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The holidays are coming, and what used to be a fun time with family and friends is now, honestly, a total pain in the ass. Not because cooking is a chore or you’re not happy to see them, but because there is like one or more of them who are simply miserable leftists sour over the humiliating loss Democrats (and their self-esteem) suffered in the election. To hell with it, and them. If people are so consumed with politics that they can’t put it aside and simply be a human being, you are much better off without them in your life.
I get it, no one wants to cut off family members or lifelong friends, but better that than making your existence miserable. If they can’t set aside a political loss, screw them.
Did you spend Thanksgiving 2020 whining endlessly about Joe Biden? Probably not. Nor did you likely spend any of the subsequent Thanksgivings lecturing the guests about how Joe was progressing down the trail of senility.
It’s more likely that politics didn’t come up at all, because why would it?
Unless you’re leftist drone, incapable of existing in a world where someone dares to disagree with you.
I don’t know that I’ve ever asked anyone how they voted, I’ve either just known or didn’t care – more like it didn’t occur to me to ask. Politics has come up in conversation, obviously, but since I work in it for a living and don’t want to deal with it 24/7, I generally remain vague about what I do. I imagine it’s a bit like being a doctor who is asked what they do at a party, so they tell the guy they’re a doctor. That guy then immediately starts in on how they’ve got this pain in their side and how it hurts more when they do this, or would they mind taking a look at this other thing, etc. All the doctor wants to do is have a couple of drinks and hang out with some friends.
Nobody wants to do more work off the clock after a day or week of work.
It’s kind of like that when you work in politics – everyone has an opinion and wants to know what you think of whatever the big story is. Best to avoid it.
But that’s strangers; people you don’t know. Friends and family are supposed to be a respite from that. If they can’t be – they can’t just let it go and be the people they’ve always been – you’re better off without them.
Sad as it is, it’s true. People who get their news from MSNBC are more likely to be this way – those miserable, angry people who can’t handle losing or that anyone would disagree with them. Conspiracy theorist and congenital liar Rachel Maddow has conditioned the feebleminded to believe every wild plot twist the dark recesses of the progressive dark web cooks up, and Joy Reid marinates is in racism for the self-hating white suburban crowd and anyone outside that group refusing to acknowledge their complicity in their own shortcomings and failures.
Reid has advised these people to avoid anyone who voted differently this Thanksgiving, I say we take her up on it. Your life will be better off if you don’t burn a single calorie trying to convince one of these people, who will be compelled to tell you why they’re not coming, to come anyway.
Honestly, at this point these people have already removed themselves from your life. In the build up to the election or at any point since Donald Trump rode down his escalator in 2015, they’ve been slowly backing away because you “think wrong.” Let them be gone. If they want to come back later, fine – there will likely be some reason an old friend needs a person they know they can trust, should they snap out of the grasp of the progressive groupthink cult. Until then, don’t waste your time.
Your life will be much more enjoyable if you don’t have anyone who would take life advice from Joy Reid, no matter how close they were. If they’re willing to do this over politics, they are defective. It’s not you, it’s them. It was always them and it was always going to be them. Trump didn’t break them, he exposed them. The leftist media broke them, and you can’t fix them. Accept that and move on.
If they’re worth knowing they will realize the mistake they’ve made, and if they don’t they aren’t worth knowing.
You know the old joke about vegans? It goes: Q: How do you know if someone you just met is a vegan? A: Don’t worry, they’ll tell you. Leftists are the same and most are emotionally, politically, and verbally incontinent. You cannot avoid such “conversations.”
Sounds just like someone who went to Harvard.
I love talking health and nutrition with vegans. Especially about the science of why a vegan diet is not a proper human diet and the vitamins a vegan diet does not provide and the health consequences.
I have been a Vegan as long as I have been a Conservative Republicans and all my Vegan friends are Conservatives. Conservatism has nothing to do with cruelty to animals.. People that consume bad bacteria and feces from rotting corpse are mostly Democrats outside of California and NYC.
Then you’re anti science.
Why did you capitalize “vegan”.
Is that your faith?
Don’t ever invite them over for Thanksgiving Christmas News Years or Easter not even a Birthday Party for your Parrot
I have no problems with them coming over. But when it’s time to eat, they can go in the backyard and graze on grass while the rest of us sit at the table and eat a proper “apex predator meal” with all the accompanying side dishes and desserts that makes life worth living!
My son and daughter in law are the rabid leftists described in the article. They have cut us off because we dared to “vote against their interest.” They are selfish, immature people. The really sad part, they have two young children who no longer get to see grandma and grandpa and will become indoctrinated bots.
They sound like miserable indoctrinated people who probably would have fit in with the Kmer Rouge – they were really big on breaking up the family! I know it’s hard on you but sometimes the children wake up in a good way and see what the parents are really like.
Oh I wrote off the Leftists in my family over 20 years ago and have not spoken to them since. They such toxic people I don’t even want them knowing what state I live in now.
I did the same with a couple of siblings and it’s been 36+ years and counting. That chapter of my life is closed and I have no interest or reason to revisit it.
The Bell Curve. Half of the people are on the backside of it. Half of the half, the double cross crowd are ten percent below that. The left has made it socially acceptable in some circles for them to emote. As long as you don’t have to witness their emotional meltdowns you are better off.
Oh my gosh! My family members are flaming leftists. A video clip came on TV about Jack Smith dropping the lawfare and my family members lips were pressed tight, and their eyes got a wild look. No one said anything, though. I don’t know why I didn’t do the Trump Dance then.
Wow!! A real feel good story! I love it! Good for you! Perhaps you should’ve did the “moon walk” on them!!
I’ll tell you a little story. I was banished by a lifelong friend (her family was like my family) because I did not vote for Obama. – She ended the friendship with crude curses and raging emails and calls.
When her mother was dying, she contacted me again. I entered back into the “friendship” while her mother failed, and then passed away. I acted as if there had never been a falling out.
Once this time period ( a couple of months) seemed to end, we did not pick up the relationship.
I felt strongly that providing my support to her was what her very wonderful mother would have wanted me to do. But my ex-friend was so politicized, and frankly crazed, that there was no salvaging the friendship long term.
Then it’s time for you to move on and not look back. You did nothing wrong so don’t beat yourself up over it
We all have to accept the fact that friends come and go and the vagaries of life make life long friendships rare.
Several months ago I ended a friendship with a rude leftist who had also expressed sorrow that Donald Trump had survived the assassination attempt. This is not a decent person – it was inevitable that I would remove him from my life. This is another fool who thinks Rachel Maddow knows what she is talking about. These people are miserable.
You did the right thing. Misery loves company and by “un-friending” that person, you left them alone to wallow and marinade in their misery.
Eventually, their misery is going to do to their heart and soul what the pickling process does to a cucumber and render them bitter, hateful cantankerous old farts mad at the world and everyone in it until misery becomes their only friend.
A naturalized citizen from Indonesia who works at a voting location during elections once told me that, in her experience, Republicans are usually smiling while Democrats are usually frowning.
Those miserable leftist relatives are usually the same ones who go on social media every Thanksgiving with a snide message of “Enjoy your celebration of colonialism and genocide!”
An artist with whom I am friendly actually defended the Aztecs claiming that eventually they would have stopped human sacrifice!!!! He will no longer get my money or donations. And of course, the attacks on Columbus! What does he think he would be doing if Columbus had not come here? These people are miserable and ignorant.
That’s akin to saying that if you’re stuck in the wild with lions and tigers, if you survive long enough, the lions and tigers will eventually become vegetarians and not try to eat you. Uh-huh, right. What a moron!! That is the epitome, no, the acme of “liberal logic”!
How the human species made it this far with that kind of thinking among us is stupefying to say the least.
It’s a life lesson everyone should have, the sooner the better. I learned mine years ago. I try to stay away from those who, for whatever reason, are like human boat anchors who will surely drag you down with them. It’s just plain common sense, isn’t it?
Your quote,” It’s just plain common sense, isn’t it?
Well actually after travelling half the world on a shoe – string many years ago, I found that common sense is
quite rare.