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I’m not feeling ‘schadenfreude’. Schadenfreude is wholly inadequate to the occasion.
The conservative movement now seems to exist mostly to air the grievances of leftists finding out that they’re still not extreme enough for a movement that currently believes women don’t exist, coming on time is ‘whiteness’ and anyone who deviates from its dogma of the nanosecond must be canceled, and want to whine about it.
So the Wall Street Journal decided to give a major platform to former lefty hack novelist Richard North Patterson
Why My New Novel About Racial Conflict Ran Into Trouble -Today’s identity politics has led many in the publishing industry to insist that writers can only tell stories about people like themselves. That’s bad for fiction and for our democracy.
Let’s get you caught up on the proper amount of schadenfreude that Patterson deserves.
Richard North Patterson: I Quit Novels to Cover Trump – The Atlantic
How Trump Made a Writer of Thrillers Stick to Facts – New York Times
That was 2019. After Trump was out, Patterson decided to make a comeback by writing a novel about a hot topic… how racist America is.
And he can’t get any publishers to buy it.
But this novel deals with a distinctly fraught subject, both in life and in today’s publishing world: America’s accelerating racial discord.
It concerns the televised trial of an 18-year-old Black voting rights worker, stemming from the fatal shooting of a white sheriff’s deputy during a late-night traffic stop in rural Georgia. The narrative addresses charged racial issues: voter suppression, the abuse of police power, the mass exploitation of racial anxiety, and the difficulties of Black defendants in controversial cases. It’s seen through the eyes of three major characters, two of them Black—the defendant and his mother, a nationally prominent voting-rights activist in Georgia…
The manuscript of “Trial” was rejected by roughly 20 imprints of major New York publishers. A number of them found it impressive; several opined that it evoked my best work. Nonetheless, my ethnicity was now deeply problematic.
The last time I laughed this much, the leader of ISIS was running from a dog or Glenn Greenwald was getting slapped on Brazilian TV.
Richard North Patterson wrote a novel about how racist America is… and can’t get publishers to buy it because he’s white.
That’s after quitting writing to attack Trump.
And writing a novel promoting the Islamic terrorist cause against Jews and getting involved with the anti-Israel lobby J Street.
Feel his pain, conservatives. Because apparently none of his old buddies will.
One publisher responded that I would be “rightly criticized” for writing the book; another that she only cared to hear on such subjects from “marginalized voices”; another, more colorfully, that I was “too liberal for white people and too white for black people.”
This reminds me of the time Stalin purged all the Bolsheviks.
I’ve had a long, productive career and have no wish to be the aggrieved white guy decrying so-called reverse discrimination.
No, Dick clearly hasn’t learned his lesson.
Mr. Patterson is a lawyer and commentator and the author of 23 novels, including his latest, “Trial,” which will be published by Post Hill Press on June 13.
Post Hill Press is a conservative Christian publishing house. Not that Patterson even bothers to mention that the only publishing house that would take in his novel is a conservative Christian publisher. Or shows any gratitude. Good thing conservatives have decided to take this woke garbage discovering he’s not quite woke enough in.
But I think his next novel should be about a white leftist who can’t get a novel denouncing America as racist published because he’s white.
Feel free to vote for your proposed next Richard North Patterson novel in the comments.
So cry me a River, Snowflake
I’d never even heard of the guy till. now.
I wish I hadn’t.
The publishing industry, like any other Leftist Hive Mind, is a sanctuary for violent racists.
Stalin purging all the old Bolsheviks was an interesting part of the transformation from Leninist Russia to Stalinist dictatorship.
Black Like Me©1961
Recycling is fashionable.
This book caused commentary when I was adolescent.
Uncle Tom”s Cabin
Hello Daniel, This is beyond satire. And whoever it was said that “The revolution eats its children” was not wrong.
The world, via its Movers and Shakers, has strongly encouraged rebellion during the whole of my lifetime. Rebellion of all kinds – people against their rulers, wives against their husbands, children against their parents., workers against their employers.. and even rebellion for no reason at all, as in “Rebel without a Cause”.
Yet all the time hasn’t Genesis been telling us that the tragedy we, the damaged children of disobedient Adam, are presently living in, was caused by a rebellion, when our first parents were persuaded to rebel against their loving Creator and set their own standards of good and bad?
Nonsense, “damaged children of disobedient Adam” as cause of world wide problems, but believe it if you must. The causes of unrest in the world, especially in a United States that has not been united since 1859, are easily traced, and they owe directly to two political parties whose elected representatives stopped representing their voters, abiding by their founding document, and began stuffing their pockets and bank accounts with graft.
The whole point of the “anti-racism” narrative is to revive the worst demons of our nature so that the publishing industry can profit from a false auto-perpetuating narrative.
Maybe he can write a novel about Trump attacking DeSantis over Disney.
“DeSanctus is being absolutely destroyed by Disney” wrote Mr. Trump on Truth Social”(aka: Truth PanSocial)
The conservative movement exists to service Trump and that’s not a happy state of affairs.
The consetvative movement exists to service Trump, except when they call him infantile, disloyal, narcissistic, contentious, nasty… I can’t think of any more ecamples at the momemt
Nobody will ever accuse Trump of being sanctimonious about anything except himself.
The nuances of getting published illustrated here could have been the reason why the Barack Obama’s biographical blurb used by his book publisher said “Kenyan born,” (until he ran for president). That established his identity as not American and compensated for being only half black.
Here’s a title suggestion documentary classification:
Recycling recycled woke garbage.
Climate crisis catastrophe.
Historical fiction category:
Racist propaganda against blacks.
January 6th trial happens.
Legal testimony category:
Trump trumps trumped up trumpets.
Russian collusion with voting machine programmers.
Yeah, revisionism. I got a 1500 page collection of Richard Francis Burton’s work, and it starts out by apologizing for his views.