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Is there anything worse than white people? You likely wouldn’t be surprised to hear that at a dinner party thrown by leftists, especially now that they’ve ditched their rich old white guy for a rich younger woman of mixed ethnicity. Before last week, Democrats had to pretend to like white people, now they don’t. They’re still owned by rich, mostly white people, but none of them openly talk about their elite overlords, they just pretend that not being white or being a woman is “diverse,” even though being diverse requires multiple people, making it impossible for an individual to be it.
But reality has never been a barrier for the left, on anything. If they were bound by the truth, Democrats would be silent. They aren’t about to let the facts stand in the way of a good story now.
So, now that wildly unimpressive and unaccomplished Kamala Harris is their nominee, they are in need of something to distract from the fact that she got her start in politics as the side-piece of a married Democratic Party politician and powerbroker. They need a distraction from the fact that she has no children, only becoming a step-mom to her husband’s children when they were nearly adults and she Attorney General, while their real mother was still around (how much parenting do you think they needed at that age or would get from someone politically ambitious with a real mom in the picture? None?)
Race and gender are all they have.
The official representative of black women, MSNBC’s resident racist Joy Reid, has declared that black women are as excited as possible over the prospect of voting for someone who panders on their race and gender when it suits their political needs. OK, maybe she doesn’t put it that way, but that’s the effect of it.
To Reid and her ilk, race is a weapon and a shield. The shield aspect is more important these days, as the weapon’s edge is about as dull as Joy’s intellect from overuse – the weapon part, not the intellect part, which presumably still has that “new intellect smell” and very, very low miles.
It’s all Joy has, which is probably why she seems so unpleasant. There are still tens and tens of people who value what Joy and MSNBC have to say; black women happy to be have any shortcomings or career stumbles they may have explained away by “societal racism,” even though Joy managed to overcome a complete lack of talent, a privileged upbringing, Ivy League education and a “hacked” blog making her a homophobe, a tough case that even the FBI wasn’t able to crack.
It has not been easy for the official Democratic Party wrangler of black people for the prevention of individual thought and asking questions. Sure, it’s a long title, but it is an important one.
Still, what about white women? The black women vote is important to Democrats, but there are a lot more white women out there; suburbanite empty-nesters devoid of meaning, single or in loveless marriages in desperate need of meaning. There are no answers at the bottom of an empty bottle of chardonnay, but they will keep asking the full ones those question anyway, just in case.
What are they to do?
It turns out the answer is easy. These racists can help Kamala win.
All the guilt they are riddled with over the tax deduction they took when buying their hybrid can be alleviated by blind obedience to the Democratic Party and acceptance of just how horrible and racist they are. The Home Shopping Network doesn’t even offer this level of complete one-stop-shopping for answers to all your problems.
A kindergarten teacher and “social media influencer,” which means she’s likely indoctrinating 5-year-olds into progressive ideology rather than teaching, participated in a video conference to show white women how to help the Harris campaign, while still understanding that they suck because they’re white.
This group included soccer player Megan Rapinoe, gun-grabber Shannon Watts, former singer Pink and other usual suspect leftists who think people should feel guilty about things they didn’t do and make it up to people who didn’t have things done to them.
The chubby faced, condescending kindergarten teacher, some creatures called “Mrs. Frazzled” (never heard of her) came on and told these crackers they’d better learn their place. They need to help out Kamala, but only in a way black women approve of. “We need to use our privilege to make positive changes,” the chipmunk told the pathetic gaggle.
“If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals, or God forbid correcting them, just take a beat and instead we can put our listening ears on,” the white moron told the gathered idiots.
For the uninitiated, “BIPOC” means “black, indigenous, and other people of color,” because anyone not “black or indigenous” can just be lumped together since there aren’t enough of them to make a difference electorally, or something.
But remember, this boob insists you can’t correct someone who is wrong if they are not white, so just put your listening ears on! I assume listening ears help you hear with your head up your ass. I looked it up and she’s married to an Indian man – which I’m sure she thinks imbues her with special empathy or something – and must defer to him on all matters or else she’s a racist, right?
Honestly, these people are beyond stupid, they’re evil. They know what they’re doing and do it anyway, either for a sense of superiority or because they hate themselves. I think they need for former, but really should suffer from the latter because that’s how I feel about them.
Liberal white women are the worst. Their existence is devoid of meaning, they have no original thoughts and seemingly only care about abortion (likely to try to normalize something they did that haunts them but they’ll never admit) and race, which is weird because the largest killer of black people in the country is abortion, right before the Godawful policies of the Democratic Party and other black people subjected to them. As evil as white women are, they don’t crack the top 10.
Of course, for that to matter, liberal white women would need to actually care about black people, not just view them as a means to an electoral end. They don’t. They’ve very progressive in the abstract, but will watch with an eagle eye through a crack in their drapes anyone darker than a 3-day tan who happens to walk down their street. If you want to see the real face of racism in the 21st century, look no further than the nearest white savior complexed Karen insisting she and other people like are the only ones who can save the minorities.
After 60 years of failure, you’d think they’d wise up. But that can only happen if you really care, which they clearly do not.
It’s not the “ democratic” party. It’s the democrat party. There’s nothing democratic about it.
I’ve seen that cringeworthy video with the kindergarten teacher acts and talks as though everyone is a five year old. What I took away is that if a black person says the earth is flat, I may not say “No, it is an oblate sphereoid.”. Got it. Reminds me of a study I saw a few years ago in which 36% of Democrat voters surveyed believed it was racist to simply disagree with a black person. But it’s Republicans who are “weird” as Walz said.
… White
… …Woke
… … …\
-,,,-,,,- `
•’ 👀 ‘•
` ,👃• ‘
\.🫦 /
… White
… … Woke
… … … Woman
– ,,,–,,, –
•’ 👀 ‘•
` ,👃• ‘
\.🫦 /
I give up.
This system doesn’t align the emojis.
– ,,, – ,,, –
•’ 👀 ‘•
` ,👃• ‘
\.🫦 /
• 👀 ‘•
`.👃• ‘
That’s OK: great artists are often foiled by dumb technological flaws.
reminds me of our dearest oprah sitting down with 1 white and 2 colored folk making assertions about white privilege to which they all agreed , nothing like an informed debate along the lines of white flight michelle odrama [ living the dream ] in racist america all the while having to choose between 3 multi million dollar homes in rich white suburbs . its unfortunate none of them including george looney and his ilk didnt leave america , [ which is what they promised ] if the don became president . we can only hope that they get a second chance to follow through on their first promise . white and black privilege only applies to democrats . the rest are deplorables as crone hillary refers to all the unwashed masses . hopefully america will wake up to these race baiting shysters and hucksters . but im not going to hold my breathe .
Race and Gender…
Out on a bender?
Mixed in a blender ?
Return to sender ?
I’ve got nothing.
Oh well…
Having nothing qualifies me to BE a Democrat. That’s something. ~
. “We need to use our privilege to make positive changes,”
Because coloured people don’t have the ability to do it themselves.
Nobody is black nobody is white.
Don’t let the elites divide us.
Leftist females want everything but responsibility.
Also their dream of being on the Home Owners Association board is a microcosm of their personal aspirations of getting attention and being in control
Ow! If I were a soccer mom that would’ve hurt. But I’m not so it didn’t’. They have it coming. They make America a much worse place than it should be.
“Women who make the World Worse” written by Kate O’Beirne.
A good book that you alluded to. 🇺🇸👍
have been thinking lately…remember when people were creative, esp young people? We wrote, mad crafts — macrame, candles, leatherwork — wrote plays, fiction and poetry, played instruments and formed bands…created our own fashion, art, etc.
Know what they do now? Play sports, esp. soccer.
What a bring-down. Sorry, Not impressed..
Not necessarily white females but Affluent White Feminist Urban Liberal or AWFUL’s for short. Lots of white women aren’t crazy, they just don’t live in cities.
And to think that seething bitch, Megan was given that metal, proves that leftists give away awards as cheaply as party favors . . . or in Rapone’s case, a consolation prise for blowing that penalty kick and costing her team the game.
Jug-eared Barry proved that Nobel Peace Prizes are rarely awarded on merit.
I keep trying to understand why so many affluent, college-educated women—of all ages— get stuck on stupid. It’s some sort of herd mentality along the lines of everyone who wants to be accepted in the same clique having to sport the same regalia and live in the same, preferred zip code. And then espouse whatever gibberish their influencers put out—with those influencers constantly ratcheting left, and slowly boiling all the Chardonnay-marinated frog-princesses who are members of the club.
I suppose all groups of people are like this. I’m just very aware of the norms of the AWFULs, having lived among them forever, and being able to pass for one as long as I keep my mouth shut.
So, one of my “Facebook friends” is posting memes supporting Harris. Others, who I’ve since unfriended, were constantly posting hateful memes on Trump. The thing is, if I didn’t know their copy-and-paste virtue-signaling, we could easily share similarities as to vacations, leisure activities, children, and grandchildren.
COVID vaccines and masking were another big source of alienation, even with friends who were otherwise more politically aligned. It was as if almost everyone in my Baby Boomer and older age group was completely snowed by The Science, as to which there could be no debate.
Wry and thoughtful. Thank you.
Trust us. A lot of us make up the heart of MAGA!
Yah well I’ll add to that, Left wing White Women that pretend to be men are the worst, along with left wing white men that pretend to be women. Like Bruce Jenner
I liked Bruce better after his sex change. He creeped the hell out of me and then was forced on us.
More and more I go with Ezra Gallivan: “Votes for women? I’d sooner give the vote to man’s best friend than man’s worst enemy.”
I am surprised that liberal white women don’t substitute blackface for their usual makeup during the next 90 days before the election. Then like the Canadian PM, they can be part of the team of crazy people. Maybe they do? One can not even imagine what these women do?
Thank you for your wit and counterpoint.
Yes, you are correct Derek. But I would go even further and say nearly all women have jumped the shark with their fall to Feminism (nearly all subscribe to some aspects today) and even modern Paganism.
Democrat females are not “women”, as that would denote a level of maturity beyond the adolescent level.
Easily the funniest article I’ve ever read on Frontpage Mag, and that’s saying plenty. I counted about 30 LOL’s. ” I assume listening ears help you hear with your head up your ass. “!! “people should feel guilty about things they didn’t do and make it up to people who didn’t have things done to them.”!! Many more…. Cracked me up!
This isn’t hard. They hate being women!! They have formulated their entire adult existence predicated on “freedom” being defined as being just like men. It’s an impossible equation starting with fundamental biology and our many innate differences. So, in order to prove to themselves that they are right, they have tried to systematically pulverize both the biological foundations and cultural realities of womanhood. In doing so, they have extracted from themselves qualities profoundly valuable and necessary in life as women and instead they have chosen to submit their individual identities to nihilistic, group approval. These are, absent their resentment and rage, weak women without strength of character, valor and the courage to forge their individual paths in life without the constant affirmation from a group that is totalitarian in its memorandums of acceptable thought and behavior.
They have submitted to irreconcilable tenets in order to eliminate the cognitive dissonance inevitable when one destroys oneself on the altar of “belonging”.
They are brainwashed by big media which is Democrat and controlled by big Democrats (and arguably by our “intelligence” people).
They have been convinced to NEVER tune in to or read any political news or opinions that do not comport with the official Democrat narrative.