This goes back to the old, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” lie.
There was plenty of support for “Medicare for All” as long as people thought it was a backup safety net rather than a nationalization of health care that would destroy everyone’s health insurance and replace it with Medicaid.
Most people haven’t woken up to the last part of that. But they’ve gotten enough of the idea to oppose it. And Warren’s numbers just plummeted.
Former Vice President Joe Biden has retaken the lead in the Democratic primary race for president as Senator Elizabeth Warren’s numbers have plummeted, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea-ack) University national poll released today. Biden receives 24 percent of the vote among Democratic voters and independent voters who lean Democratic, while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg gets 16 percent, Warren receives 14 percent, and Sen. Bernie Sanders gets 13 percent.
In an October 24 poll, Warren received 28 percent, Biden had 21 percent, Sanders was at 15 percent, and Buttigieg got 10 percent.
So that’s bad. Really bad for her.
Warren fell from 28 percent to 14 percent. Even for someone as bad at math as her, this is catastrophic.
Medicare for All has grown increasingly unpopular among all American voters, as 36 percent say it is a good idea and 52 percent say it is a bad idea. In a March 26, 2019 poll, 43 percent said good idea, while 45 percent said bad idea. The highest support came in an August 3, 2017 poll when voters said it was a good idea 51 – 38 percent.
We’ve gone from a split to a solid majority against.
The more people find out about Medicare for All, the more they hate it. And Warren had tied her political fortunes to Bernie’s signature policy while lying about it. Now she’s going to have reboot her campaign a third time. If she manages to survive this time, it’ll be impressive.
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