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Mike Kennedy is a state senator in Utah. He is the sponsor of Utah’s SB 16, which “prohibits performing sex characteristic surgical procedures on a minor for the purpose of effectuating a sex change.” The bill passed, and was signed into law by Utah Governor Spencer Cox in January. On Friday, Kennedy posted on Facebook a photo of his home, where someone had taken red paint and scrawled in huge letters on his garage doors: “Fash” and “These Trannies Bash Back.” Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, where violent Leftists are emboldened.
“Fash,” of course, is short for “fascist.” A few years ago, Leftists on college campuses would call for patriotic speakers to be brutalized by saying “Bash the fash.” The ones who chanted this, and who painted “Fash” on Kennedy’s garage door, are actually the real fascists. They are an exact parallel to the fascists of the twentieth century. In the early days of National Socialist Germany, Hitler’s Brownshirts, according to historian Richard Evans, “organized campaigns against unwanted professors in the local newspapers [and] staged mass disruptions of their lectures.” The fascists met opposing viewpoints not with superior arguments, but with their fists and billy clubs; express dissent from National Socialist positions became a matter of taking one’s life into one’s hands.
In a similar way today, Leftists such as those who vandalized Kennedy’s home are growing more aggressive. Leftism has always been a totalitarian impulse, extraordinarily hostile to dissent; every far-Left regime that has even been established, going back to the French Revolution, has initiated a bloody reign of terror to destroy its opposition. We have never yet experienced this phenomenon in the United States, but as the Left grows more secure in the assumption that it now has control of most of the major centers of power across the country, and so will suffer no consequences for moving to destroy its opponents, we are seeing an increase in Leftist terror.
This is happening while the Leftists who hold power have repeatedly assured us that the real terror threat comes from the Right, not the Left. Old Joe Biden, his Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and the FBI have told us so, and worked hard to create the illusion that there really was some large-scale terror threat from conservatives. In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat. By “domestic extremists,” they meant “MAGA Republicans,” not Antifa or Black Lives Matter. The only problem with this was that there weren’t even close to enough “domestic violent extremists” to match the hysterical rhetoric, and so the FBI actually resorted to pressuring agents to inflate domestic extremism numbers, and even to fabricate such cases.
Mike Kennedy is on the wrong side of the Biden regime, which is fanatically pushing the trans madness wherever and whenever it possibly can, and so he is unlikely to get any significant help from the feds in tracking down the fascists who spray-painted his home. Nonetheless, he is defiant, writing on Facebook:
To those who seek to use violence, vandalism, and intimidation to deter me from standing up for what is right, let me be clear: you will not succeed. I will not be deterred by your cowardly actions. The recent vandalism to my family’s home was not just an attack on me, but on the very principles our state stands for. We will not let fear and violence control our destiny. As Utahns, we will always stand up and push back against radicals who seek to push their agenda in our state. I am more determined than ever to work with the good people of Utah to make our state a better place for all, especially our children, and I won’t back down.
Bravo. The Leftists who attacked Kennedy’s home were indeed trying to frighten and intimidate him into dropping his opposition to the butchering of even the youngest of children, and if one gives into intimidation, one only gets more intimidation.
At the same time, however, the vandalism of Kennedy’s house is an ominous sign for America’s future. The aftermath of the 2020 George Floyd riots have clearly shown Leftists that they have little or nothing to fear from our broken “justice” system if they go on destructive rampages in service of the Left’s agenda. That means that Mike Kennedy’s home will by no means be the last patriotic politician’s home to get this treatment.
The Left are the true insurrectionists. From the recent takeover of the Tennessee Legislature, to the harassment of SCOTUS judges at their homes, to the storming of the Supreme Court Building, to Schumer threatening SCOTUS judges, to the firebombing of pro-life clinics by Jane Was Here, the real sources of violence in this country is always the left.
Any arrests yet. Any solitary confinement without trial?
The dems as a whole are normalizing the murder of Christians and Maga folks. So expect more of it, particularly from the trans crowd…..until normal people finally get enough of it.
Jane Fonda recently talked about the murder of pro-lifers on the View. Everyone just laughed it off….but she meant it.
A Michigan leftist college prof said conservative on-campus speakers should be killed.
www.theepochtime com/michigan-professor-suspended-after-suggesting-conservative-campus-speakers-should-be-killed_5155732.html
The Trans freaks had a toned down April Fools Day of vengeance. The group that organized the event, Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN), is also paying for firearms training for the trans-freaks
www.thegatewaypundit com/2023/03/revealed-group-behind-trans-day-of-vengeance-raised-money-for-firearms-training-vile-trans-activists-pose-with-massive-firearms-threatening-christians-ahead-of-rally-at-us-supreme-court-photos/?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=the-gateway-pundit&utm_campaign=dailyam&utm_content=2023-03-30
So the Left is in favor of butchering young children in pursuit of its ludicrous gender theories. What evil people. And our media are anywhere from silent to supportive of it. I never thought I’d live to see such insanity.
Typical Bolsheviks scumbags people like them should be exposed as the Criminals they are who belong in Prison or stranded in the Amazon
No arrests in this criminal event, seems to be the cowardness of officials
that are supposed to protect citizens and their property. Tolerating crime
invites more of it, sooner or later force will be met with greater force.
That is part of the plan. They’re drooling over the moment when someone actually responds in kind to their violent tactics. We saw how sympathetic the left was for the Nashville murderer, making her into the victim while six innocent people lie dead in her wake. What do you think the response of the MSM and the Brandon administration will be when the victim of one of these leftist Brown Shirts finally hits back? We all know the answer to that one. James Lindsay, of New Discourses, discusses this in detail in one of his podcasts. The objective is to invoke a “reaction” that will justify an escalation in leftist violent behavior. It is an effective tactic in that it sort of freezes their victims from any response that would surely be reported as extreme right-wing violence. A Catch-22 if ever there was one.
We are not to condone this immoral evil. But we are not to judge either. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord. Just remember EVERY knee shall bow and EVERY tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
To judge is to condemn them to hell and only Jesus Christ can do that so what is your point. We do have the right to stop evil so more people are not harmed.
The rainbow people are a particular species of the Left. They are not committed to a Marxist class revolution in which labor presumably is historically destined to triumph over capital. I doubt they’ve even read any Marx. What they represent is a destruction of the fact that racial and sexual identity can’t altered. This makes them even more dangerous than classical Communism.
The good thing is that after they surgically mutilate their sex organs, they can never reproduce their genes, But they must not be allowed to adopt.
If Fascism was to come to America it will come disguised as Liberalism…Ronald Reagan.
Heads up folks… It has arrived.