Jews simply because they are Jews. Given today’s political and social climate, this is unlikely to be a singular incident.
The only thing the savages will respect is when Jews fight back and bust some heads or at least spray them with a substance. Talking will not work anymore. Kick some ass of the savages and terrorists. Then they will back down and respect Jews.
Sue the bastard for damages!
Yes! These Universities have no shame! They have to be held accountable for not providing protection to Jewish students! Antisemitism is not only morally wrong but it is in major violation of the US Constitution when it graduates to physical violence. This is a repeat of history. A Class Action suit needs to be filed ASAP!
Also arrange for the bad guys to get arrested and not the good.. Not to mention time in jail
This is not blue-city practice.
If they cant act civilized were going to have to start deporting these violent mobs and banned anymore travel to or from these violent Nations
The answer to this violence is violence.
The answer to violence is a lot more powerful violence.
Not equal force but greater force.
It’s a simple natural law for survival.
The principle tactic of a river ambush we’d spring in Vietnam was “a sudden burst of overwhelming fire power’. It would be initiated by the M79 (40 mm grenade), with a long burst from the M60 mg and all riflemen (6 men) firing full auto into the kill zone.
Time 10-12 seconds, expended 500+ rounds, losses none, body count all of them.
Little college students playing with their new keffiyeh toys. Savoir Flair on display
Flunk them and kick them out!
HATE CRIME! Where’s Garland? Where’s the DEI czar and the Dean of Students? Where’s the President of the University with their Code of Conduct Rules in hand?
Here at UNM, a MOB ENCAMPMENT was set-up on campus. One leader, a middle-aged woman from Jewish Voices for Peace was the outside leader who told me, “Hamas didn’t do enough!”
THE MOB then took over the Student Union but the State Police took it down at 2am and made sixteen arrests. THE ATTORNEY representing them was AHMAD ASSED, the head of the Islamic Center NM and who organized a protest IN SUPPORT OF HAMAS about ten years ago. I demanded that local news to expose that and if he still OPENLY supported them! Maybe they did but no news. ALL CHARGES WERE DROPPED even though they caused $40,000 in damages. NOTHING HAPPENS TO THEM! THE ACLU AND NLG ALSO ATTEND ALL RALLIES TO ENSURE THEIR RIGHTS ARE NOT INFRINGED UPON… THE RIGHT TO DESTROY… “NO TOUCHING! NO TOUCHING!”
(When Tomi Lahren spoke here, the MOB kicked holes in the Ballroom walls, pulled a fire alarm, easily came in a locked building, and pushed police, all ending her speech after only about ten minutes. I called 911 three times. The State Police escorted us out after an hour through the kitchen. NO POLICE REPORTS by the Union director who told me, “WE TOOK CARE OF IT INTERNALLY!” Milo Yiannopoulos came too, totally trashed tables and chairs, four police agencies present, SWAT with horses, still no penalties by UNM against the MOB, which was also the first appearance by ABQ ANTIFA whose leader, Joel Marcos Gallegos, was also the head/co-head of ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, and the Revolutionary Communist Party. During a Trump visit, they blocked traffic and ran on top of cars stuck in traffic!)
THE STUDENT UNION MOB included seven students, and one TA. They broke several Code of Conduct rules and yet, ALL ARE REGISTERED THIS NEW SEMESTER!
the DEI czar and the Dean of Students have responded with a mealy-mouthed letter. My reply to that will be run in tomorrow’s University Times, U. of Pittsburgh
The Holy Bible talks about how racism and hatred will increase during the later days…
It also talks about how those living in Israel must flee into the mountains, as quick as they can, when they see the Abomination of Desolation take place. That’s when the Antichrist stands on the Temple Mount to be exalted as god… and puts a stop to the Jewish sacrifices…
At that moment a declaration or ‘Fatwa’ will go out telling muslims all over the world to kill Christians and Jews. It will be worse than anything that has ever happened in History… a massacre of the worse kind.
The signal will be… muslims raising mushammad’s green flag above his tomb… the flag that actually has mushammad’s horse hairs as the tassel…
All this will occur during the Mid-Point of the Tribulation. 3 1/2 years into the Tribulation.
Make note: There will not be a Pre-Trib Rapture. <<< That is a lie. Whereas, Christians and Jews will be present during the Tribulation of satan's wrath.
After the 7 year Tribulation… then will come the Rapture. Before God's Wrath is poured out. Where the elements of the earth will melt… and there won't be any survivors.
You need to be specific, give Names of the Bible Books, Chapters and Verses to support your statement. I have read the entire Bible I never remember such about Mohamed’s green flag and the tassel bit. Mohamed’s name is not even written in the Bible. Perhaps you speak of a different Bible.???!!! Such ridiculousness!
Furthermore, I suggest that it would behoove you ro read Revelation 22:18-19. If I were you I would not dismiss this as just a warning for the book of Revelation. It is Not your place or anyone’s to change the Lord’s Words!
As for the University of Pittsburgh, and all other schools for that matter, the things that they respect and understand are 1) money and 2) attendance.
That said, if attacks and so-called peaceful protests aren’t dealt with or better yet, deterred: 1) Jewish alumni should cease making donations; 2) Jewish students should leave; 3) Jewish parents should encourage their kids not to apply/attend.
Also, just as Catholics founded their own school system which covers pre-K/professional schools, Jews should consider doing the same. While I am aware of Hebrew schools and colleges like Yeshiva and Brandeis, a robust Jewish education system with greater latitude to keep students safe is needed.
I’m neither Jewish nor a parent, but if I were, I’d be saying “You can go to a Jewish university, you can go to a Christian university if the Jewish one doesn’t have the right course, or you can stay home and study online, but no way do you go to a secular university”.
If you’re college or town is not affected by this consortium of marxist musselman knuckle-Draggers, you are in a minority,, for now. Coming to your area soonAs an aside, downtown Pittsburgh has turned into @$*:hole anyway
The “Broken Cross” (Swastica) was also called the “Twisted Cross” by anti-Nazis back in the day. Perhaps more appropriately.
The irony is that it was a symbol of peace, because Hitler said there would be world peace once the master race ruled the world. Sounds a bit like a certain other ideology…..
islamism is the new nazism.
These are supposedly intelligent young people but both their individual and collective attitudes give one pause to suggest they are intellectual and emotional captives bearing a collective Stockholm-syndrome like identity typified by a total lack of understanding as to how profoundly they now identify with evil.
Their entrenchment in the baseless hatred of others, rooted in a subsumed identity with terrorists, disallows them freedom to embark on a cognitive, critical-thinking journey where they will become immediate outcasts among peers, professors, on social media platforms and what they recognize as their culture.
They have been slowly and thoroughly propagandized through multiple generations attending public schools or liberal-identified private schools. If they confront those with whom they identify, without any understanding of how they’ve gotten to this place, the still incomplete development of their frontal lobes will, by necessity, co-opt such thoughts. We are at the edge of our young becoming only the go-bots for others whose abilities to use their intellectual and emotional barbarity as an effective tool of fear-based psychological torture may well keep our young bound for their lifetime within the narrow walls of a prefabricated identity that prevents any critical thinking whatsoever. The need to belong and not be an outcast has a profound influence on people and that psychological understanding has been successfully developed and manipulated in social media platforms to induce an even greater need to be liked and not stray outside the lines of predetermined acceptable behavior.
It is a sad reality that today’s parents, more often than not, themselves are engaged and radically influenced via social media to reinforce that same pathology. It is a massive problem that all the still-thinking in the world must immediately address or barbarity will soon become the norm. The canary is still singing but for how much longer in a world rapidly succumbing to evil?