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Is The New Republic still an opinion journal, or has it turned into a science-fiction magazine? For their June issue, the magazine put Donald Trump on the cover with a Hitler moustache over the headline “American Fascism: What It Would Look Like.” They published eight fever-brained visions of Trumpian fascism in a second term.
Former CNN host Brian Stelter penned a fictional article titled “Revenge and Freedom From Fact: On the media in a fascist America.” It’s unintentionally funny to decry “freedom from fact” and then write an entire article based on nothing but your own twitterpated potboiler instincts.
Stelter offered a few real-world niblets — like ugly trolling tweets he received — in the soup of his MAGA-fascist fiction. He asked readers to “imagine” a second Trump inauguration with “very motivated activists” breaking through the White House perimeter, and they appear to be wearing press credentials (which are fake).
Then Stelter imagined one tweeted video of a CBS correspondent offering a water bottle to a protester who was pepper-sprayed, and the right-wing narrative becomes: “The media is complicit. They’re in on it. THEY are trying to assassinate OUR president.”
In retaliation, Team Trump, “fed up with years of accountability journalism” [!] bans most reporters from entering the White House grounds, citing threats to the president’s life. “As Truth Social fills up with memes equating journalists with ‘terrorists,’ networks are giving 24 hours to remove their equipment.” In the end, “Fox and Newsmax are allowed on the White House grounds, so officials can claim that ‘real’ news is still represented.”
The weirdness of this nightmare is striking compared to the actual reality of the first Trump term, where the Trump team could barely keep out CNN’s Jim Acosta for a week, while CNN had six other credentialed White House reporters.
Stelter’s fictions only grow more humorous from there. There’s the actual Jussie Smollett-inspired verbiage: “Outside a pro-Trump rally in Florida, a local TV reporter is badly beaten by a group of men bearing MAGA merch.”
Ignoring that the Obama administration was more litigious against reporters than any other president (including Trump), Stelter imagines “IRS agents commence audits of top newsroom editors. … DOJ attorneys consider Espionage Act charges against adversarial reporters.”
There’s also a serious shooting in this script. In a swatting incident, “a caller to 911 claims there is a violent intruder inside the home of a top CBS anchor. Police arrive en masse, and, amid the chaos, an officer accidentally shoots the anchor’s wife, seriously injuring her.”
That’s not hyperbolic enough: “The same MAGA-heads on social media downplay the violence by digging up the victim’s past tweets praising Hillary Clinton; some even parrot the Trump spokesman [over earlier network outages] and call the injury ‘a good start.'”
In Stelter’s unreality show, Meta websites and Google’s search engine lurch to the right, Target sells extra-large American flags (horrors!), and Disney theme parks have “American pride days (while curtailing gay pride events).”
Stelter concluded that Trump fans “have been primed for revenge and for freedom from fact. If the chill descends in 2025, no one can claim to be surprised.”
It’s far more realistic to imagine that a second Trump term will begin as the last term ended, depending on who controls Congress. Stelter’s “mainstream media” will be ready to push more impeachments and special prosecutors and criminal trials. There will be zero introspection about their “freedom from fact” journeys with Russian collusion theories and Kremlin-organized Hunter Biden laptop conspiracies.
Perhaps we should imagine a fictional scenario of just how mentally incapacitated President Joe Biden gets in a second term. Is he ruling … or drooling?
Some od the things the Trump is Hitler idiots should know is Hitler Disarmed the Jews and got rid of his critics and besides their beloved Mouse-E-Dung was far worse then Hitler
Isn’t it odd that the Left which is permeated with antisemitism (which they unconvincingly attempt to mask with castrati shrieks of “We’re not antisemitic, we’re ‘Anti-Zionist’!”) constantly uses Reductio Ad Hitlerum arguments against Trump?
In truth, the Nazis were politically sui generis. Until at least June 30, 1934, they were a mix of far left and far right. That night, Hitler and the SS purged the far left-leaning SA in what came to be known as “The Night of Long Knives.”
The name of the party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, was basically a recruitment gimmick and later, an election gimmick. It was an appeal to German workers who otherwise would have joined far-left political parties during the Weimar Republic period. Hitler had his own definition of socialism and, for that matter, everything else.
As for the National Socialists being a mix of far right and far left, the blogger BabbaZee says
“The far right and the far left meet twice a day at Jew-hate junction”
Although she is incorrect about it being only twice a day.
Of course, they do, but I stand by my description.
Pride is not something to celebrate.
Actually, one of the seven deadly sins.
It’s actually the worst of the 7.
“Trump is the New Hitler.” Yawn. Stop me if you’ve heard this comparison before.
I know you know Trump is no Hitler – for example, if Hitler had a daughter, he never would have let her convert and marry a Jew. The Left is unhinged and claims Trump wants to do what they are trying to do
The left is terrified that they will be out of power and can no longer dictate the DESTRUCTION of Our Nation! As far as what will happen??? IF PRESIDENT TRUMP manages to have control of the HOUSE and SENATE then he can accomplish a LOT! One thing for sure – he needs an AG who is RELENTLESS! The DEMOcrats established so many PRECEDENTS that the R’s CAN use if only they will! First Day – FREE ALL THE J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS! SECOND DAY – begin the 3AM raids (no lolly gagging till 4AM) and REFILL the DC Dungeon with all the CONFIRMED TRAITORS! The message the R’s need to be pushing is that PRESIDENT TRUMP cannot do everything if he does not have the House and Senate! Honestly, after these last three years, why would ANY SANE person vote for ANY DEMOcrat??
How weird to read Stelter thinking there is something WRONG w/ disney having an “American Pride” day. That’s how American’s SHOULD feel about their country…
This Hitler thing has gotten tiresome. It’s nothing new. Ever since Nixon, every GOP president has been compared to Hitler. Let’s stop treating it like some new phenomenon and come with something perceptive and insightful, instead of this SOS.
The wee soy boys of antifa dress like, sound like and act exactly like The Black Shirt Fascist Brigade in Italy during the 1930s and yet they call everybody else a fascist.
Same as wee fat boy like Stellar calling rump akin to Hitler while he was the President that moved the Embassy to Jerusalem and his own Daughter converted to a religious people that Hitler slaughtered… That aint to Hitler like…
Its as if those Of The Left are calling everybody the awful names they themselves are acting out as..
Truly an upside down world where common sense aint common anymore.