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To hear the establishment media tell it, the killing of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has brought the world perilously close to a full-scale war in the Middle East and maybe even a world war. In this hour of crisis, one would expect America’s leaders to be way out front, working energetically to protect the American people, our allies, and American interests, trying to calm the international situation. Instead, the episode has once again raised the question: who exactly are America’s leaders?
The killing of Haniyeh has led to a spate of ludicrous establishment media headlines labeling this bloodthirsty terrorist “moderate and pragmatic.” This is all part of the media line that, as AP put it, Haniyeh’s death risks triggering all-out regional war: in the media’s kindergarten-level understanding of the situation, Haniyeh was the one Hamas leader who wanted a ceasefire, and with him dead, the warmongers have total control. The propaganda mills known as news outlets never bother to inform their remaining readers that a ceasefire would allow Hamas to survive, as Israel has vowed to fight on until it is destroyed.
This means that Haniyeh was no Gandhiesque lover of peace; he was just a shrewd tactician. Undeniably, however, tensions are extremely high; consequently, it was imperative for the Biden regime to show that it was on top of the situation. And so on Wednesday afternoon, Karine Jean-Pierre held a press briefing. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, meanwhile, disclaimed all American involvement in the killing of Haniyeh: “This is something we were not aware of or involved in.”
That’s understandable. Given the Biden regime’s multiple betrayals of Israel and funding of Iran, it’s no surprise that the Israelis, whom the whole world assumes to be behind the killing of the Hamas leader, would opt not to inform their putative allies of their plans. The wisdom of that decision was underscored when Blinken added that he was still committed to the keep-Hamas-alive ceasefire plan: “But I can tell you that the imperative of getting a ceasefire, the importance that that has for everyone, remains.”
Biden regime spokesman John Kirby had the same line, saying that it was “too soon to know” how the killing of Haniyeh would affect ceasefire talks, but “this doesn’t mean we are going to stop working on it.” Of course. And according to Axios, “three U.S. officials” said that “the Biden administration is ‘very concerned’ the assassination of Hamas’ political leader Ismail Haniyeh could derail negotiations over the Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal and increase the risk of a regional war.”
Who were those officials? Axios didn’t say, but at least these regime wonks had something to say. Notably mum were Old Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, at least one of whom is supposed to be president of the United States. As of Wednesday afternoon, the @POTUS and @VP accounts on X, as well as the @JoeBiden and @Kamala Harris accounts, said nothing about the killing of Haniyeh at all.
Searches for “Biden reaction to Haniyeh killing” and “Harris reaction to Haniyeh killing” likewise turned up nothing. Google’s search results have lately been markedly more biased and politically weighted than usual, but the bias is for Harris and Biden, not against them, and so if either of them had said anything about this, Google wouldn’t hide it away.
It is hard to escape the impression that at this time of high international tension, the U.S. is leaderless and rudderless. Even the figureheads and their handlers are too busy with efforts to install Harris in the White House for four more years, or eight if the country lasts that long under her socialist misrule, to be concerned with trivial matters such as foreign policy.
As they are far-left America-Last socialists to a man, and to a woman and a trans nonbinary whatever, that is for the best: they would only make things worse. Nonetheless, the American people deserve better. The Biden regime’s non-response to the death of Haniyeh reveals that the clique that is running the Executive Branch at this point is only concerned with perpetuating its own power, not in the slightest degree with safeguarding the interests of the American people. Can the 25th Amendment be used against both Biden and Harris?
“This is something we were not aware of or involved in.”
Good, Israel needs to show the world that it is strong enough to survive islamic cowardice without help from the communists.
I agree, but I think another important point is that Israel cannot trust the current Administration. As was reported elsewhere, the US Ambassador to Israel was briefed by Israel on its’ initial plans to retaliate against Hezbollah and immediately leaked that information. This is in addition to the US slow-walking various weapons needed to finish Hamas. So, your point is well-taken. Israel must look after itself.
sadly, but we knew Obama absolutely hates Israel and the blood is on his hands… he’s behind all of the chaos and attempted assassination of president trump. I don’t doubt this for a moment.
Never forget that Israel is a nuclear power and also has tactical neutron weapons in their inventory. In the neighborhood that Israel is in, they would be fools to not possess such weapons.
The Israeli military are not fools. Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and the rest of the bad actors in the middle east had better pray to their moon god that Israel doesn’t get tired of playing tiddlywinks with them and go rogue.
This silence reminds me of Barack Hussein Obama, when he went mum following the unexpected Egyptian spring revolution.
We were better off when Al Haig was “in charge”. ~
“Can the 25th Amendment be used against both Biden and Harris?” Good question.
On Oct 7, Arab terrorists from Gaza robbed, raped, kidnapped, tortured, and murdered Jews, including beheading babies and incinerating babies in ovens.
The MSM considers the leader of the Arab terrorists in Gaza a “moderate” because he was only responsible on Oct 7 for murdering 1200 Jews, which was proportional to twenty 9/11’s in a single day. Would the MSM consider an Arab terrorist who wants to murder all 7 million Jews in Israel an “extremist”? Or would that be considered “racist” or “Islamophobic”?
Did the US show “restraint” and call for a “ceasefire” after Pearl Harbor? No, the US entered WW II and ended the war by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan.
Did the US show “restraint” and call for a “ceasefire” after 9/11? No, the US sent its military to Afghanistan and destroyed al Qaeda.
Except for the four years under Trump, the US encourages Arab terrorists to murder as many Jews as possible with its “pay to slay” financial incentives. What would Americans say if the US government sent money to the families of the 9/11 terrorists? Or should the 9/11 terrorists be called “peace partners”? How about calling the 9/11 terrorists “moderates”?
May Israel stay strong and get stronger. For as told in the Haggadah, every generation a group arises that wants to destroy the Jews.
Am Yisrael Chai, despite 4000 years of brutal anti-Semitism and Democrats.
The reason the mission succeeded was because Israel kept the TaliBridem terrorist regime in the dark.
The US government ceased to exist nearly a year ago. The last cabinet meeting was October 2023. We are truly in a Kafkaesque world today
If I was the Israelis I wouldn’t be telling this regime a thing, about anything.
The obambi regime tipped off Iran at least one, but most likely three or more times, about Israeli operations back then, and the current lot are even worse.
Israel telling the sleazy Joe regime would be as good as sending their plans in an email to Tehran.
Maybe Israel should take some lessons from our Allied COmmand from back around spring 1944…. they managed t set up some very “misleading” scenaria that fooled the Jerries into thinking the assault would be in Place A, and in reality that came to place B, Normandy. The Jerries were caught flat footed and too far away to do much about it. by then it was too late, we had not just a beachhead but solid gains far inland.
I also have a pretty clear recollection of a biblical story where some wandering” folk had mouldy bread and rags for clothing, and played the part of destitute people incapable of mounting an attack… which is precisely what they did once they had gained the trust of their intended target.
As much as I love President Reagan, I blame him for not LEVELING Tehran after the hostages were released or after the 283 Marines were murdered. Everyone knew then and NOW that the mullahs need to go – SOMEWHERE! It’s amazing to see pictures/newsreels of Iraq before the mullahs – the average Iraqui would probably pass out sweets if they were free of the mullahs!
The possibility of a decapitating strike on our government by one of our enemies has been of concern for decades. Who knew it would be delivered by the leader of our own Democrat party, former President Barack Obama?
Da Kinyun? My only surprise is that he never managed to pull off some such action whilst he still squatted in the White House.
This pig-dog Ismail Haniyeh was probably in charge here in the USA too.
Its true that the liberal oligarchs in the US are aligned with Islam…Islam is helping them accrue their powers.
The God of Israel neither slumbers or sleeps. God will not abandon Israel, he is waiting for them to embrace him and be his people. He will give supernatural power to Israel in the future, There will be wars, and bad times, but God’s prophecies are all being fulfilled, Israel plays a huge part in the Completion of God’s plan for planet earth. This world doesn’t realize that when they mess with Israel, they are also taking on Israel’s God.
The Israel of old turned her back on the God of Jacob. screamed CRUCIFY HIM when Pilae asked what to do with Jesus the Innocent One, ended the temple sacrifices durng the early part of Nero’s reighn, brought on the tribulation Jesus predicted after Nero died. The Israel ofold is no more and never will be.
The poiticial entity now known by that same name is not the Israel to whom God made His promises… they never kept tbeir eid of those =covenants.
The ation now known as Israel may well use the same name but they are a new thing. I cannot say what God will/wont do with or to them. But until they repent and turn to the God of everytthing, they will never know the true peace and prosperity God promised the old Israel.
God’s Word does indeed speak f the New Israel that is to come… do not confuse that Israel with the political entity of today dwelling in the Levant. IF they repent and turn to that God the true god of old Israel whom they forsook two milennia ago, the people known by that name today may well see that sort of peace and prosperity. But the same is also true of the people of, say, Zambesiland, or South Sidan. Or even America.
Happy is the man whose God is the Lord….. and the nation whose God is the Lord. Sadly that does not yet apply to the present nation known as Israel. I do hope and pray that day will come, and within my lifetime.
I want Twitter to make memes about this and say “The Doom Slayer took him out.” just to see if our “government” would believe it like all the BS in shows like General Hospital and Law And Order that have been fundamentally misrepresenting America for decades.
To the extent that there is a positive here, it is that, now that Mr Biden is not running for re-election he does not appear to feel the need to offer explicit condolences for Haniyeh’s death in order to appease the Mullahs of Michigan.
Sympathy for the civil liberties of avowed terrorist is cruelty to their victims.
Didn’t Israel warn Hamas and its Palestinian Islamic Jihad leadership planners and schemers (and the world for that matter!) of the Oct 7,2023 terrorist attack on southern Israel that they were all “dead men”? Unlike the pathetically disgusting terror enabling US government, which Gitmo Tribunal gave life sentences to the (3) terrorist facilitators of the 9-11 Twin Towers and Pentagon terrorist attacks, which murdered 2,976 Americans…. Israel has the guts to keep its promises and take care of its own rat killing.
the democrats wont be held accountable by the 25 th. or any number in the constitution . anyone who believes any law or document will inhibit the lawless democrats is delusional , as the hillary server fiasco proved . no govt. agency will do anything to stop the lawless . as the bible makes clear , the end times and we are there , is hallmarked by lawlessness . both by its citizens and government . kackloharris is on record saying just that , its no secret . antifa and blm got off scot free , the only people who went to jail were the j6 .