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There’s been a slew of media thinkpieces with titles like “The economy is great, but voters don’t believe it” or “Crime is down, but voters don’t believe it” that try to psychoanalyze why voters aren’t happy Biden even while the experts say things are great.
The media and its experts obviously never question themselves. Self-doubt is a virtually non-existent quantity in such circles.
People aren’t happy with the economy or crime because their metrics are personal. That’s easy to dismiss as anecdotal, but quality of life is not a science experiment. It’s all too easy for experts to transform real life problems into abstractions that can then be reshuffled to meet some ideological conception of what the problem is. Out of such processes, crime becomes a social problem, mass illegal migration has its root causes in capitalism and inflation can be made to seem like a good thing.
This is usually where new school leftist technocrats catastrophically break with reality. Personal experiences are important because they reflect reality. That doesn’t always mean those experiences generalize, but ‘ask the audience’ works a whole lot better than ‘ask the experts’.
Why don’t people think that life is great? The answer is because it’s not. The answer is never because people don’t understand how great things are because they’re hearing depressing stories in the media. And yet that’s the answer the experts want us to believe.
Whom are you going to trust, the experts or your own experiences? The answer is never the one that experts like to hear.
I long ago noticed that when the leftist msm is trying to talk down a good economy, a lot of the feature news stories are along the lines of “I’m doing great, but my relatives/neighbors/friends are not.” When they’re trying to talk up a bad economy, those stories are about people who are not doing well themselves, but see prosperity all around them. It’s a testament to how much msm propaganda can skew perceptions of economic reality. They’re being constantly told how bad the economy sucks, when it doesn’t for them, and they’re being constantly told how great the economy is, when it sucks for them. It works to a great extent, but can only go so far.
The people that do well in democrat run economies work for the government, or receive breaks from the government, or government largesse. If an economy grows over 1%, dems assume they aren’t bleeding it enough.
Well put. The only people who vote Dirtbagocrat are fanatics, retards and those who “work for the government, or receive breaks from the government, or government largesse.”
The only way to praise life under the Dirtbagocrats is to lie blatantly. I’m talking Hitler sized whoppers.
A very antiqued Chris Matthews, who retired suddenly in ’20 after allegations of inappropriate sexual conduct, was on one of the Sunday morning MSM fake news shows last week, going on and on about this very topic. My favorite part of his tirade (literally getting red in the face) was his pointed barbs at “rural America” and how something was going to have to be done with “these people” because we’re just too stupid to get it.
You’re right, Chris. We are stupid. We’ve been feeding your bloated, bloviating carcass for far too long.
Chrissy Mathews is just upset because Pedo Joe doesn’t give him a tingle up his leg the way Bareback Hasbeen Osama does. Personally I think he’s too obese to resent rural America and its agriculture. And the last time I checked, the majority of our military is comprised of rural Americans who defend his right to stuff his face and lie his ass off.
Here’s hoping he gets car jacked by one of the usual suspects.
The reason a lot of us are “rural Americans” is because we wanted to get away from people like Chris Matthews.
Whenever I see an article that begins with, “Experts say…,” I think, “So many experts, and why would I believe/trust their opinion?”
“Expert” means “full of shit” in Newspeak.
The definition of an expert?
X is an unknown quantity and a spirt is an elongated drip.
When I was still a grad student, a lawyer asked me to be an expert witness. At the time, I didn’t think I was qualified. Looking back, maybe I was more qualified than the average 🙂
You couldn’t have been less qualified than the “expert” witnesses the federal government uses. A Chinese spy couldn’t be.
The same bunch who walk around wearing Blinders while listening to the sounds of running water in a stream and then they step off the curb and fall on their faces and blame others its very comon with Liberals
That sound of running water is actually the government and their fellow “woke” leftists pissing down their backs.
I went to the grocery store yesterday and noticed that everything (not just food) is still AT LEAST twice as expensive as it was when Trump was President. I spent $75. on only 17 items, most of which were ingredients and condiments, and that was after $20.23 discounted from sales items.
Yeah. The economy is awesome and Bidenflation is as wonderful as the Biden Border.
Personal metrics and experience are reality, not the fantasies about a great economy and lowered crime spewed by fake news media trolls like that lying scumbag, David Brooks. I figure every other American who shops, buys gas and pays bills have the same experiences I do.
Press #1 for a reality check in English.
According to Dennis Prager the US inflation figures don’t include food or energy costs.
I know that the UK inflation rates are manipulated by things like TVs which don’t tend to go up much in price but they have more features so the experts claim that they have come down in equivalent cost and that skews the results massively.
If there’s a way to lie, the “experts” will find it and invent new ones. I don’t know about the UK but utilities are so expensive in California now that ordinary people are suffering. And soon, utilities are going to be income based, which means the utility companies won’t give the middle class a break as the government claims, we’ll get our prices hiked along with the affluent just like always.
They don’t include housing costs either. They exclude the essentials which have gone up the most. I can see it, but I never really considered how electronics can skew the results of inflationary stats. I know the UK has some twisted and misleading ways of keeping stats too, crime, and infant mortality, for instance.
When I hear the words “experts say” I assume it’s common sense that didn’t need any explanation or stupidity.
Won’t let me upvote. Experts are required to tell you things you know aren’t true.
Everybody see the Canadian conservative, not long ago? Who, when the reporter tried to start a question with something like “People say that you are…,” he stopped him with “Who?”
And then “Well, you know, people in general,” and the politician says “Name one.”
“Well, I can’t name one right now, and…” And it went downhill from there. With the politician calmly eating an apple as he eviscerates the reporter.
Works for “experts say,” too.