There’s been a pattern to some of the recent notorious shooting incidents and this one is no different.
Over the course of a few days, the Los Angeles Jewish community was on the alert after a gunman had targeted and shot two different Jewish men leaving synagogue prayers.
The gunman apparently turned out to be a Vietnamese dental student who hated Jews. Whatever anyone was expecting, white supremacists or Islamic terrorists, the usual suspects, this wasn’t it, but antisemitism has a way of bringing exciting new folks to the table.
And he’d been cut loose by George Gascon: the Soros pro-crime DA.
Records show that Tran appeared to have been previously arrested in July on felony charges in Long Beach; he asked Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon’s office what happened to the case. Gascon’s office replied to him on Twitter by saying: “Suspect was charged with felony possession of a firearm on school grounds in July 2022. At the time of that filing he had no previous criminal record & LADA was not made aware of any allegations of threats against the Jewish community.”
Apparently, this was too subtle for Gascon.
“Someone is going to kill you, Jew. Someone is going to kill you, Jew. Someone is going to kill you, Jew. Someone is going to kill you, Jew.”
But whether or not Gascon’s office was aware that Tran had a history of making death threats, the lack of basic enforcement is at the heart of the issue. Lefties clamor that we need more gun laws, yet they routinely fail to enforce the ones we already have. Having a stolen gun on campus should have been a red flag. It means the gun was bought illegally and that the man carrying it intended to commit a crime with it. Wouldn’t have taken much to follow up with students and find out Tran’s history of threats.
Officers responded and found Tran with a gun they later learned had been reported stolen, Apel wrote. Tran, a CSULB alumnus, was arrested without incident.
Court records show he was charged with possessing a loaded firearm on a school campus. That case is still pending, according to Los Angeles County Superior Court records. His next court date had been scheduled for Feb. 28.
Great. And he was on the loose all this time.
After his arrest, police said, they found an AK-style firearm and a handgun in his car.
Good thing we have gun control in California, but no criminal control.
He does have a crazed look about him.
Yes, he looks bizarre.
Thanks Jeff! I was hoping you would comment. You are better at picking such things up than I am.
You’ll always be my buddy.
it’s that 70’s mustache …
Maybe concealed carry could be like alternate side of the street parking.
On any given day, half the population is carrying an equalizer.
Decades ago I lived in Arizona. Snow birds with northern plates dressed in Bermuda shorts and t-shirts would drive aggressively and fling obscene gestures and curses.
Locals, wearing long pants and sweaters [ of course, the temperature had fallen to 80°, midday ] sat calmly, loaded handguns a reach away.
They’ll once again use this shooting incident to further want to ban guns and disarm us all while Newsom the Nit-Wit walks about protected by armed guards 24/7