The 2020 Dem field is very diverse.
If the Democrats were within reaching distance of sanity, that would mean a positive campaign based on diversity. Since they instead inhabit an insane intersectional dimension in which a permanent victimhood competition determines who gets what, anti-diversity tantrums follow.
These Queer Women Don’t Care That Pete Buttigieg Is Gay—They Want a Female President
The article is even worse than the headline.
With a record-breaking six women running in 2020, and Hillary Clinton’s bitter defeat still fresh on their tongues, a number of LGBTQ women told The Daily Beast they would simply prefer a female candidate.
Who are these women? Who empowered them to represent all lesbian Democrats? Stop asking, the echo chamber echoed.
“For me, being queer or lesbian, nominating a young, inexperienced white gay man is not my priority,” Duke University professor Ara Wilson told The Daily Beast. “The fact that we have not had women in that high office is, to me, much more marked, much more dramatic, and much more moving.”
For some, the feeling is personal. Sue Hagadorn, a former software manager from Michigan, said she felt her gender had always held her back more than her sexual orientation did—particularly in her career. In her 25 years of being out in the workplace, she said, “I never had significant difficulty in the workplace because I was gay. But boy did I ever—like all women—because I was female.”
We could go on fisking this dead horse to death, but this is the classic intersectional paradigm. As the range of identity politics identities continues to grow, and as diversity becomes more of a political asset, the tension between these different identities continues to grow.
Are lesbians supposed to support Buttigieg, because he’s gay, or Kamala Harris, because she’s a woman?
Some might suggest that they should make decisions based on the qualifications and policies of the candidates, but that’s officially a hate crime.
That idea—that Buttigieg is stealing the thunder of more qualified women—was a frequent source of concern. In the last week alone, Buttigieg has netted a New York magazine cover story, Politico magazine profile, and front page story in The New York Times. Kamala Harris, meanwhile—the only black woman in the race and the second-most successful fundraiser—has garnered exactly zero magazine covers for her run.
Can’t we have affirmative action for magazine covers?
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