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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
One result of the gruesome October 7 jihad attacks in Israel is that the general public is seeing the naked bloodlust of Islamic jihadists, which the establishment media and Leftist authorities have done all they could to conceal for years.
The UK Express reported Monday that among the footage that Israel recently released of the Hamas jihad massacres of October 7, there is an audio file of “a Hamas terrorist ringing his mother with one of his victim’s phones, saying: ‘I killed 10 Jews with my own hands. I’m using the dead Jewish woman’s phone to call you now.’” The proud mother responds: “May Allah protect you.”
The mind boggles. What could possibly account for this mindset? What’s more, how could anyone possibly think that these gleeful murderers, taking joy in the deaths of those whom they hate, could have the moral high ground? Yet it is clear now that all too many people in the West assume that they do. Few understand how deep this love of death really goes.
Back in April 2020, a Syrian opposition journalist, Khatib Badla, explained that Muslim Arabs “have a trait that distinguishes us from all the other peoples of the world, which is a love of death. We dream of it, regard it as a source of inspiration and think about it every day. We love death and love the dead. Instead of hoping for longevity, for [a life of] giving and loving, we say, with defeatism… ‘God, [help me] go to battle and reach my grave. This is in addition to the grand slogans we [like to chant], such as: ‘death to America,’ ‘better death than humiliation’ and ‘seek death and you shall be given life [in the next world].’”
Badla was right, and the attitudes and assumptions that he so ably described are quite pervasive among Islamic jihadis. They generally tend to idolize murder and love death, as they frequently affirm. As police were closing in on him, Boston Marathon jihad murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev wrote on the wall of the pleasure boat in which he was hiding: “You are fighting men who look into the barrel of your gun and see heaven.”
Tsarnaev wasn’t remotely singular in this. Muslim teenage girls from Austria who traveled to Syria for jihad announced: “Death is our goal.” Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said: “I’m even longing for death, you vagabond.” In 2021, as his enemies closed in on him, Shekau treated himself to the object of his longing.
In 2012, a Muslim child preacher taunted those he has been taught to hate most: “Oh Zionists, we love death for the sake of Allah, just as much as you love life for the sake of Satan.” In France that same year, jihad mass murderer Mohamed Merah, who murdered little children inside a Jewish school, said that he “loved death more than they loved life.”
Al-Qaeda top dog Ayman al-Zawahiri’s wife once advised Muslim women: “I advise you to raise your children in the cult of jihad and martyrdom and to instil in them a love for religion and death.”
And as one jihadist summed it up, “We love death. You love your life!” Afghan jihadist Maulana Inyadullah years ago said the same, while demonstrating a gift for a memorable phrase: “The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death.” More probably prefer Coca-Cola, but we get the idea.
This idea is not actually the strange opinion of a gang of “extremists.” It comes from the Qur’an itself: “Say, O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are favored of Allah apart from mankind, then long for death if you are truthful.” (62:6)
This is one reason why the forces of Hamas and its allies can never win in the long run: loving death is not natural. Loving life is. The young man who happily called home to boast to his mother about having murdered Jews has as his unwitting opponents the multitudes of people, Jews and non-Jews, in the West who are thrilled when they can save a life, not destroy one. When the lovers of life face off against the lovers of death, they have multitudes of silent allies: every living being stands as a rebuke to those whose only love is carnage and destruction, simply by virtue of having life.
Life is, as we have always been told, a gift. As the world looks on in horror at those who rejoice in destroying it, we are reminded in the most vivid possible way of how precious it is. And now the time has come to defend that principle, or face even greater horrors than what we saw on October 7.
These barbarians who long to die are in for an awful surprise when they do. Hell is no paradise, and once a person arrives there, there is no escape. Islam is one of Satan’s lies..
How correct you are! These people will not be greeted by 7 virgins & a bowl of hashish, but will be forever outcast from the presence of God, to an eternity of misery. They Bible says Satan was a liar from the beginning and the father of it. These people have been deceived. Given the one they truly serve, their barbarism & love of death should be a “given”…but since I am not desensitized, I am still shocked & grieved by their evil acts.
Yeah, they’re going to end up taking it up their asses by 12 inch barbed demon dicks and screaming for their mommies. Bitches.
Ultimately, good men will need to do ugly things if future generations of Americans are to survive. Let slip the dogs of war!
This evil isn’t natural, but inspired from the supernatural. The author of their book (can’t spell it) was inspired by a spirit claiming to be the angel Gabriel. The Bible says anyone who preaches another gospel—even if it’s an angel from heaven—shall be accursed. It also tells us Satan can appear as angel of light, & we are to test the spirits to see if they are from God….but this root goes back all the way to Ishmael. The Bible said he would be a wild man, his hand was against every man, & every man’s hand against him. He was blessed because Abraham asked, & there they sit on lands rich in oil, with their hands against every man. But as the Bible says in Isaiah, “woe to those who call evil good”, it goes on to say, “their root shall be as rottenness, & their blossom go up as dust : because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, & despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.”
Satan’s name, Lucifer, means morning light, light bringer, dawn breaker and stuff like that. The dirtbag definitely was named for sunlight, even though his reputation is much darker.
I wish this Islamic culture of death and Jew hating truly were repulsive to the West, but you see scant evidence of that in the Biden White House, the Democratic Party, the Educational Industrial Complex or in the pro Hamas hive mentality of the mainstream media and pseudo-intellectual chattering classes
I wish Planned Parenthood would open birth control clinics and abortion mills throughout the Moslem Middle East.
…guarded by armed security and vigilant government agents who would arrest and imprison anybody protesting against them or even silently praying on the sidewalk in front of them, as they do here and throughout Western Europe.
That would be a use of our millions — or is it billions? — of dollars in U.S. taxpayer subsidies and funding for the organization that I would willingly, and eagerly, agree with.
Or am I being Racist and Islamophobic with that suggestion?
Moslems love to die? What an empty boast. They’re lying through their teeth. I GUARANTEE if I were to kill an islamopithecine he wouldn’t love it and he would probably whimper like a dog. Not that I’m allowed to kill any of those vermin. That’s illegal.
I HATE braggarts.
This article gave the quote of one jihadist who had said, “We love death. You Love Life.”
The point is that is an Islamic saying . One a number of times Muslim terrorist of different jihad terror/murder organizations have gathered together and in a group chanted in a similar way “They love life. We Love death.”
This along is revealing what Islam exactly is , it’s a death cult.
In great contrast to Islam is Christianity, which is centered on Jesus Who, taught and gave life and not death.
For Jesus sais” I have come that they may have life. And that they may have it more abundantly”
John 10:10. [N.K.J.V.]
“We love death. You Love Life.” So, why the hell has Europe been letting them in for so long? The results should have been obvious to anyone with a brain. (Aside: I wonder if the Chinese don’t have the more intelligent solution…)
Yeah well, the Chinese have sent the Wiggers to reeducation camps, so they obviously know how to treat islamopithecines.
Responding to ” … So, why the hell has Europe been letting them in for so long?” … because they were brainwashed to believe the Crusades were their fault and not Christians defending themselves from this death cult.
I wonder if the Israeli military will use the Mediterranean Sea to fill up these HAMAS tunnels we keep hearing about.
Could you imagine the looks on the HAMAS faces, as the water started to rise?
No, you couldnt, because they all wear those black mask.
It would also help ameliorate rising sea levels due to “Climate Change”. Hear that, Greta Thunberg?
She’s AKA the Doom Pixie.
It would make me laugh to see that, though. Their stupid tongues hanging out of those black ski masks as they drowned.
They have forgotten to mention a life of wine, women and song – in France they drink alcohol like fish, their fathers practice 100% adultery with these women either here and in the heathen lands they all originate from, women who declare non existing kids and we pay social benefits to, Let’s not call them muslims, they are islamists. Burn the muslim banner, it’s a joke, it is FULL SIN PRACTICED 24 hrs a day. They lie like the devil their father, and teach hatred at the crib. They can’t feed their families so they go abroad and raise hell because they aren’t supposed to work, we crusaders descendants of monkeys and Jews descendants of pigs, are supposed to work for them while the leaders of their respective countries CRAP on toilets made of gold and import Eastern European girls for orgies, or organ transplants. Let’s not forget that the quran BANS all islamists from staying abroad, – yes, they can TRAVEL but mustn’t settle!!! They want money and more of it, their CURSED religion is right out of hell and Obama imported it full blown to the States, plus idol worshipping religions and their cows, all these things DESTROY a nation, as recorded in the Bible. E. W. Kenyon in his book called “Two Kinds of Life” quoted the following: “Now we understand why there are NO inventors in heathen lands. Man must FIRST receive the Creative Nature of God” which is the opposite of KILLING, STEALING AND DESTROYING. All of us who have been sympathetic towards these creatures have reaped the devil due to LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, this is why God said “My people perish for LACK of knowledge.” Why isn’t islamic Obama impeached?! Unless they are sent back we are cursed with their contamination of TALK OF DECIMATING ISRAEL. Psalm 122: “6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May they prosper who love you. 7 Peace be within your walls, Prosperity within your palaces.” Hallelujah to the God of Israel Who is sending His Messiah any day now. Praise the Name of the Lord God Almighty! PLEASE Read Matthew 24, for Jew and Christian, GET PREPARED AND GET OUT!!!
Robert’s articles are truly informative. We see the rise of militant Islam everywhere now. No one can blame Israel for stopping their issuing of visas to the UN. Hamas seemed to blame Israel for their inhuman assault on October 7. Where is Guterras, he is supposed to be in charge of humanitarian affairs? The UN has not proved to be a reliable organization for real humanitarian support. Who supports the kind of animals we saw slaughtering people and babies in their beds?
Israel is going to answer their prayers for death real good.
Give them death, death, death.
For Allahs sake of course. That is what he wants for Muslims too.
They think that if they blow themselves up in a Airport Terminal or Train Sation full of innocents Theil go to paradise with 1000 Virgins and instead end up at some other place aa Lake of Flames
IT could be the effects of the drugs they take before the attack. Throughout history armies have been given drugs to overcome their fear of death. But the evil lies in the organizers who arrange for this drug induced sadism and the people like Uncle Joe who are so happy to give Iran all the funds they need to do this. Just one more example of his hatred of Ameria, Israel, reason and common sense. And his love of irrationality, greed and himself. A pathetic excuse for president. He is aiding and abetting mass murder, but will never be held to account except on judgment day somewhere in Heaven.
George Patton once said that you win a war by making the other guy die for their country. These guys are so eager for this. We will win.
It’s just paralleling what these guys are doing to me:
They called and were so happy their plan to enslave me was going through. You can enslave the Universe, but the price never stops getting charged from the second you try.
The prophet Muhammad may well say “war is deceit”, for he has deceived his people for 1400 years.
The love of death seems to have found a home also among the depopulation advocates who have lowered the birth rate in the West far below replacement levels. The advocates of “population reduction” (which can only occur through death, of course) never seem to lead the way by ending their own lives, though.
I have always considered Proverbs 8 : 36 as God to referring to himself with the word “me.”
Well, in the US, we;’re not perfect either.. Abortionists kill 2-3 thousand babies a day. And US states can do something about it, and have started.