Once upon a time, the Center for American Progress was the big kid on the lefty blog. Its people shaped Obama Inc. One of those people, Faiz Shakir, ran ThinkProgress, CAP’s blog, before going on to a variety of positions with top Dems, including Pelosi, and now runs Bernie’s presidential campaign. But time has caught up to ThinkProgress, much as it did to Bernie, and capitalism, Bernie’s foe, killed it dead.
ThinkProgress, the influential news site that rose to prominence in the shadow of the Bush administration and helped define progressivism during the Obama years, is shutting down.
Top officials at CAP had been searching for a buyer to take over ThinkProgress, which has run deficits for years, and according to sources there were potentially three serious buyers in the mix recently. But in a statement to staff, Navin Nayak, the executive director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, said the site was ultimately unable to secure a patron.
Capitalism is so unfair.
Under a socialist regime like Bernie’s, ThinkProgress would have been funded by the government before its leaders were accused of defecting from the party line, dispatched to work in the salt mines, then rehabilitated, then shot, and then declared heroes of progress.
ThinkProgress was best known for two things
1. Obsessive hatred of all Republicans
2. Anti-Semitism that got so bad that it was condemned by the Obama White House
But maybe it can be combined with what’s left of Gawker, the New Republic and Tumblr, then pushed out into a boat to sea and set on fire.
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