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The Maine move is a good deal worse than the Colorado move because it’s purely unilateral. There isn’t even a pretense of a legislative or judicial process here. Just a Democrat in a position to supervise elections removing a possible presidential nominee from the ballot.
And if we’re going here, what exactly is to stop Republican secretaries of state from doing the same thing? That’s why saner voices even in the media were urging their party to stop doing this before they open the door to a Republican response.
Instead, Maine’s Democrat Secretary of State Shenna Bellows decided to one-up Colorado. And while Colorado is a mostly lost cause, Maine splits its electoral votes and Trump picked up an electoral vote here in 2016 and 2020.
Here’s her unilateral verdict.
“I conclude… that the record establishes that Mr. Trump, over the course of several months and culminating on January 6, 2021, used a false narrative of election fraud to inflame his supporters and direct them to the Capitol to prevent certification of the 2020 election and the peaceful transfer of power. I likewise conclude that Mr. Trump was aware of the likelihood for violence and at least initially supported its use given he both encouraged it with incendiary rhetoric and took no timely action to stop it.”
Which record is that? Glenn Gould’s ‘Goldberg Variations’?
The president gets to declare an insurrection, not an election official in Maine three years later. If election officials get to declare insurrections, we’re gonna be in for an exciting 2024 election.
“I do not reach this conclusion lightly. Democracy is sacred… I am mindful that no Secretary of State has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment. I am also mindful, however, that no presidential candidate has ever before engaged in insurrection. The oath I swore to uphold the Constitution comes first above all, and my duty under Maine’s election laws, when presented with a Section 336 challenge, is to ensure that candidates who appear on the primary ballot are qualified for the office they seek.”
The oath to the Constitution requires Bellows to uphold laws, not to violate or pervert them, or to make herself she sole arbiter of federal laws, when she’s a state official, and to remove a candidate from a ballot for federal office because she doesn’t like him.
None of that is constitutional.
But obviously it’s not about the Constitution. It’s about fundraising, scoring points, owning the other side, draining their resources and keeping the lawfare going.
Remember, Maine taxpayers will be paying for Shenna’s lawfare while the Trump campaign will pick up his legal bills. Keep multiplying this by several states and contemplate the cost of arguing a case in multiple jurisdictions and then before the Supreme Court and you’re looking at millions in campaign expenditures which are also effectively a contribution to the Biden campaign.
This is corrupt, illegal and unconstitutional. And we’re not even in 2024 yet.
And the Supreme Court is stalling, not that there’s any guarantee it will uphold the law.
I call these Dark Age tactics, tactics used when there is no rule of law, as in the Dark Ages.
Right………this New Age slut is just a modern Wicca witch.
And should be dispatched accordingly.
I’ve been reading some about Druids during the Dark Ages in David Hume’s history of England (great writing, available free online). Anyway, the Druids were some mean and crazy folk, not at all like they are pictured by New Age types 🙂
Yes, they were into nailing people to oak trees and other pleasant customs.
Thanks for mentioning that Hume’s volumes are available free online. 🙂
Tjere were a couple of other authors that complemented Hume’s works. Locke was one of them, but I can’t remember the other.
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed, from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
~ Thomas Jefferson
Don’tcha love it when some wicked witch of the Northeast unilaterally declares a candidate (that she doesn’t like) ineligible to run for office. I guess Shenna Bellows doesn’t have that much support, anywhere. And now that she has attempted to deprive half the state of voting for their choice I hope the governor that appointed her gets voted out.
BTW, Glenn Gould’s two recordings of the Bach Goldberg Variations are the worst examples of Bach’s wonderful composition. I never liked his interpretations of Mozart’s and Beethoven’s music either…..he is definitely an acquired taste IMHO.
It’s hard to f*** up Bach, Mozart and Beethoven but some people can f*** up anything. Just look at America under Crooked Joe and the Dirtbagocrat party.
I heard a Christmas version of”The Nutcracker Suite” movement yesterday that actually changed the music. Some people just don’t know when to leave something well enough alone.
Colorado opened Pandora’s box. Doubtful if the Supreme Court can or will Krazy Glue it shut. And so
2023 slouches into 2024. What’s to celebrate?
I just want to celebrate another day of liiiiffffe! Dems can’t allow that though.
America teeters on a political brink. A Democ-rat apparatchik chick in Maine has removed the leading political opponent from the election ballot based upon a “record.” Given the peril that her infidelity to our constitutional civil union has caused, the “record” that comes to my mind is Kenny Rogers’ number: “You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille/ With four hungry children and a crop in the field/ I’ve had some bad times, lived through some sad times/ But this time your hurting won’t heal/ You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille.”
Once again, never put weird looking people in charge of anything,
That’s what I was thinking. Why do so many Dirtbagocrat lefty women look like that?
I think it’s mandatory. An off target attempt to look serious. It never works, though. They just look like oddballs.
To me, she looks dumb.
Listening to her is -like- valley girl talk! Particularly the up talk, a style of talking in which speakers end their sentences on a rise much like a question.
People use up talk in attempts to convince other people of what they say. It’s a tell that a person is lying.
A dumb, tight lipped zealot for a bad cause.
Whoever keeps down voting me Loves lefty liars and uses jizz as mouthwash.
I know gals that use jizz for shampoo, but mouthwash? They’re cheating, lol.
Once again we see the power mad Democrats trying to force voters to only vote for them this one needs to lose their job and go om Welfare
Banish her to Cuba or Venezuela.
This is what happens when the head of a party – Biden – is crooked, evil, corrupt, a liar, a pedophile, and a disgusting of a human being. When the leader is corrupt and evil, the lemmings act like their dear leader.
Well, Bellows did write that “it was amazing to meet President Biden” when she and some fellow travelers made a pilgrimage to DC to celebrate “Women’s Month” or some such. She got to meet and commune with her idol. Dear Lord! Please make it stop!
Anybody who can say something like that is a natural born liar.
One other point is that she was appointed, not elected. Which makes her even more beholden to the Democrat Party.
No President has beaten the deep state bureaucracy. Larry Schweikart wrote a good book entitled “Dragonslayers: Six Presidents and Their War with the Swamp.” Lincoln, Cleveland and Theodore Roosevelt had moderate success against particular consortiums, especially Cleveland, but Kennedy, Reagan and even Trump all failed.
The people appointed and hired into the deep state do more damage to the country than anybody else in the federal government, in my opinion, and that includes judges. State bureaucrats are generally toxic, too.
Kennedy was assassinated, and it wouldn’t surprise me if the deep state CIA was responsible. Oswald definitely was a stupid patsy, like he said. The terminally ill wasn’t set up to assassinate him for nothing.
I hate conspiracy theories but it’s obvious that the Kennedy assassination was more than just a murderous American commie with a rifle.
“Sigh.” “The terminally ill Jack Ruby.”
I think everybody old enough to know about the Kennedy assassination as more than a historical footnote will be long dead before the truth comes out to a public which won’t care anymore, just like people today don’t care who assassinated Garfield or McKinley.
There were countless unexplained anomalies. Howard Hunt said he knew what happened, but I think he died before revealing the secret.
One example that bugs me, I think it was his wife who was on some kind of mission for Howard and was carrying a bunch of cash was on a plane which was blown up (a domestic flight going from one USA state to another). That’s my fractured history from memory, I no longer have that book.
As we can see, in America, free speech and academic freedom is shrinking, and the police state is growing, as it is monitoring and spying on more citizen, and also banning and regulating more and more household products, while creating shortages, and driving up the costs of others. The borders are wide open, and foreigners are rushing in. with drug cartels wreaking havoc on the system. All this is seeking to delegitimize the constitution, including the Bill of Rights, the electoral college, and abuse the rule of law. If you want to fundamentally transform something you don’t like, you transform it.
Shenna Bellows has leftist connections that date back to her campaign for the U.S. Senate in Maine. Her campaign treasurer was Daniel Hildreth, who has contributed to Democratic candidates like Harry Reid, Barbara Boxer and Elizabeth Warren (all three were incumbents at the time), all three of them are liberals, leftists, or both, as well as many leftist causes. Hildreth is also associated with Democracy Alliance, a collaborative of leftist millionaires and billionaires, a major member is Steve Phillips, who had a major influence on current Vice President Kamala Harris.
Wasn’t she an American Commie Liberties Unoin lawyer? That pretty much says it all.
There some very good down to earth people in Maine, but they also have a lot of fantastically stupid lefties.
Stephen King comes to mind in the latter category.