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Robert J. Shillman, aka “Doctor Bob,” has been a supporter of The David Horowitz Freedom Center for many years. He has a new a podcast, Life Lessons with Doctor Bob, and he has agreed to let us share those valuable lessons about achieving success with our readers. His in-depth interviews with interesting and successful people prove that, unlike the MSM’s portrayal of America, this nation has been, and continues to be, a land of opportunity for anyone willing to put in the effort. Make sure to subscribe to the show at Doctor Bob’s website:
This time Dr. Bob welcomes David Horowitz, the founder and president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. David discusses his journey from Left to Right, the malicious and destructive nature of the Left, the catastrophe of Biden’s open border, how freedom-loving Americans can – and must – combat a leftist takeover in America, and much more.
Don’t miss this vital and urgent interview below:
SENATOR McCarthy warned us about the plans of the Commies CPUSA and these leftists collage Professors and Administrators as well as left leaning Hollywood Directors, Producers and Writers have been Brainwashing the youth for years with Leftists Lies
David Ray says
Everything, and I mean everything, the left accused Joe McCarthy of, were guilty of themselves.
Classic projection.
They pulled off the slander of the century, because it’s easy to bullshit the public when a courtier press will carry water.
One reporter stands out from the others for his vicious & rabid attacks on McCarthy – I.F.Stone.
The lying POS Stone was on the SOVIET PAYROLL, as was exposed in the Venona decripts. (Reporters these days are idiots & don’t think to charge for services.)
Banastre Tarleton says
All of this comes into clear focus when it is understood that the USA and the West in general is becoming a parody of the former USSR .Even Gorbachev recognised this with the EU
Consequently the Dems are ”Liberal Bolsheviks” and their Globalist allies in Davos and in the MSM are a latter day Comintern . The Russian Bolsheviks were the first ”Globalist” with their grandiose utopian blueprints for the future of mankind that ended in megalomania and bankruptcy . And as sure as night follows day, our latter day Globalists will end the same way !
The radical Dems in America have their ”show trials” in Derek Chauvin, the J-6 Protesters , and potentially, Donald Trump as Trotsky , , with the FBI/DOJ becoming a lightweight version of the NKVD and the jail in DC as a stand in for the Lubyanka
When seen in retrospect the 2020 November elections was their ”Red October” when they seized power in a FLU D’EAT ..It’s their 1917 moment, their Ground Zero, when everything changes forever to rebuild anew in a ”Germinal ” ! When Obama said they intend to ”Radically transform America” they actually mean it, just like the original Bolsheviks really meant it !
They do not ever intend to lose power again and will have no trouble, whatsoever, rigging the 2024 elections just like they did in 2020 ; moreover, if Trump continues being a thorn in their side they”ll arrange a mysterious accident to occur or incite some type of ”Murder of Kirov”
Anyone familiar with the USSR knows they had a nominal, titular President without any real political power who was in reality just a political cypher and ”yes man’ to Stalin called KALININ ; it should be clear that senile Biden is the latter day Kalinin who takes his orders from those two terrible twins, Obama and Susan Rice, and a politburo of radical Dems in the DNC
Does this make it clear to you ? If you understand Soviet history it should do as the latter day Bolsheviks and Globalist are reading from a similar utopian blueprint for the future and using a similar M O of the ”end justifies the means” !
Capitalist-Dad says
Great analogy. Leftists love institutions that give the illusion of popular control and due process while delivering servitude—the EU, America’s statist bureaucracies, and creative judges being just a few examples. Modern day leftists seem to be satisfied to stop short of state ownership, at least as long as corporate America subserviently pushes Official State Policy. Maybe a page out of the Chinese playbook? Then again the tyranny’s ideological nuances may not be so important once the boot is on our necks.
Banastre Tarleton says
Postmodern version of communism is a hybrid but its still the same utopian impulse
Viet Vet says
I too have used the Stalin-Trotsky—Obama-Trump analogy. In 2008 David had an interview with John Drew, who was the president of the communist club at Occidental College when Obama was also there and a member of that club. So when he said he was going to ‘fundamentally transform America’ we knew exactly what he meant. He also said he wanted to have a civilian army same strength as the regular army. Is that what Antifa and BLM are all about. And was that in keeping with his Marxist Revolutionary theory about how the U.S. would be destroyed.
In his presidential acceptance speech, he said: Thank you, thank you, it;s been a long time coming. What was? Obama hadn’t been laboring for years in public service, he hadn’t run for the presidency before. No, what he meant was a communist at the pinnacle of American power was a long time coming. He then proceeded to attack every aspect of American culture, a la, Antonio Gramsci. Today we see in place and being practiced the instructions of Antonio Gramsci, Richard Cloward, Frances Fox Piven, Saul Alinsky, and Howard Zinn.
Cut off all funding to the Universities and Collages make those lazy youth get a Job and Earn a living instead of lying around their Dorms all day watching the Fake News from CNN
Viet Vet says
The Colleges too.
Nicolas Carras says
You have weapons, take them, and fight. I have nothing else to advise you. Fight. My French ancestor was once your brother in arms, and I am again. You have weapons, take them, and fight.
Nicolas Carras
Nicolas Carras says
And because there can be no battle without poetry..
In america, there is no battle without poetry.
For what ?
Because the word america is poetic.
It is inherently peotic.
What is poetry?
A battle.
A battle for what?
Ask the poet.
Nicolas Carras says
It’s a battle that takes place before words. Before the word, there is a battlefield, and that is where the poet finds himself, in this battle. He is before the word.
Walter Sieruk says
Since the subject of Communism has been brought up. It’s thus appropriate time to also mention the subject of Communist nation of Cuba an appropriate time It’s important to define the concept of Communism .Otherwise known as Marxism. There the pipe-dream of a pure Marxist society in the philosophical political economic fantasy that no one is ever really in need and everyone “Works according to his abilities and receives according to his needs”
In contrast, the is the reality of Communism which is that Marxism is a philosophy that no intelligent person can actually, truthfully accept is not only unrealistic and unnatural but also a joke and an excuse to set up and prop-up tyranny. For evil is always looking for an excuse. Marxism is just the excuse need to set up brutal regimes. Such as that of that Communist tyrannical and oppressive of Red Cuba.
Walter Sieruk says
Most historians agree that Karl Marx had good intentions when he labored so many hours writing his books .Such as the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO along with his long volumes which are entitled THE CAPITAL. Those volumes and his other written works were intended to remedy the terrible social conditions of the oppressed and exploited working class.
The reality was the only further tyrannical oppression and cruel exploitation came upon humankind as a result of his error filled philosophical economic political thesis. First, this awful disaster is what may be called “The law of unintended consequences.” Second, as already mentioned above Karl Marx had “good intentions.” So this serves a proof that the old saying must actually be true. Which is that “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Viet Vet says
Marx never worked a day in his life. He sponged off Engels, his relatives, etc. Perhaps that disposition has something to do with the philosophy. expressed in his writings.
Nicolas Carras says
One day I met Mr. David Horowitz, on the internet. This day was a day, like every day that God makes, like every day that my Lord makes, a day like every other day, that day when the bird sings, like every other day, and the sun shines , like every other day.
As beautiful as every other day,
that day, that day,
guitar and violin translated גיטרה וכינור מתורגם
Nicolas Carras says
Sometimes, fists can be stronger than words, and a weapon can be stronger than a book.
For you David.
Do you remember what David did?
Nicolas Carras says
Lettre à Guy Millière.
Your whole problem is there Guy. In your inability to throw punches. And you are talking about the Jewish people, who are in essence a people of warriors.
Là se trouve ton échec.
Ton plus grand échec.
Nicolas Carras
Nicolas Carras says
Avant le mot, se trouve le poète.
Before the word, there is the poet.
The Wild Bunch (7/10) Movie CLIP – Let’s Go (1969) HD
Sam Peckinpah