It couldn’t happen to a nicer sleaze-site.
At this rate, a year from now, the Gawker URL will lead to a Chinese spam site that exists only to infect your browser with redirects to PRC spyware. Somehow Hulk Hogan and Peter Thiel are having a good laugh.
A planned relaunch of snarky news and gossip web site Gawker is on hold indefinitely, The Post has learned.
Bustle Digital Group, which owns Gawker, laid off the website’s entire staff Tuesday and called off its planned September relaunch, the company has confirmed.
“We can confirm that we are postponing the Gawker launch,” a BDG spokesperson said. “For now, we are focusing company resources and efforts on our most recent acquisitions, Mic, The Outline, Nylon and Inverse.”
And good luck with that.
Bustle and Mic used to be major lefty digital media competitors. Now they’re dead in the water. And Gawker is a third tier property. Of course the bulk of the toxic Gawker empire is still out there, though flailing, and trading owners, which is the usual death spiral of indie papers.
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