These are really bad numbers, especially for an era of rigidly lockstep partisan politics, mindless echo chambers, and constant media spin.
The Biden numbers are obviously bad overall, but the weakness among Democrats is what really stands out.
Fifty-six percent of Americans feel that Biden’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has not been tough enough. Few believe his response has been too tough and only 36% say his response has been about right. Assessments of his response are split on party lines with 53% of Democrats saying his response is about right while most Republicans and independents believe it has not been tough enough
Specifically, 64% of independents say so, which is startling because that’s where you expect the antiwar sentiment to lie.
Few have overwhelming confidence in Joe Biden’s ability to manage his presidency. Confidence in his ability to manage the military dropped to 26% from 35% in January 2021. Americans’ confidence in his ability to listen to his advisers and experts declined even further to 32%, down from 47% in January 2021.
But here’s where it gets really bad.
Only 49% of Democrats have a great deal of confidence in Biden’s ability to effectively manage the military or handle a crisis. Another 38% only have some confidence.
That’s a disastrous confidence vote from Biden’s own party.
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