Bombshell is apparently the new Lionsgate model.
First there was Lionsgate’s 1619 the movie, the miniseries and the breakfast cereal.
Lionsgate and media maven Oprah Winfrey have partnered with 2020 Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones and The New York Times to develop Hannah-Jones’ interactive project, The 1619 Project, along with the NYT podcast, 1619, into an expansive portfolio of films, television series and documentaries, unscripted programming and other forms of entertainment.
Now Lionsgate will be drawing on an equally authoritative source as the voices in Nikole Hannah-Jones’ head. Buzzfeed.
Lionsgate and BuzzFeed are partnering on a new venture to develop, produce and distribute a multi-picture slate of socially relevant and high-concept feature films for global millennial and Gen Z audiences. As part of the partnership, Lionsgate will greenlight full-length feature films to be produced with BuzzFeed, each with unique, primarily digital, distribution strategies.
Socially relevant films. Because we haven’t had enough AMERICA IS RACIST, YOU GUYS II, movies in the last two years.
Lionsgate will finally fill the critical demand for programming previously only available in the Academy award winning cinematic oeuvre of the lamer half of Key and Peele.
Better watch or you’re officially a bigot.
Now wouldn’t it be a shame if movie theaters never open again and production can never properly restart. It would be a damn shame.
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