It wasn’t all that long ago that Democrats were defending and bailing out rioters and looters during the BLM race riots. Or that In Defense of Looting was making the rounds of bookstores.
They’ve tamped it down a bit since transitioning to abortion, but looting rights is still on the agenda.
MSNBC’s Joy Reid likened Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) to segregationists after his warning to potential looters in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.
For the much of the past week, DeSantis has been dealing with the storm’s impact as the death toll continues to rise and Florida faces an astonishing level of property damage. On Friday, DeSantis held a press conference where he spoke about efforts to maintain law and order, and he warned people not to rob homes that were damaged or abandoned in Ian’s wake.
“Don’t even think about looting. Don’t even think about taking advantage of people in this vulnerable situation,” DeSantis said. “You can have people bringing boats into some of these islands and trying to ransack people’s homes. I can tell you, in the state of Florida, you never know what may be lurking behind somebody’s home. And I would not want to chance that if I were you, given that we’re a Second Amendment state.”
Reid noticed DeSantis’ remarks in a video CBS posted to Twitter, and the ReidOut host decided to compare that warning of gun-toting Floridians to the words of infamous segregationist Walter E. Headley.
This entire convoluted argument depends on taking DeSantis out of context and then claiming that it’s racist because somebody else once said it.
Speaking near Fort Myers in the leveled community of Matlacha on Friday, the Republican Governor relayed one sight he saw in Punta Gorda in neighboring Charlotte County the day prior.
“They boarded up all the businesses, and there are people that wrote on their plywood, ‘you loot, we shoot,’” DeSantis said. “At the end of the day, we are not going to allow lawlessness to take advantage of this situation. We are a law-and-order state, and this is a law-and-order community, so do not think that you’re going to go take advantage of people who’ve suffered misfortune.”
DeSantis was describing what people wrote on their businesses. And he warned potential looters trying to take advantage of the inability of some police to respond during the disaster that a lot of homeowners and business owners have guns and may defend themselves.
Regardless of the origins of the phrase, signs warning that looters will be shot routinely pop up after hurricanes in Texas.
And looters are not just guys making off with things. They often operate as armed gangs like the ones who waged running gun battles with police officers in New Orleans after Katrina.
But as always the Left sympathizes with the perpetrators, not the victims.
We the people are on our own to protect ourselves from the criminals.
The current regime is made of the criminals for the criminals.
In Canada, we the people are on our own to protect ourselves from the Liberal / NDP Government, and they are working hard to prevent that. Not only that, but the Trudeau Government is allowing the Communist Chinese to set up “police stations” across the country to monitor & influence politics.
Americans want to keep a close eye on Trudeau. What you see is NOT what you get. Cdn Liberals are American Democrats, just a different spelling.
Thanks for the heads up, Neighbor. Trudeau is one of Klaus Schwab’s babies, like Jacinda Arden of New Zealand and Gavin Newsome of California. Bad folks, and people under their reigns are really on their own.
Scary stuff about the Chinese “police stations”. We had better keep our eyes open here, everywhere Democrats are in power.
Here in the UK the police would be arresting the business owners for hate speech.
Oh well, let them walk blindly into the rifle, or in the UK, shotgun fire. No warnings, duly noted.
Allowing looting to rage unchecked can lead to complete destruction, or anarchy if the lootees shoot back.
If looting goes unchecked, even some of the otherwise non-looters are likely to join in.
Oh, looting seems to be a very attractive sport to join. A few people can grow into quite a mob, so as you say it’s best to nip it in the bud.
Yes, I saw ordinary people join looters during the BLM race riots here in San Jose. They joined into the vandalism and assaults too, to a lesser extent.
Drug stores are one of the favorite targets of BLM and its white simp Antifa allies during their riots. Gee, I wonder why?
Yeah, even in my former tiny SF Bay neighborhood pharmacy, there were armed robberies to steal their drugs. Pharmacies became a favorite target of armed robbers. That pharmacy had to keep the door locked and only buzz people in that they knew.
The druggies know what they want, and BLM and Antifa are full of drug addled scum. In Riverside CA, where my sister is a sheriff, they raided a Walgreen’s even as they were fleeing cops during an attempted BLM race riot!
They like those drugs.
I would love to catch someone looting my things…I pack heat everyday…BRING IT!!
I would love for someone to try an loot my things….I pack heat everyday…BRING IT ON!!
Americans can be very clever. In the fifties New York yutes [ unrelated to the Native American Yute tribe ] could take a car aerial, a roll of copper wire and a Woolworths toy pistol and produce a Zip Gun.
As a result of popularizing this cultural nuance the world got West Side Story, where Tony can cry out for Maria in Spanish Harlem, and exactly one woman comes to a window. Natalie Wood, that Latina firebrand.
Simply a case of art following life.
Redneck engineering. Neccessity is the mother of invention or, “innovation,” as the left calls it. They have to have classescon it though. The Cuban that turns a ’57 Chevy pickup into a boat and pilots it to the USA, is a keeper, except for the democrat party.
I lived in Dade County at the time of the Mariel Boatlift.
Until then, I had never met automobile mechanics who could make their own repair parts with a file.
Even people who voted for the left are now realizing that the criminal element and the democrat party are the same entity.
One man, one vote, one time. Once you put the left into power it’s pretty hard to convince them to leave peaceably. We can only hope that we convince them next month.
Devotion to a singleton purpose marks both the intestinal tape worn and that intersection of ignorance, self-deception and venal narcissism identified as the Left.
Looting is essentially a stupid move. It’s said that you can’t fix stupid. But you can shoot it until it stops moving.
Finally the left quite by accident stumbled on a good idea. If African Americans want to gun each other down in tribal warfare that’s a problem for the rest of us how? 53% of black males are convicted felons those are the ones that get caught you can bet the number that actually are felons is a good deal higher than that. 73% of of black females are welfare mothers.. if we have fewer jailbirds & welfare recipients that’s a problem how. If they want to loot & burn their own cities so what? Now they are attacking EMT’s . If they burn & loot their own stores that’s their problem.. Already they are whining about food deserts. Maybe that’s the solution once the police are gone maybe they will get sick of having no place to spend their food stamps. Once the police are gone maybe they will get tired of the smell of rotting corpses because not only will EMT’s not show up neither will the sanitation department. Maybe they will learn that civilization has to have rules & somebody has to enforce them or maybe not either way who cares.
Or maybe they will just spread out to the suburbs and eventually the countryside for better looting opportunities. Keep an eye on things in your neighborhood.
Yes. I doubt his statistics but he’s right about black areas even though we’re all supposed to pretend that mythical white supremacy is the worst threat in America, rather than our own government and its feral criminals and invaders, which they use the same way the Soviet Union did.
Where did you get your statistics?
As if the “infamous” segregationist, Walter E. Headley, came up with the term “you loot, we shoot” or any other slogan about looting. Few people have ever heard of him, even now, after some fake news media troll found his obscure name and quote online and used that to demonize President Trump. Slogans like that about looting have been in use since long before Headley was born.
Rage Reid just plagiarized the idiotic slur in another attempt to project Dirtbagocrat crime and violence onto Republicans, high profile – and successful – conservatives like DeSantis, MAGA patriots and the rest of the normal American majority.
Rage Reid is a piece of shit and her low viewer ratings reflect that, even after they’ve been inflated through fraud by her shitty network. Pro-Dirtbagocrat = pro-crime, especially crime committed by so called minorities.