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When terror supporters attack you, the Left calls it speech, but when Sen. Tom Cotton suggests fighting back, the Left calls it violence.
Once again leftists took to the streets in a coordinated campaign in support of Hamas and Iran, blocking roads, burning American flags, and endorsing the murder of Americans and Jews.
Beyond their political views, the Hamas supporters blocked traffic, forcibly stranding motorists, and preventing school buses and ambulances from moving forward. Similar assaults on public roadways have endangered the lives of patients before.
Under leftist jurisprudence, pro-life activists can be arrested for standing in front of abortion clinics, but the ‘Death to America’ crowd can stop traffic on bridges and highways with no recourse.
But that’s because Democrat one-party cities have refused to enforce the law against their political allies.
Now, Sen. Tom Cotton is under attack for tweeting, “I encourage people who get stuck behind the pro-Hamas mobs blocking traffic: take matters into your own hands to get them out of the way. It’s time to put an end to this nonsense.”
According to the same media outlets which claimed that the Black Lives Matter race riots which devastated entire cities and killed people were “mostly peaceful”, Sen. Cotton is “inciting violence.”
Someone blocking you in a public place and trapping you while you’re unable to move is engaged in violence. Removing them from your path is simple self-defense. People have the right to protest, but they don’t have the right to stop other people from moving through public places. The right to protest ends when it engages in coercion against other people.
The media claims that supporters of killing Americans and Jews are engaged in “peaceful protest” while drivers hauling them out of their cars so they can get to work or get a patient to the hospital are violent.
That’s an inversion of what violence and peaceful behavior is. Kidnapping is not peaceful.
The solution to lawlessness is either law or more lawlessness. Democrats have chosen to bow to the terror mob and thus law has been abandoned. Some drivers have reacted by forcibly removing the men and women who love “Death to America” so much that they want to trap them on the roads.
When Dem politicians refuse to enforce the law, they may leave desperate people with no choice but to defend themselves against the terror mobs.
The terror supporters chant, “When Palestine is occupied, resistance is justified.” If so, when the Golden Gate Bridge is occupied, isn’t resistance justified?
Here’s some actual resistance to leftist domestic terrorists.
” I want you to get up right now and go to the window. Open it and stick your head out and yell… I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore” Back in 1976 Howard Beale in Network, was ahead of his time,.
Nearly 50 years ago and no one has done anything about it. Poor naive patriots rot in jail for sightseeing with Starbucks and no weapons. Is that the only plan`?
This violence is an escalation of liberal policies. It applies to nations as well and especially a nuclear Iran. What are we to think when Biden opposes necessary Israeli counteraction against Islamic aggression, violence, and getting nuclear weapons? Iran has been funding Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Iraqi militia to attack Israel and American posts.
If President Biden really wanted to curtail the terror escalation in the Middle East, and even here in America, he should stop giving Iran billions of dollars and re-implement the sanctions on Iran that were placed on them by the Trump administration. You have to cut off funding. Lets hope more Senators and Congressman get involved in stopping what is going to come to a nuclear disaster at some point in time.
Iran is soon to acquire nuclear weapons. This strategy endangers the whole world….not just Israel. People are wondering if the foolishness of some will destroy the whole planet.
The only way to stop this madness, is to CANCEL JOE BIDEN.
TRUMP 2024 for America’s future.
The right to protest ends when it engages in coercion. Good point.
It is false imprisonment.
This was not just the act of some mentally ill people with likely no assets to speak of, though it clearly has that element, There was a master organization that planned and coronated it. This kind of behavior is ripe for class action lawsuit and it would not have to be in SF or NY since it took place in other places and they were all .
I think there was something like that which rid the earth of the KKK.
Yes, Randy. A RICO suit for criminal conspiracy to disrupt transportation with an enhancement for supporting terrorism … would also be appropriate.
However … I expect most Republicans to apologize for us “pond scum” noticing that we’re under attack … how dare we?
any pro nazzi hamazz or blm or antifa or any mob that blocks me will get a slow drive by as I proceed to my destination. How many laws are they breaking as pedestrian in the streets or highways blocking traffic? They do this in the blue states and blue cities – the commie governments trying to destroy USA from within. they will be the most sorry if it happens. Mow them down!
Well done.
That’s the only language the savages understand.
I am fully prepared and have a great plan on how to deal with road blockers. I hope everybody else has a plan too.
My plan is simple: Ask, Tell, Make. In that order.
Ask them to move, loudly.
Tell them to move, threatening and insulting.
Make them move, use physical force, brandish weapons and drive through.
Carry weapons and mace in your car.
People are getting fed up with those annoying Climate Activists blocking the road and keeping them idling their Engines
They show their devotion to protect the environment by causing traffic jams and causing more of the pollution they claim to oppose.
Don’t touch ’em, just hose ’em down with industrial strength pepper spray (i.e. bear spray). That’s the only way they’ll get the message.
Or liquified guano Seabird Poo which is a fertilizer in many areas or just plain Skunk Oil
In winter it’s easy to get them to move. A used 2.5 gallon reachargable water fire extinguisher, is as low as $42 on ebay, and water jugs are cheaper, but slower. Just wet them down some, and they’ll have to get someplace warm or freeze. If they’re dumb enough to glue themselves to the road, too bad.
Senator Cotton is a great American patriot
When they handcuff themselves to inanimate objects or glue themselves to the pavement men should just pee on their faces. Aim for the mouth.
Those videos were funny. The only one funnier than the “brutal” German chick dragging lefty dykes off by their hair was the cop car plowing through moronic protesters and leaving the scene. I’m not normally into blondes and German chicks tend to be hairy but I would make an exception for the brutal babe.
Actually Senator Cottin was inciting VIOLINS (so say the cellists).
The guy who got out of his car must not be Black, at least according to the “regressive” intersectional morons (including the moron President).
“our violence is speech, your speech is violence” Heard as an excuse across 2020.
“Shot full of holes” should be a common epitaph on dimmish headstones. I’m too stove up to be pushing back or going to fisticuffs, the only option will be the size of the holes.
What the left is doing will only become worse, this is the insurrection they began in ’20.
Our “Mostly Peaceful” solution should be to throw every leftist out of our country.
As the world sends its trash to invade us, so should we send ours to the world.
Drive them south and boot them into Mexico, the entire of Bidum’s eighty one million.
Throw them out, every one.
Get some firemen’s webbing, make slip knot, place around their necks. Pull hard and get thing snugged up tight as you drag. Punch them in the once or twice really hard to dissuade them from blocking the street again.
Well we all know what this is going to lead to. Keep it locked and loaded.
We are living in Herbert Marcuse’s world of repressive tolerance in which all from the Left is to be tolerated while everything from the Right is to be suppressed.
In NYC, Chicago, SanFran, and other leftist cities, the police stood around for hours, before doing anything. They were there to protect the protestors, not the public. In Florida the road was cleared in under 20 minutes.
I was looking at these groups’ social media posts bragging about their crimes. They say “we took the bridge,” “we closed the tunnel,” “we shut it all down.” That’s not protest, it’s direct action. And it doesn’t happen without the approval of the local government CEO, DA, chief of police, and sheriff.