The New York Rangers National Hockey League (NHL) team recently did something almost unbelievable. Though scheduled to wear LGBTQ “Pride” jerseys during pregame warmups, not one member of the team did so.
Another recent example of defying LGBTQ+ “Pride” jersey demands in the NHL — which is run by people who are as governed by cowardice as those who run Major League Baseball, the National Football League and the National Basketball Association — was a player for the Philadelphia Flyers, Ivan Provorov, who refused to wear a “Pride” jersey 10 days earlier.
As reported by Fox News:
“Provorov refused to participate in pregame warmups where players wore Pride-themed jerseys and wielded hockey sticks wrapped in rainbow Pride tape. ‘I respect everyone,’ he told reporters after they won the actual game against the Anaheim Ducks. ‘I respect everybody’s choices. My choice is to stay true to myself and my religion.'”
Provorov is Russian Orthodox. (Question: has one Protestant or Catholic NHL player refused to wear a “Pride” jersey?)
Perhaps the New York Rangers organization was aware of the amount of support Provorov received:
“Multiple news outlets including the Post Millennial, OutKick and Washington Examiner have since reported that the Philadelphia Flyers Provorov jerseys have been selling out in multiple stores online.”
The Flyers and, apparently, the Rangers learned the truth about their fans: the vast majority of them — and presumably of Americans and Canadians in general — do not wish to discriminate against those who are LGBTQ+ but they do not want their teams to go on record as expressing “Pride” in those who are LGBTQ+.
This mirrors society at large. The vast majority of Americans believe in tolerance of LGBTQ+ individuals but not in organizations expressing pride in them.
Why is this?
Because “Pride” is not about tolerance. “Pride” is totalitarian.
Tolerance is about behavior. “Pride” is about thought.
The proof is that while there are laws governing tolerance, there are no laws governing pride. And if there were, most people would understand that such laws would enter the realm of thought control.
Most people could not articulate the totalitarian nature of LGBTQ+ “Pride.” But they do sense it. That is why Provorov’s jersey became the Flyers’ best-selling jersey. Contrary to the pablum written by virtually every sports writer in North America (there is no more sheeplike group than sports writers), people do not oppose LGBTQ+ jerseys, nights, hockey sticks, illumination and other displays of obsequiousness because they hate gays. They do so because they intuit that this is totalitarian — that they and their teams are being forced into groupthink.
That is why the Left chose the word “pride” and not “tolerance” — “pride” is about thought. Unlike liberalism and conservatism, leftism is totalitarian. And totalitarianism controls thought as well as speech.
The only difference between the American Left and communist totalitarianism is opportunity. All leftists want to control speech and eventually thought. Thus, if you treat gays in your daily life just as you treat heterosexuals, it is not enough. You must go much further. You must express “pride” in gays and lesbians — and not in just gays and lesbians, but in the bisexual, the transgender, the “queer” and the nonbinary. You must not only say, but think, “I am proud of people who consider themselves neither male nor female” — as if such mental illness is an achievement.
So, too, you must refrain from thinking, let alone saying, that having a mother and father is generally best for a child or that one man married to one woman is best for society. And you must refrain from expressing any reservations about teachers no longer calling their students “boys and girls”; about “drag queen story hours” for 5-year-olds; or about giving hormone blockers to children.
The next time you read about “thought control” in North Korea, understand that North Korea’s thought control differs from “Pride” days and nights at sporting events — and from the rest of the Left — only by degree. The Left in America, like the Left in North Korea, demands your mind, not just your behavior.
David Mu says
This the problem within the right; too many simply go to far against everything and anything because of the left. If the left demands our minds, too many in the right demand their own private notions because they want.
No thanks to both the left and these kinds of the right.
Doreen Hutchins says
No, the “right” demand their own private notions because they are born a free people; with constitutional rights to their own thoughts.
David Mu says
1 Corinthians 14:34
Cam says
You are a Moron , and a cunt .
David Mu says
Likely, you speak from authority in these matters.
Ted Paull says
There is NO moral equivalency here. The right wish to engage in ideas, debate and discussion, the left was to shut us up. Period!
Cam says
The Muslims are correct , women are Evil soulless Baby killing who res and all lgbtq must be exterminated …
`Grace says
I assume you had a mother. And yet, she didn’t kill you.
Lorraine says
I differ it’s demonic.
Lorraine says
I differ it’s demonic
Stan says
The left which used to be the party of “tolerance” and “free speech” are now nothing but fascists. They demand you bow to their perverse ideas and must not only accept, but wear their colors or you are a racist, a homophobe, transphobic, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and now an “ableist”! Did I miss one? The hockey player refuses to wear the gay pride jersey so he is excoriated and told to leave the country. The worst part is that big business also bows. Why? Because if they support the “wokeness” and diversity racism then the Democrats will be hands off on their tax breaks, their monopolies and supply them all the cheap labor they could ever dream of through our completely open border. If this isn’t stopped we will soon become a country of just two classes. The rich Politicians in collusion with the crony capitalist oligarchs and the poor masses that will own nothing. Just like every other Socialist/Communist state in history.
W. Layer says
Homosexuality is a perversion of the sex act as intended by nature following Aristotle’s first principle “a thing is what it is”, e.g. a toaster is not a locomotive even if I say it is. Homosexuals have gone from demanding tolerance to demanding dominance in their quest to destroy society. The left, having no moral compass goes along, ignoring the shoals.
Daniel says
Oh look honey, they think they’re Adam and Steve.
LAS says
They don’t want tolerance… they want applause……
Most of us can do tolerance but asking for applause is toooo much
Spurwing Plover says
Providing to the fact that when they find gays kissing in the one of those Islamic Nations they get thrown off the tops of tall buildings ri go Splat on the ground below
Roark says
Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. So what do you get when you cross pride with sodomy and sexual identity confusion?
A one-way ticket to hell!
Steve says
Exactly. No one should have pride in America, as that’s a deadly sin.
Mo de Profit says
The majority of homosexuals are that way because they were abused as children, and the leftist elites are now forcing their perversions on all children, surprise surprise more children identify as….
Anne-Marie says
Isn’t that interesting that in response to a (valid) article about freedom of speech, some commenters will take this opportunity to degrade those they disagree with. Calling another commenter a c*u*n*t and a m*o*r*o*n is EXACTLY how leftists react to those they disagree with – the only difference is they use the “phobic” labels to shut them up.
Get a grip, people! If you find someone’s opinion outrageous, stupid, or whatever, try coming up with a well-thought argument to “prove them wrong”..