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“Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation,” Joe Biden tweeted. “He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
Yesterday he declared, “most importantly, and I mean this from the bottom of my heart, Trump is a threat to this nation.”
This kind of rhetoric depicting Trump as the ultimate threat had become normalized. Is it any wonder that it was also acted on?
There’s a pattern here.
A Bernie Sanders supporter opened fire at a Congressional baseball game and brought along a list of House Freedom Caucus members. The FBI falsely claimed that he wasn’t targeting anyone.
Justice Kavanaugh was the subject of an assassination plot by a deranged leftist.
And now a gunman opened fire at a Trump rally, wounding President Trump, killing one attendee and wounding others.
Despite that pattern, the media repeatedly claimed that the violence was coming from conservatives, and the Biden administration, his secret service brass, and Democrats colluded to deny Trump full security and protection.
Even now the media is warning that the real threat will come from a conservative reaction to the attempted assassination.
The danger to this country is coming from the Left.
The violence is coming from the Left.
And the coverup of that violence and the criminalization of conservatives is also coming from the Left.
The Left pulls the trigger and then blames those who were shot for the violence.
What is it with that fake photo? A fake terrorist with elephantine legs and a minuscule head? WTF is that supposed to be? That’s just weird, man.
It’s a frame from the shooting video
Don’t hold your breath waiting for known politicians with a D after their names to criticize the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.
Thomas Michael Crooks, a twenty year old white kid, opened his eyes in Hell at around 6:20 pm eastern. A 20 y/o knows nothing about life without it being told to him, so the question of who helped send him there is important. Parents, teachers, professors and social media groups probably helped, but a dementia rattled fake president’s recent rhetoric also undoubtedly played a role.
What we know so far: 1) Trump’s detail had requested extra security over the last several weeks and DHS repeatedly said no. 2) Kim Cheatle, head of the Secret Service (formerly employed by PepsiCo), is far more concerned with DEI policies and boosting women among the ranks than actual security, otherwise a rooftop 133 yards away would’ve already had agents atop it.
Conspiracy folks will have a field day with this one and rightfully so. Eye witnesses saying they saw the shooter climb the building and NO real law enforcement response. Police sniper seen above and to the left of Trump looking that direction but only firing AFTER shot fired.
Since the moment Biden stated that he’s staying in the race, Alex Jones has been saying they will probably try to assassinate Joe and blame it on conservatives…which begs the question: Was this a push?
Finally, I read a book years ago about George Washington called ‘The Bulletproof President’ which documented multiple times George should have died but didn’t. The writer’s take was that it was due to Devine providence. After watching in slo-mo multiple times and literally seeing the bullet wiz past his head after Trump turned to face the chart, that Divine providence thing seems to hold up.
🇺🇲 TRUMP ’24 🇺🇲
More than ever
I do not understand how a glaringly obvious overwatch position within 150 yards of the podium wasn’t secured.
Welcome back, Navy. Your comments are always read by me and appreciated.
thank you = very well stated –
After being pissed and texted people multiple texts about this as it was unfolding and I was totally calm and at peace when I watch a Trump rally I’m filled with hope and joy that this is the hope and the promise – and those pop, pop, pops, were not a vehicle backfiring but in this scenario that should have cleared all threats, that sound can only be gun fire then the POTUS went down and Secret Service so damn slow to respond failed at their protection detail – and so damn close that only highly electronic measuring devices can measure any cm or mm difference could have been the end of our last hope to have a living Constitution that is on life support right now! In the final analysis I can only thank YHVH for HIS Devine Intervention to deflect President Trump or deflect the bullets – damn – but so tragic for MAGA people to be slain and injured on what was yet another beautiful MAGA Trump rally. I like other people had plans after watching the rally. In fact I resigned myself that I could not watch the Trump rally yesterday then company coming over yesterday cancelled so woo hoo – I can watch the rally and then the sins of our nation and ourselves in our selfishness and division that we have allowed ourselves to be dumbed down by and go along to get along is not the way of YHVH’S WILL and we are suffering for allowing this vile demonic coup d’etat we are in from the pLandemic and its controls and the theft of the 2020 election and 2022 Arizona election and the intentional destruction of USA by the treasonous stooge puppets of the vile coup d’etat we are in to be sworn in to fuck us and screw us into submission and into the ground – civil war will be coming if they succeed because we will have no choice but to save our Constitutional Republic!
The depraved psychopathic murderous treasonous, leftist democrat crocodile tears are flowing at CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, CBS, NBC, ABC, NPR, etc.etc.etc.
Trump and Republicans and Conservatives had better not fall for it.
Fight Fight Fight. … until the corrupt anti-American, anti US Citizen, anti working and anti-middle class leftist democrats who have brought into America more than 12 million illegal aliens from Mexico are finally crushed.
That Divine Providence seemed to be absent for his supporters who caught bullets.
The only standard the left is ever held to by the media, in other words by itself, is so-called plausible deniability. What is plausible to a leftist is a bald-faced lie to anyone else.
Cheatle should be arrested and held as long as this assassination attempt is being investigated. That could take years, but I’m sure we are all willing to wait that long.
Biden has been talking tough for years. He likes to come off as the Depends Kid, ready to duke it out with anyone who can’t get near him.
Crooks, the assasin of Pres.Trump, is an Antifa member? He is registered R surely to rig primaries.
I think we can all rescind his registered R now that he almost assassinated the leading Republican candidate for the presidency and was belatedly killed after whoever in the secret service let him get to the roof and shoot first.
I am so very sorry for the man who was killed, and for his family who I read were with him and for the other people injured. Why would president Trump, after a bullet shot ro his ear, make a calm conciliatory speech? Surviving such a close murder attempt (through perhaps murderous intent by those around him or ridiculously gross incompetence) seemed to call for a fighting back display of life. He raised his fist to reassure the crowd and his family who may have been watching at home. He is a warrior. We need more warriors.
I have read zero violent themes by “conservatives” on social media. But let me say this, Anyone accepting another election steal after this is a coward and a traitor.
I think this punk who shot Trump was a classic lefty dupe: unpopular, desperate for attention and praise, and mentally ill. Leftists set these losers up to do their evil. Sometimes it backfires on the left though. Maybe this will be one of those times. I have a feeling this will be a pretty messy crime scene, with all of the evidence pointing at Biden and his familiars.
We heard the screams of people in grief and pain right after the shooting and figure it was the family members of the man that was murdered. It was very hard to take. And the cries of joy when Trump first emerged from the Secret Service pie-on choked us up, too. You could hear the relief in the cheers from people who thought he might be dead.
God Bless Donald Trump for his courage and for his compassion. He raised his fist to let us know he was alive and just as ready to fight as ever. God Bless him, again!
“Leftist hate rules social media after Trump assassination attempt”
They called him an illegitimate president.
They said he was a threat to democracy and had to be stopped.
They unleashed a legion of agents to investigate him, searched his home and broke historic barriers by indicting him.
Then they rigged a trial in a bid to put him in prison.
They called him un-American and worse.
Their lawyers and activists fought to keep him off the fall ballots in a dozen blue states as a way — get this — to defend democracy.
They are still trying to bankrupt him and confiscate his businesses.
And now they have shot him.
– Michael Goodwin
There next move on the left is to shoot/seriously injure Biden and blame it on the rightwing . Biden drops out and then more support for their next candidate ,
No need to physically harm Joe! His MENTAL state is enough to cause plenty of physical injuries if he’s left to WANDER ABOUT! No Republican should call for VIOLENCE ! Period! What we’ve ALWAYS believed in is the RULE OF LAW! BUT, look where that has gotten us – with a deranged DICTATOR!! The PROBLEM with the RULE OF LAW is that the R’s DON’T USE IT! PRESIDENT TRUMP needs an AG who is absolutely RUTHLESS in pursuing THE RULE OF LAW!! We can’t allow a Hawaiian “judge” handcuff PRESIDENT TRUMP again! Let Hawaii suffer due to their Hawaiian “judges”!! There’s enough evidence of TREASON/SEDITION by MANY on the LEFT and a few on the RIGHT to fill up the DC Dungeon! DAY TWO RAIDS at 3AM – no lolly gagging till 4 – should take place and give those miscreants the SAME RIGHTS as the J6th prisoners have enjoyed! Tit for TAT? NO – RULE of LAW vs POLITICAL PERSECUTION!
If Biden the Blunder wants n to see the threat to America and Freedom then he needs to take a look in a Mirror
Trump needs to declare war on both the Deep State and the Dem Bolsheviks by making GENERAL FLYNN his VP
Flynn would seem to be an excellent candidate for VP.
The Leftists Media are always blaming others for this kind of mayhem their all too willing to encourage violence against Conservatives without any evidence to back them up and frankly they should be held liable for all this
Once again, with the Left, it is “Do as we say, not as we do,”
Looking at the video of the shot hitting former president Trump I am amazed at how close he came to a fatal shot. It looks to me as if the shot would have caused instantaneous death if it had been two inches further right, or if Trump had not turned his head just as the bullet arrived. Talk about a close call!
There’s a lot we don’t yet know about the alleged shooter, so I won’t speculate on whether he acted alone or what motivated him. I will say I am glad he did not shoot more accurately.
Finally, I will not try to devine how much Democrat rhetoric had to do with motivating the shooter. I will say President Biden promised in his inaugural address to bring us together. I hope he now starts to do so.
The crocodile tears are flowing from Biden, Harris, the Clintons, the Obamas, Pelosi and Schumer, and the rest of the woke DEI leftist democrat and RINO traitorous stab America and American citizens in the back ilk.
Anyone realize that Hillary was the 1st to popularize the “assassinate” terminology against Trump,? Now she is in hiding mode. Not one remark from the Bodybag queen
Here’s the back story:
A week ago:
“Hi Hillary, Barack here. Say, I need your help with a little issue… you see, Joe is my guy, I mean my alter ego – ya know, like he and I agree to do things my way and all.” So although I am posing with Nancy, we’re not really strategizing to get Biden to exit the race. In fact the opposite.” “Say, I hear you’ve got some connections with, ya know, those magicians – the ones that make people disappear and all, and I was wondering whether….”
” Barack, no need to ask, it would be my pleasure, I mean, we cant expect Xi to do every single thing we want, right? So I’ll take care of it for you. After all, one less deplorable is a good thing!” “But just one favor to ask you – if Joe is gone, then fix me up with the Election Intehrity team that Joe had – the Dominion voting machine folks, CCP handlers, Soros, etc., ok,?
“Hillary, no need to ask. In fact if Joe doesn’t treat our Iranian and Hamas comrades well, then we’ll “Trump” him, and you’ll be in !
“The Left pulls the trigger and then blames those who were shot for the violence.”
Daniel, sounds like a summary of what happened in Israel on Oct 7. Hamas murders 1200 Israelis and then blames the Jews for what they did.
The Left and Islamists are brothers in the big lie.
”We must get out of these endless Wars”.. President Trump.
”Trump is THE most dangerous man in America who will destroy the country and created chaos around the World…. Niel Young.
Trump brokers Peace Deals with four, at least, islamic Nations and Israel.
Unemployment at record lows.
Gas less than Two Bucks a Gallon, Dollar and NYSE strong and going great.
No new Wars or invasions.
Ending the longest running War in US History.
Manufacturing Companies coming back to the USA.
Calling NATO out for their lack on financial input
Yeah I can see where Trump would be a danger to the Industrial Military Complex but why is The Left who was thought of as the peace loving group against the guy that doesn’t want War..
Go figure….
“He’s a threat to our freedom. He’s a threat to our democracy. He’s literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
The MSMBS and Biden have been conditioning the American public with this rhetoric non-stop. It’s a manipulation of the mind and ultimately people end up believing it to be true. Basic psychology. Pure evil is their intent and end game.
There is a direct corelation between left’s increasingly use of terrorism and the muslims who’ve infiltrated the US government.