My last column, “Why Many Conservatives Won’t Be with Their Children or Grandchildren This Christmas,” dealt with the issue of parents whose left-wing adult children have cut off all contact with their parents because the parents are on the Right — children who will not even allow their parents to have contact with their grandchildren.
One would think that any person with a functioning conscience and a normal human heart would feel for these parents. As I wrote in the column, if the roles were reversed — that is, if a right-wing child severed all contact with his or her parents because the parents were on the Left, I would feel awful for those parents and condemn any conservative child who did such a thing.
Here are three of the many typical comments from conservative parents and grandparents (from
Vermonter: “Sadly this is a nationwide trend. Neither of my college educated children have contact with me anymore. Yes it’s painful, especially regarding my grandson. I have apologized for offending them, to no avail…”
Dmckinleyp: “Dennis, this is so timely. Things were bad enough between me and my two daughters, first after I volunteered for the Tea Party and then when I supported Trump. Then my daughter and her husband — who was raised by Leftists working for the federal government — had a baby. She wrote me a farewell email saying she never wanted any contact with me again. I will never see my lovely granddaughter. I am sending her presents and hoping to proceed without confrontation, but prayer is about all I have left.”
GS69: “Yep. I’m in that boat. My youngest daughter — a graduate of Evergreen State College in Washington(!) and my sister, who went to Harvard and volunteered for John Kerry years ago, stopped talking to me when I voted for Trump…”
The column was apparently forwarded to many leftists and discussed on various left-wing websites.
Even though I believe that the further left one goes, the more likely one is to be mean, I admit to having been surprised at the cruelty, even sadism, that characterizes left-wing reactions to my column.
I assumed that the dominant left-wing responses would be either that I exaggerated how widespread this problem is or that many conservative children act the same way.
My assumptions were wrong.
Nearly every one of the many left-wing responses I read — both on right-wing and left-wing sites — supported the left-wing children who deprive their parents of contact with them and with the grandchildren.
Here are some typical left-wing responses (from a conservative site, American Greatness):
yung god money stax: “… conservatives are whiny, mean little people and their kids don’t want to listen to their racist, homophobic, sexist bs any more or let their kids be around that crap.”
Dennis Prager’s butthole: “This might be the dumbest article I’ve ever read anywhere.”
Loona Chan: “I’m sorry Mr. Prager, you cannot claim after 6 years of Trump being the leader of the Republican Party that ‘meanness’ is not a central component of the current Republican project. Republicans now make being as offensive and disregarding of other’s humanity paramount to their political rhetoric… When a parent on facebook ‘jokes’ about inflicting violence and even killing trans people and their children or grandchildren happen to be gay or trans, I think it is perfectly reasonable to no longer want to associate with that person…”
Austin Tucker the_dster694: “There is not an ounce of tolerance in conservative circles.
“Tolerate the intolerance is what you’re asking, and we won’t.”
BartonsInk4: “I’m pretty sure I speak for all of the children who’ve cut off their parents when I say:
“1. We don’t f—ing miss you. At all.
“2. We should have done this years ago.”
Of the nearly 1,000 comments on American Greatness, most of them are like the ones quoted here.
Then there are left-wing websites. I’ll cite two examples.
The first is the feminist site, Wonkette, which headlined:
“Won’t Someone Think Of All The Bigots Who Won’t Be Invited To Christmas This Year?”
The article goes on to say:
“People who vote Republican right now … (hold) views that are hurtful to actual human beings, who may or may not be their children, their grandchildren or friends thereof… it is quite easy to imagine that conservatives would freeze out any relative, parent or not, who belonged to one of the various groups they are currently mad at. We know for sure they have a tendency to throw their LGBTQIA+ children out on the streets…
“…apparently ‘parents’ are the only people God demands conservatives be nice to…
“…conservatives who just go around believing everything Tucker Carlson and Dennis Prager tell them are frequently very angry and thus perhaps not the world’s best dinner guests at Christmas or any other time…
“It seems highly unlikely that the parents being frozen out of Christmas dinners are those who ‘just happen’ to vote Republican, but rather those who insist upon torturing their relatives with QAnon conspiracies…”
Then there is an atheist website called OnlySky, which in its own words, “explores the human experience from a secular point of view.”
Its headline read: “Conservatives are upset their kids don’t want to spend Christmas with them: Dennis Prager believes we’re all obligated to spend the holidays with parents who embrace right-wing cruelty”
The author fully defends left-wing children who break off contact with their parents and prohibit the parents from seeing their grandchildren. For example:
“If you care about your health, then people who reject vaccines and spread conspiracy theories about COVID … are literally putting lives at risk. All of that’s before we get into banning books, denying election results, whitewashing history, denying science, demanding more guns in more hands in more places, and believing whatever other lies FOX hosts shove into their heads…
“Why invite people with dangerous views into your home voluntarily? That’s especially true if you have kids. Parents want to protect their children, and that may mean protecting them from their grandparents’ cuckoo bananas beliefs.”
The author of the piece is identified as “the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism.”
If you have a woke child who talks to you, give him or her a hug.
Spurwing Plover says
Leftists gutter dwellers oppose the Traditional American Family why else are they trying to remove certain words like Mom and Dad, Mother & Father Etc..
Mo de Profit says
Marxism has always tried to break down the family, it won’t stop until it’s head is removed, it’s head today is the U.N.
Deborah says
Don’t underestimate the indoctrination of our children not only in Colleges and Universities, but in K thru 12 Schools as well. This is a concerted effort by the Left since the 1960’s. They have captured Academia, the Media, the Libraries and many government agencies, the Military, Big Business and politicians. Why are people so shocked by the buffoonery at Twitter?? I have friends who died of Covid because their adult children insisted on Covid shots and Boosters so as to not “infect the grandkids ” ! No Christmas with Grandma or Grandpa this year….very sad.
Kynarion Hellenis says
It is a many-headed hydra. I think it is ubiquitous.
Kasandra says
Right you are. The Left has been working on separating children from their parents and traditional values for over a century. Looks like they’ve made a lot of “progress” with that. Well, I’m sure these people will eventually find that the State’s love is no substitute for that of a parent. But, like nearly everything with children, they’ll have to find out the hard way.
Mo de Profit says
1984 was meant to be fiction, it was also a warning from George Orwell about what communist regimes do, today’s socialist elites are using it as a guidebook to eliminate any and all truth, religion, family and most importantly, opposition.
Build back better. YOU will own nothing and be happy.
Convid was the culmination of the U.N. Agenda 21, we all of us now KNOW that the virus hysteria was created to increase the pace of change, without pace change doesn’t happen.
Agenda 2030, is the U.N. openly calling for depopulation, unless we take out the head of this beast our grandchildren will be slaves once again.
Steven Brizel says
It is very possible to have conversations with relatives who don’t share your views on politics religion or culture as long as there is mutual respect for each other as persons with common boundaries and roots that surpass such issues
Kevin says
Yes, possible on our side, but Democrats struggle with associating with anyone disagreeing with them.
Big Red says
Well then, no need to leave an inheritance to them. Sounds mean but actions gave consequences. I cut out a niece and nephew who have always treated me with disrespect and their share of my estate go to charities I support and which will make them furious. Or tie up the money for the grandchildren in an unbreakable trust with rigid rules about use and who controls. Because I’m pretty sure that those children will willingly accept an inheritance AND think that it is their right
phoebeintheforest says
Absolutely. Conservatives need to be as resolute in not leaving their lefty, cruel children anything at all as their kids are in cutting them off. Give it to any good kids they have, other relatives or to a good cause. Meanwhile, if you are fortunate in having a good amount of money…enjoy it!
MG says
These grandchildren may have the opposite mindset than their parents, eventually. I’m reminded of the “Family Ties” TV show where the son (Alex) is a Reagan Republican as opposed to their hippie-era parents.
Placing the inheritance in the grandchildren is a good final lesson to rebellious adult children.
Gary says
Isn’t it the left who are killing the unborn and encouraging the killing the sick, example is Canada’s maid law.. it’s the left pushing violence and burning down buildings such as antifa or blm.. The left is the one pushing intolerance and hate. I could go on but you get the point
Kevin says
My Parents are in their 80s and are hard core Democrats hating any Republican. We’ve had times where they sought to shut us off, but I think because they wanted to see grandkids they put aside their hatred for Republicans. They do treat us well, but when the kids visit, it’s a constant attempt to convert them into liberals. Praise God all 4 kids are well grounded in Christianity and hate communists as bad as I do.
They respectfully listen, then respectfully let me know how much they can’t stand the attempted indoctrination.
Becca says
I am in the same situation. I used to watch my daughters kids, pick them up from school, go on field trips, sleepovers, and they would stay with me for three days or so when parents took a mini vacation.
For the last year she has blocked me from all forms of communication; from her and my grandkids.
I used to be trusted to take care of her children, all of a sudden I’m no longer safe.
I pray for them every single day and will be standing with open arms if ever the prodigal daughter returns.
I still do gifts and stress my love in every card.
I can’t make her change her mind, I can only pray….even though my heart is broken.
Meanwhile I cherish that my son still speaks to me multiple times a week and I get good times with his son.
Deborah says
I guarantee you that first sign of real trouble like Cancer, job loss or divorce, your adult children will be hot on the phone to you !
phoebeintheforest says
Especially if they need money! Meanwhile, Becca should either cut her ungrateful daughter out of the will or reduce her portion substantially. The good son should be rewarded.
phoebeintheforest says
Your son should be rewarded in the will. Especially, if he is the one looking out for you in your old age.
jeffery lynn stewart says
There is a biblical reason for this wall of right vs left.
Isaiah 66:4
I also will choose their delusions, and bring their fears upon them; for when I called, none did answer; when I spoke, they did not hear; but they did evil before my eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.
John Clark says
Vermonter said, “I apologized for offending them,” Say again.! Apologize for what? If anyone needs to apologize it’s the children who are disowning their parents. I will call them “children” because it is very childish to want nothing to do with someone just because he or she does not agree with their views. Parents: You have nothing to apologize for.
Lorna Mclaughlin says
Both of my children are woke…I am the white mother of biracial children ….and yet they love me and even allow me to do zoom bible studies with their children! You have given me even more reasons to be grateful to the Lord! The main article doesn’t surprise me but the conclusion was a real gift!
glpage says
Projection can be very powerful in its victims; they have no clue that which they do and say does not necessarily apply to those they dislike.
Walter Stewart says
Worst of all are the leftwing groups that specifically bombard mothers with all sorts of assistance and goodies if they just divorce their husband’s and claim abuse. The first thing is that the guys are narcissists and abusive mentally and the end game is the family destroyed and kids torn from dads. Nothing can be done… and they specifically target families where the father is conservative. School admins are in it all the way. The left is one huge one hand helps the other conspiratorial mess.
Dr2xFour says
Our granddaughter just turned five.
To our son’s credit he and his wife have not limited our access to her.
Having said that any time spent together is limited to talk about the weather, what kind of cleaning products do you use? Where is the plunger?
Awkward moments. Life totally missing from the equation.
We soldier on as best we can.
Sad, strange, scary times we find ourselves in.
Dave says
2 Timothy 3:1-2 (KJV) 1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
If you are amazed…….don’t be……this is just what the last days will look like.
Continue to verse 7 for the rest.
My heart goes out to all of you parents and grand parents.
Never give up praying for your families!!
Gods love is greater, and with His strength keep going…….
It’s worth it!!!
Kynarion Hellenis says
Mr. Prager is a person who does not assume another is motivated by evil. He has a ruthlessly cheerful and optimistic point of view, rare in someone as perspicacious as he.
In this instance he failed, at first, to see the wickedness and hatred of leftism.
If “inside every progressive is a totalitarian screaming to get out,” then this explains the leftist’s exalted sense of self and his own righteousness, as well as the hatred and contempt of the other.
Christopher Hicks says
Kynarion, the whole article was about the evil the leftists do everyday.
Aldo says
Brainwashed leftist zombies have no MORALS or sense of decency because of the “diffusion of individual responsibility” due to the leftist /totalitarianism GROUPTHINK mindset.
It is the same mindset that “enabled” Hitker’s army of civilians and military soldiers to carry out (and justify) their evil sadistic deeds.
Stephen Triesch says
Leftists are cruel and dangerous. My evidence? The last 100 years of leftist tyranny.
Stephen Triesch says
FrontPage has become one of the most censorious websites on the Internet. Certain words trigger the algorithms, even when used neutrally and without ill-intent, and even when they directly refer to the subject of the story they are commenting on.
Site Administrator says
As we’ve explained repeatedly, comments containing certain keywords/phrases will result in their ending up in a moderation queue. This is due to a torrent of spam comments (promoting porn websites, income-from-home scams, etc.) that have historically flooded our comments section. This moderation queue is how we’ve effectively removed all spam comments from the site.
All comments by legitimate commenters (including all of yours) have regularly been approved. The comments that end up in the moderation queue simply require a little time until a member of our team can manually approve them.
While we could quite easily ban any individual from commenting, we have not banned a single legitimate commenter—so “censorious” seems a bit of a stretch.
Happy New Years!