Whenever the question of leftist antisemitism comes up, the Left and its messaging apparatus, the media, take great care to distinguish between attacks on Israel and Jews. But, beginning with the China Virus, the media vocally insists that criticizing China causes hate crimes against Chinese people and routinely conflates the two.
There are a few obvious fundamental differences between attacks on China and Israel.
1. No one is attacking China’s right to exist. The issue at stake is not attacks on ‘Chinaism’ or any debate about whether Chinese people have the right to a country or should be ethnically cleansed. Despite the Left’s denials, that is precisely the issue at stake in Israel.
2. China is an enemy of the United States.
Despite that, the Left acts ruthlessly to suppress criticism of China. Take Emerson College’s crackdown on its Turning Point USA chapter over what is clearly a criticism of China.
On Sept. 29, several TPUSA members passed out stickers featuring a hammer and sickle with the caption “CHINA KINDA SUS” — slang for “suspicious.”
Under pressure from other student groups, including the Emerson Chinese Student Association, which accused TPUSA of anti-Asian bias and xenophobia, the college launched an investigation into the group. In an Instagram video, the TPUSA chapter said the stickers are critical of the Chinese government, not the Chinese people…
In its disciplinary findings, Emerson concluded that TPUSA “did not intend to target anyone other than China’s government.” But the university’s conduct board still found the group responsible for creating “a hostile, intimidating or offensive working, living or learning environment” after another student came forward and said that the stickers had negatively affected her experience on campus. Emerson put a “formal warning” on TPUSA’s record, and the group had to cease handing out the stickers…
The students appealed Emerson’s decision. On Nov. 12, Vice President and Dean for Campus Life Jim Hoppe denied the appeal. This means TPUSA needs to tread carefully, because another violation of Emerson’s policies would carry harsher penalties given the prior warning.
The Berkeley Beacon, the college’s extremely biased left-wing paper, offered this argument in defense of suppressing criticism of China.
“The sticker targeted China, and China is somewhere that we all grew up in [as Chinese international students],” said one Chinese-identifying student, who wished to remain anonymous. “For Chinese people, that idea of China is just so important that you automatically feel hurt. It’s not even political at that point.”
Qiuyang Chen, a junior international student from China, said the statement the sticker sent was inappropriate.
“Americans have a political bias towards China,” he said.
This isn’t even a pretense that this is about anything other than outlawing criticism of the PRC.
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