Longtime friend to Donald Trump and well-known political lobbyist Roger Stone spoke recently at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2021 Restoration Weekend, held Nov. 11th-14th at the Breakers Resort in Palm Beach, Florida. He discussed the vicious tactics of the Left by way of his own personal story, and stressed the urgent need for new warriors to join the freedom movement.
Don’t miss this important speech, including his inspiring declaration: “I’m here today as living proof that God can do anything.” A transcript follows.
Roger Stone: The thing about liberals is they have no sense of humor, none. So the other night I got up kind of late; I woke up at 4:20 in the morning, which is when I customarily wake up. I took a little bathroom break and I stopped by my cell phone, and it occurred to me that I have no biological heirs. I have two wonderful children; they’re grown, I love them very much. When I adopted them, they were my wife’s children.
And this movement needs future warriors. We’re in a struggle for the very survival of Western civilization. So I put up a post saying that since I had no biological children, and because the movement for freedom needs warriors, I was going to freeze my sperm in case Laura Loomer, at some later date, wanted to bear my child. And the libtards went insane, they just went nuts. And then Loomer, who’s no slouch in this department, said “What shall we name the baby?” And we went back and forth, and we figured it out — Ronald Reagan Stone Loomer, future warrior.
Look, I think most of you know my story. For 2 years, I was hunted, smeared, vilified and the subject of a completely politically-motivated investigation and prosecution, which was really designed to turn me to testify against President Trump. I was arrested in January. Everybody saw it because CNN just happened coincidentally to be 25 feet from my front door, and at 6:06, I was taken into custody.
I was wearing a “Roger Stone did nothing wrong” t-shirt and at 6:11, a producer from CNN sent a text to my lawyer saying, “Your client has just been arrested.” He said “For what?” And then she texted him a copy of my indictment, which unfortunately for her, was sealed until 9:30 that morning. And it had no court markings on it, but when you looked at the meta-data tags, you had the initials of the man who wrote it, Andrew Weissmann. So by the way, the leaking of a search warrant or arrest warrant is a felony, by the way, but it seems that we have a two-tier justice system.
Now, here’s what you didn’t see. On November 3, 2020, this past Election Day, without any question the busiest media day of the year, at midnight, the Department of Justice put out a press release by court order. and released the last remaining redacted sections of Robert Mueller’s long-hidden secret report about me. And it specifically said that he had found, quote, “No factual evidence,” close quote, that I was involved with Russian collusion, WikiLeaks collaboration, or in the theft and publishing of John Podesta’s fakakta email. In other words, I had no motive to lie to Congress because there was never any underlying crime to lie about.
Any misstatement I made to the House Intelligence Committee was immaterial, was irrelevant, hid no underlying crime. It was very clever, really. So “Mr. Stone, on August 9, did you have a club sandwich?” “I don’t remember.” “Well, did you have mayonnaise or mustard on that club sandwich?” “I think it was mayonnaise.” “It was mustard, you’re under arrest.” It was almost that absurd.
But the real purpose became clear in July. That’s when they called my lawyer down to the Justice Department and they took his cell phone away. They took him in this secret little room and they said, “Your client’s going to die in prison.” He said, “What do you mean?” They said, “A D.C. jury is going to hate his guts.” Well, in fact, they ultimately picked a jury which incredibly contained not a single non-Democrat, not a single Roman Catholic, not a single military veteran, not a single African-American male, but had multiple alum of both the Clinton and the Obama administrations, and the Justice Department, as well as the FBI.
We ran out of our preemptory strikes pretty early because the judge ruled that being a Democratic activist and working against me in an election did not limit one’s ability to be impartial in a jury. The judge would go on to violate my First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights regularly. The most interesting one was a motion by the government that said “Stone cannot use any evidence of misconduct by the Special Counsel’s Office, the Department of Justice, the FBI, or any member of Congress in his defense” — any member of Congress? I don’t want to name any names, Adam Schiff.
But if there was no misconduct for me to raise, why would they move to have it barred? And secondarily, under Kyles V. Whitley, the integrity of the investigation or the indictment is always legitimate grounds for defense. So essentially, I was lynched. Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here today as living proof that God can do anything.
The fallout from this continues. First of all, one of the major problems in this country is lawfare. I had 17 civil suits filed against me by crackpots, nut jobs, drooling leftists, Democrats — wait a minute, I’m being redundant. Not one of these lawsuits has any merit; they are baseless, groundless. They lack any evidence whatsoever. They’re essentially souped-up press releases, devoid of any facts, but sensationalized in such a way, so they get you terrible press. “Roger Stone sued in January 6 lawsuit.” Sorry, folks, I wasn’t there, wasn’t on the ellipse, didn’t march to the Capitol, wasn’t at the Capitol, don’t know anything about it, period.
Turned over my emails and text messages; there’s nothing to turn out, turn over. I watched it on TV like a number of other mortified Americans, but you wouldn’t know that if you watched ABC News. You see, the technique they use is guilt by association. “Here’s a picture of Roger Stone with one of the Proud Boys.” Does anybody have any idea how many pictures I posed for in the last 2 years? Am I responsible for the actions, past, present and future, of everyone I’ve had my picture taken with? Of course not, it’s an absurdity, but not if you watch ABC News, who recycled the same video of me outside my hotel, but still on the hotel grounds.
On the morning of the 6h, the only time I left the building, I pretty much stayed in the hotel. I did stay in the hotel grounds the entire time. And if you watch the video, all you really see is a lot of people love Roger Stone. And I never say no when someone asks for a photograph or a selfie. I could be in the middle of a burger, and somebody will come up, “Oh, Mr. Stone, could I get a picture?” I always say, “Absolutely.” You know why? Because otherwise, when they go back to Ohio or Pennsylvania or Iowa, or wherever they’re from, they say, “We met that Roger Stone, what an asshole he was.”
Now, I always say yes, and here’s the amazing thing: 9 out of 10 times, the person who tells me they’ve prayed for me, they prayed for my family, they want their picture. They always say, “And I gave money to your legal defense fund.” You see, the first thing they do is break you financially. Yes, I lost my home, my car, my savings, my insurance, my ability to make a living, because I make a living writing and speaking. But the judge essentially gagged me in violation of my constitutional rights because she said my social media postings might taint the jury pool in D.C.
So CNN and Washington Post were raining crap on me every day; that wasn’t going to change the jury pool. But my defending myself on those days on Instagram because I was banned on Twitter way back in 2017. I’m a veteran of the information war. So essentially, I’ve had these 17 lawsuits; I’ve now had 11 of them dismissed. Oh, by the way, of the 17, 12 of them were filed by Larry Klayman, if you know him.
In any event, this is the state of our court system and they always file them Friday at 6:00, so you get a big splashy headline, but you never get your comment. Your denial never makes the story. Kind of proves what the intent is.
The second manifestation is much sadder, and that is, as you may have read, my wife of 30 years was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer shortly after I was pardoned. And this comes as a shock to me because she’s an extraordinarily vital woman, she’s an extraordinarily healthy woman. She was my rock during the trial at those times when I was discouraged and upset, despondent and extraordinarily depressed. She was the one who said, “No, fight on. No, you’re not going to testify,” not that I ever considered it, but she was the absolute rock that held our whole family together, held me together for this incredible battle. And now she is fighting for her life.
I’m not a great believer in Western medicine. There’s a couple of cancer doctors I’d like to murder, to be honest with you, because they have blinders on and they only see one thing. But God will heal her of this, I have absolute faith. And she has chosen a holistic and homeopathic route and a spiritual route to her healing. And I’m happy to tell you she’s doing extraordinarily well.
It’s kind of amazing what we see in the media today. Let me ask you a question. When John Kennedy went to the Vienna Summit with Nikita Khrushchev, do you think he crapped his britches? When Richard Nixon was putting the final touches on the strategic arms limitation with Leonid Brezhnev, shortly after saving Israel from complete annihilation in the 1973 Yom Kippur war, over the objections of Henry Kissinger and his own Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, do you think he soiled his pantaloons?
When Jimmy Carter was at camp David and he was dealing with Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin to put together the Camp David Accords, do you think he was making room for lunch? In all honesty, when Donald Trump, the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln was meeting the Queen of England, I guarantee he did not drop a deuce. Now we have a President who’s crapped his britches and the American people are shitting a brick, as they should be.
By the way, I predicted this several days earlier because a Secret Service source of mine told me that the drugs that they’re using to keep the president more alert, have a side effect of diarrhea. I said it on a radio show, I was vilified on Twitter. And 2 days later, Joe Biden soiled his pants before he met the Pope. How do we know this? Look closely at the pictures, folks; he has two different pairs of pants on with the same suit jacket, but the color doesn’t match. And multiple sources out of the Vatican say that’s exactly what happened.
In any event, because politics is always about the future, and never about the past, I want to talk about the path forward because that’s really the most important thing to me. There are several things we have to do to survive as a movement. First and foremost is the war against internet censorship. 2020 was the first time ever in American politics where we had the complete control and censorship of all mass communications.
In other words, network, television, cable, television, by and large, radio — there’s a few bright spots, but generally, corporate radio has snuffed out conservative voices — print media, newspapers, magazines, and so on. And then, of course, the complete censorship of the internet, including the de-platforming of people like Laura Loomer and myself and many others.
The problem here is a simple one, and that is these companies, Yahoo, Apple, Google, they don’t own the internet. They only own highly influential software on the internet that could be used as plug-insurance. And many, many conservatives, like those poor fools at Parler, have used in the utilization of their platform. But a platform can be built by a software engineer who understands that he not only has to get the site up, but he has to keep it up. See, software engineers don’t think about doing de-platforming. If you’re building a platform to sell soap, you never worry about anybody taking it down because nobody will.
Poor Mike Lindell, who’s a good fellow, spent $10 million to try to build such a site, but unfortunately his software engineers ended up using cheap plug-in software. And when that Amazon program was removed, like taking bricks out of the foundation of a house, the house collapses. So somewhere between $4 million and $6 million, one can build a platform that is virtually impossible to take down. And then by virtue of its ownership, it will not be censored.
Well, once you had that platform, you can have a social media application, you can have a news application, you can have an event application, you can have a crowd funding application, you can have a web hosting application. The technology is not that complicated. It’s just that no conservative has stepped forward to do this, or very few, and therefore protect us. Why is this important? Here’s why, because unless we can communicate with each other and with everyone else, we will never be able to galvanize people behind the movement for free, fair, honest and transparent elections. It is essential that we do that.
Now here in Florida, I have recently had a little tiff with the Governor because I believe, based on the mathematical laws of probability, that we have 1.6 million phantom voters on our voting rolls. What does that mean? People who are deceased, people who have moved out of state, people who never existed to begin with, or people who are registered to an address that does not have any residents, usually raw land or a vacant lot. If you go in and you take a sample of 20,000 of them, and you have 20% of them meet those criteria, then the law of mathematical probability would indicate we have 1.6 million. [Phone rings]. Pardon me it’s my lawyer, of course. We have 1.6 million phantom voters.
Now, here’s what I am not saying. I’m not saying let’s audit the last election; I’m not saying that I’m quibbling about the results from the last election in Florida. What I’m saying is these people are going to be voted if we don’t take them off the rolls. And the Governor has the power to do that; his Secretary of State has the power to do that. If she is too busy meeting with the Dominion people, and others who are more interested in rigging our elections, that’s the second-most important thing we must do.
Then the third-most important thing we must do is we’re going to re-fight the battle of 2016. You see, sometimes I love Donald Trump, I’ve known him for 40 years. I was prepared to go to prison rather than lie and bear false witness against him. It’s amazing how much he got done in 4 years, considering a number of the quislings he had around him. But sometimes, I feel like our great white king is being held captive by the dark knights in the tower right up the street. And sometimes, I’m puzzled by the decisions he makes.
On the other hand, I’ve known him 40 years, and I know he and everyone can only make decisions based on the information they have, not the information they haven’t been given, or has not been brought to their attention. Anybody with partial information will make bad decisions. But make no mistake about it, the RINOs, the Republicans in name only, the people who are in this party to line their pockets and the pockets of their friends, the people that don’t have the guts to fight the radical left socialists, the feckless, gutless, weak-kneed, lily-livered, white-wine-swilling, country-club-belonging Bush Republicans have to be shown the door again.
We have an obligation to fight this out at all levels of the party all over again because make no mistake about it, those people who recognize that Donald Trump’s nomination and Dominations Party was a hostile takeover. Now, I left the Republican party to become a Libertarian because I couldn’t stomach Mitt Romney. A man who says he’s severely conservative is not conservative at all. And it was pretty obvious to me that he was just another New World Order establishment Republican, go along to get along, one party, one philosophy, embodied in a leadership, the elite leadership, of both parties.
But here’s the good news. At the grassroots level, the America First movement is stronger than ever and there are a number of key races around the country. My good friend Laura Loomer is now running in a seat that she can win. In her last election, she won on Election Day, she won an absentee ballot, she won on early voting. She only got skunked when they dropped in the mail-in voters. What does that tell you? No Republican has ever done that in this Democratic district.
And now she’s running against a RINO who is calcified, who looks at his congressional seat like a sinecure. He was Speaker of the House. He was the President of the State Senate. He shows up for about 25% of the votes. He’s a go-along to get-along, regular establishment Republican. We don’t need that, we need a fighter. That’s why I will be there in the trenches with Laura Loomer and you need to be there too.
I’ll give you another example. In Oklahoma, James Lankford, the Senior Senator, he votes to certify the election of Joe Biden after initially expressing some skepticism. And then he issues an apology to Black Lives Matter because he says questioning the integrity of the election is racist. No, it isn’t. This is the same James Lankford who voted against a Senate Select Committee to investigate the deaths of Americans at Benghazi.
This is the same James Lankford who wouldn’t vote for Merrick Garland to be a Supreme Court Justice, but voted to confirm him as our Attorney General. So he’s being challenged by a pastor-businessman named Jackson Lahmeyer, who is one of the most dynamic young candidates I’ve met. And he has raised $450,000, all of it from events, by the way; none of it from direct-response fundraising, which I believe will start soon. But these are the kind of races we need to run across the country. And the first candidates I think who must be challenged are those who voted for this trillion-dollar-disaster.
And then of course, we come to 2024. Will the President run? Well, I think if I were in his position, I’d make this decision until after I see the 2022 elections. Do we have the backdrop for a comeback? Gas prices are going up higher than Hunter Biden. The numbers on the gas pump are going up faster than when Brian Stelter steps on the scale. We have supply chain problems that I don’t think really exist. We have food shortages. I don’t remember that under President Trump. No, we have an unmitigated disaster; we have the least popular president in our history. In fact, among Democrats, Ronald Reagan is now more popular as a past president then Joe Biden is today, amazing.
But again, if we don’t have free, fair, honest, transparent elections, why should the great man run? If he’s going to be cheated again, why should he run? On the other hand, he is our strongest candidate. He is the candidate who can hold the entire coalition together. And there are a number of pretenders to the throne who now have taken the America First agenda for their Twitter feed and their social media, but never walked the walk, Mike Pompeo.
So it is extraordinarily important to watch 2022 to figure out what’s going to happen in 2024. I’m a veteran of 11 national Republican presidential campaigns. I started, as most of you know, under Richard Nixon. I have a tattoo on my back about the size of a grapefruit, it floats between my two shoulders, it’s really there. Makes me the only man you know with a dick on the front and the back, but it is not — sorry — it is not a political statement.
It’s a reminder that in life, when you get knocked down, when things don’t go your way, when you are — when you reach for something, you strive again and again, and you fall short when you’re discouraged and you’re ready to give up. That’s the time to get yourself up off the canvas to dust yourself off and get back in the fight. So see, the story of Nixon is a story of persistence, it’s a story of resilience. It’s an American story. Calvin Coolidge said, “It isn’t brains or talent that get you ahead. There are plenty of people who are very smart and don’t make it. There are plenty of talented people who don’t make it. Persistence is what makes the man, makes the person, persistence.”
It was President Nixon who said “A man is not finished when he is defeated. He’s only finished when he quits.” Until one has been in the deepest valley, one cannot appreciate the majesty of the highest mountaintop. Well, I’ve lived that. I must tell you 2 years of living hell, 2 years of being bankrupted and hounded and harassed and smeared, which continues to this day.
The Biden Justice Department is suing me over my 2007 taxes. I have not under-reported a dime and I’ve identified every asset. This is just harassment. Now I won’t settle. Every single assertion by the government in their civil complaint against me is provably, indisputably false, actually pretty easily proved that way. But we’ll go to trial in Miami and I will prevail.
I really believe that Donald Trump has changed the grass roots of the Republican party forever. We are going to be a conservative, populous base party, the America First party. And that agenda is what allowed him to build a coalition that allowed him to win the election. This is not really complicated. If you examine the votes in Michigan and Pennsylvania and Ohio and Florida, and you look at those precincts surrounding the cities, and in the cities, you’ll find among African-Americans that Donald Trump ran 3 to 4 points ahead of Mitt Romney or John McCain. You will find that in the white working-class, overwhelmingly unionized and warmly Catholic union members, that he ran 4 to 5 points ahead of Mitt Romney and John McCain.
Now, when you only win Michigan by 10,000 votes, but you come out of the Black precincts in the City of Detroit 3 points ahead of where Romney was, there’s your 10,000 votes, folks. Nobody else can build this coalition and anybody who says they can, hasn’t proven it yet.
So I’m optimistic. Again, we have to win the war over internet censorship. We have to build our own community, as it were. Then we have to use our ability to communicate. We don’t have to control television, we don’t have to control the internet. Pardon me. We don’t have to control cable TV, we don’t have to control newspapers and magazines. Just give us a fair beachhead on the internet and we will prevail again. Then we can galvanize our supporters and those who think like us to insist upon the reforms that are necessary for free and fair elections.
And this is a key point: In those states where you have a Democratic Governor, a Democratic legislature and they’re recalcitrant, then it has to be done by constitutional amendment. But in the constitutional amendment process in virtually every state, the people prevail, the people have the power. And therefore, we can have fair elections if we can rouse the people. I’ve talked enough about the need to clean up the Republican Party, I think you figured that out. And then 2024, we can take this country back and make America great again.
I am unclear on timing because that incoming call knocked off my timer, but I will take a question or two until somebody tells me to sit down and shut up.
Speaker 2: Who’s got a question?
Audience Member: Are you in touch with President Trump? And do you think he’ll run again? It sounds like he will.
Roger Stone: I am in touch with him. I consider those conversations to be privileged, and I would never discuss them without his permission. I do think he leans towards running. I think he would like to run. It breaks his heart to see what’s happening to this country. Look, I’ve known him for 40 years. He never ran for President because he wanted bigger-name ID. He never ran for president because he wanted a bigger plane; he already had a better plane. Just up the road, you can see it. He didn’t run for President because he wanted a big mansion; he already had a big mansion and he was the best known entrepreneur and businessman on the face of the earth.
I go back to an interview that he gave 20 years ago to Oprah. When she says, “What about you, Donald? Would you ever run for public office? Would you run for President? He said, “No, I don’t think so, unless things get so bad that I have no choice.” That’s exactly what happened in 2016. God put him in the right place at the right time, and he was the right man to lead an American revival. And what did Obama say? “What are you going to do, Donald, just wave a wand and bring those manufacturing jobs back?” Yes, it’s the wand of lower taxation and less regulation gave us the greatest, most robust economy in our history.
Audience Member: Is it really true they sent more assets to arrest you than they sent to help Benghazi?
Roger Stone: Oh, that is absolutely true. I was — my home was assaulted at 6:00 in the morning by 29 SWAT-clad, night-goggle wearing FBI agents with M4 fully-automatic assault weapons. They arrived in 17 armored vehicles; there was a government helicopter overhead. And as Sean likes to say over again, yes, there were two FBI boats on the dock behind my home in Fort Lauderdale, and there were frogmen jumping under the dock also brandishing assault weapons.
The whole thing costs you folks $1.1 million. It’s amazing, all they had to do was call my lawyer and tell me to turn myself in. But then had they done that, I wouldn’t have raised the $2.5 million I needed for legal fees and to fight a corrupt system in Washington, D.C. I think it was Nietzsche who says that which does not kill me, makes me stronger.
And I’ll be very honest, a point came several months before my trial when I hit rock bottom, when I was angry, furious, depressed, gagged, so I couldn’t say a thing in my own defense in any medium. Every member of my family was gagged by the judge. My supporters were gagged by the judge — how’s that work? And it was clear to me that I was about to be lynched.
And then I had an occasion not far from here. I was invited by a very good friend to go to a revival that was being held by Reverend Franklin Graham. And when I had worked for President Nixon, I had met Billy Graham, who I thought was one of the greatest men of the 20th century. And when I was 12 years old, I’d seen Billy Graham preach at a tent revival in Bridgeport, Connecticut, one August and I remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of the few things I remember from my childhood so clearly. And I jumped at the chance to meet Franklin Graham.
Of course, I think like a political strategist, right? So I’m like, well, he’s close to Trump and maybe clemency is the answer here. So I had a nice meeting with Reverend Graham, who was very gracious. I gave him a copy of my book, The Making of the President in 2016. He gave me a copy of his book, the Bible, and I pitched him.
I said, “Look, maybe — I’m not allowed to talk to the President, lawyers and all that.” I said, “Maybe you could put in a good word for me.” He said, Well, I’ll see what I can do. But let me tell you something, if you will confess your sins, if you’ll get right with God, if you will reaffirm your faith, I’m absolutely positive that he will deliver you from your persecutors, that he will not abandon you, that he will preserve you and he will save you.” And of course, I didn’t immediately say yes. I said, “Well, I want to think about that.”
And then I went out to the revival and I was sitting near the front and a time came in his oration where he said, “I don’t care if your problem is drug addiction or alcohol problems or health problems or financial problems or family problems, the Lord will not abandon you. The word will lift you up. The Lord will allow you to live with him in his heavenly kingdom if you will confess your sins and get right with Jesus. So now is the time.” And with 200 other believers, I stood in this field and I confessed my sins and I got right with my God. And it was like cement blocks had been lifted from my shoulders. And I knew from that moment on that nobody could hurt me, that the Lord would protect me if I stayed true to him.”
I know liberal elites say, oh, that Stone, generating media and just a head fake (inaudible) I don’t care what they think. I only care what He thinks because He knows what’s in your heart. You can’t fool God, you can’t bargain with God. God spared my life to fight another round and I am back on the ramparts and I will not quit.
So let me wrap this up. Those of you who would like to help me in my epic legal struggles can go to stonedefensefund.com, stone defensefund.com. I have to raise $250,000 for lawyers between now and the end of the year. I know it seems extraordinary, but I’ve done nothing wrong.
And then if you want to help in my wife’s epic fight in cancer, I must tell you that the very best all-natural therapies are not inexpensive — peptides, vitamin infusions, specially-tailored CBD and THC, a number of mushrooms, some pretty exotic stuff that I’m absolutely convinced after immersing myself in cancer, the way I would immerse myself in a political campaign, not only do work, but are working as we sit here today. So you can go to stonefamilyfund.com if you want to help there.
If you want to just keep up with the shenanigans of me and my friend, Laura Loomer and others, you can go to stonecoldtruth.com. And if you absolutely must have a Roger Stone “Still did nothing wrong” t-shirt, you can go to rogerstonestore.com. Thank you and God bless you.
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