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1 in 3 Muslims living in the UK want Islam to be declared the national religion and for everyone to live under the brutal system of Sharia law which calls for beheadings and amputations.
Less than 1 in 4 Muslims opposed the move while the majority were unwilling to commit.
Among younger Muslims 18-24, 1 in 5 believed that making Islam “our national religion” was “very desirable”, and a total of 43% supported redefining the UK as an Islamic state.
Only 16% opposed it.
This younger group who are the future of Muslims in the UK was also the one most likely to sympathize with Islamic terrorists.
1 in 4 British Muslim men expressed a positive view of Jihad. 46% of British Muslims sympathized with Hamas as did 58% of younger British Muslims. None effectively sympathize with Israel. Previously 1 in 4 Muslims had sympathized with the 7/7 suicide bombers in London.
52% of Muslims supported a ‘blasphemy’ ban on Mohammed cartoons. This Sharia ‘blasphemy code’ had already been used to justify violence and Islamic terrorist attacks against artists and magazines. Including the Charlie Hebdo massacre in Paris by heavily armed Muslim terrorists.
A previous poll reported on by The Telegraph in 2015 showed that 1 in 4 Muslims supported the Hebdo attacks.
Among younger Muslim settlers, 59% supported a blasphemy ban, with only 20% opposed.
57% of Muslim settlers in the UK were willing to call for the “compulsory use of Halal food in all schools and hospitals”. Among younger settlers, 67% were in favor of mandatory Halal.
Setting up conflicts with feminists and LGBTQ activists, 1 in 5 Muslims wanted to legalize polygamy and 1 in 4 wanted to ban homosexuality. While a majority of Muslim colonists would not commit to the move, both measures had similar levels of opposition and support.
Imposing Sharia law would be a ban on most of the social and lifestyle choices of the Left. That is a point that the British Left, like its Western counterparts, has not come to terms with, but may have to as Muslims in the UK move beyond supporting non-Muslim parties to forming their own.
39% of UK Muslims supported the formation of a Muslim political party potentially of the kind that had been set up by Muslim Brotherhood movements in middle eastern countries.
Only 16% were opposed.
Among younger Muslim colonists, 46% favored a Muslim political party to contend for power in Britain. Such a party could then be used to impose Islamic law on the rest of the country.
On most issues, with the exception of polygamy, the younger Muslims are more willing to support the imposition of Islam on the United Kingdom than their elders. The truly relevant poll numbers are not those that cover the entire population, but the next generation.
While most polls group together Muslims, this survey broke down different groups of Muslims showing significant differences among white Muslim converts, Arab Muslims, Pakistani Muslims and African Muslims. White converts have been depicted as the most “extreme” due to their “misunderstanding” of Islam and indeed have been involved in terrorism, but the survey shows that they are actually less likely to support the imposition of Islamic law through blasphemy bans on pictures of Mohammed, Halal, homosexuality, polygamy and other Sharia measures.
41% of Pakistani Muslim colonists in the UK want Sharia law and 37% want Islam to become the national religion. Pakistani settlers are the largest single Muslim group surveyed. 61% of Pakistan Muslim settlers supported compulsory Halal and 49% wanted an Islamic political party.
While Muslims women in the UK were distinctly unenthusiastic about bringing back polygamy (15% in favor, 38% against), and an abortion ban (19% for and 28% against) they were even more totalitarian about some elements of Islamic theocracy than the men including compulsory Halal (65% for and 7%) against, and even more likely to sympathize with Hamas than the men.
While the poll commissioned by the Henry Jackson Society and conducted by J.L. Partners which was published by The Telegraph found widespread support for Hamas, it also showed that the backing for the brutal Islamic terror theocracy in Israel also translated into some support for establishing a similar system to the one Hamas is working toward in the UK.
A growing number of British Muslims not only want to see an end to Israel, but also to the UK with Islam as the national religion, the imposition of Islamic law and an Islamic political party.
The current poll does not show that the Muslim settler perspective in the UK is growing worse rather it shows that Muslims remained fairly consistent while the British have been in denial.
Similar polls expressing high levels of support for sharia law have circulated as far back as 2006 when 40% of Muslims in the UK wanted Islamic law. 18 years later, 36% support Islamic law.
Across nearly twenty years, Muslims in the UK want what they wanted in their home countries, theocratic supremacy and an end to equal rights for non-Muslims. The support for Hamas is an expression of a larger supremacist tendency that killed thousands in Israel, but millions around the world from India to Afghanistan to the Middle East and to London, Paris and New York City.
A majority of young Muslims in the UK want sharia Islamic law and a political party to impose it.
If the current immigration rates and demographic transformation rates continue, the question is not if it will fall to Islamic rule, but, when Britain will fall.
Excellent use of statistics.
For decades, the #1 baby name in the UK has been Muhammad.
And the obvious results of it are showing. Beheadings, vehicular homicide, rapes, child molestation (entire town of Rotterham), riots, vandalism of churches, etc
Reagan was very astute. We can lose what we have in a generation.
But I’m not sure who these “settlers” and “colonists” are that you refer to. The poll you cite was of British Muslims. That is, people who are British citizens who also happen to be Muslim. That’s not hard to understand, right?
You don’t know who is a citizen and who isn’t it. It’s obvious you are an idiot leftist who is making excuses for Muslims. But hey, just keep standing up for LGBTQ freaks. Loser.
It may have meant that some citizens have colonist views (i.e. we are going to import a different culture and anyone with other traditions than our own can like it lump it). Or perhaps have been referring to the welcome influx of male migrants who are nobly forgoing familial comfort until they can be sure that the dangers to their loved ones in the UK do not exceed those in the country of their birth
Ready to cover your face Mick? Or do you cover it already?
Islam is a brain destroying machine that deliberately has been engineered to destroy the human mind starting in infancy.
Islamic ideology and belief, the Quran and Hadith, etc,etc,etc,, is purposely designed to make
people from infancy become depraved psychopathic murderous, berserk violent hate-filled and intolerant. morons.
I am looking forward soon when Islam will finally and permanently be “Gone with the Wind” …
one way or another.
Islam trains people to pray to God by banging their foreheads on the ground repeatedly and to elevate their arseholes up in the air to Allah which is totally nuts and depraved.
The Koran is their holy book; the Koran is also their constitution – that’s why they should never be allowed to enter America. Sound unreal? Well, that’s exactly what Japan does.
The Majority of Young Muslims are depraved psychopathic berserk delusional and brain dead.
They are Satan’s dupes – once one becomes a muslim, Satan knows he will have that soul in hell for eternity.
Here is what Winston Churchill had to say about Islam and Moslem societies….
He had some insightful things to say about the religion of many of his would-be attackers.
Consider the following quote from Churchill’s 1899 book, The River War: An Historical Account of the Reconquest of the Soudan (vol.1):
How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries!
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.
A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.
The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual
Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.
No stronger retrograde force exists in the world.
Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step;
and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
Very apposite, thank you
If they want Islamic Laws then they should all return to a Islamic Nation
The whole purpose of Muslim ( Legal or Illegal ) migration to Western Country’s is the eventual overthrow
of the Infidel, then submit the people to Sharia Law in the name of Allah.
Just remember that is all started in Arabia ( 635 ad ) & as the centuries rolled on the Arabs invaded & kept on subjugating more & more Nations, to date there is 57 Islamic Nations.
By 2050 it is expected that due to demographics that Europe will be Islamic.
May God help us all.
Harvard University and Stanford and Princeton will soon be offering courses on how to pray to Allah……
College Courses in Islam will train the newly converted infidels to pray to Allah by prostrating themselves,
and banging their foreheads into the ground repeatedly,
and simultaneously elevating their arseholes up in the air to Allah.
Islam is such a progressive disease …. like smallpox, syphilis and covid all rolled into one.
This article may shed some light on the rear elevation
“to date there are 57 Islamic Nations”
That’s why Obozo said he had been to all 57 States when referring to traveling in America – because he is a muslim at heart, not an American, and this slip up showed that he thinks like a muslim and not like an American.
Exactly. The Pakis should be packing for Pakistan. And if they are not allowed back in, then dump them in Somalia and let them enjoy an Islamic society there.
They already have all of their desires.
They may not have been discussed in parliament but they are still here already.
Mosques thrive whilst churches fall, literally fall, in places churches have been turned into Indian restaurants.
A homosexual British MP quit recently because of islamic threats.
Muslim women are already oppressed and white women are not safe to walk the streets.
Complain about this on fakebook and the Brownshirt police come to your door.
So does whoever is in charge of the British government ( clearly not anyone British) The powers that be here would love it, as it is there is a multiple tier justice system; the religion of pieces can get away with murder.
WW2 still casts a long shadow over Britain. Hitler didn’t lose the war, he won. He got what he wanted; the destruction of European civilisation and the unleashing of terror on a scale never dreamt of before.
The world since 1945 is still being shaped by the events of that terrible war.
I wish Hitler had lost.
WTF???? What the are you talking about?
Death To Islam
Death To Iran (and ALL of it’s subordinates, enablers and sympathizers)
To my fellow Americans, do NOT let these cretins into our homeland. iSLUM is wholly incompatible with the Constitutional Republic of the United States.
Islam is a cancer…
What is wrong with the Brits? For that matter what is wrong with us for allowing Dearbornistan to exist.
Deport Deport Deport. Out of Michigan and Minnesota now.
FDR rounded up the Japanese for our national security, so the precedent has already been set.
Muslims are already at the top of the food chain, enforcing Sharia just makes it official.
It is an unhappy fact that animals must die so we can eat, but Halal is torture. That shit should be banned world wide.
Anyone here have a copy of the PETA Halal video? I cant find it anywhere, its like it has been black bagged.
There’s a You Tube channel called This is Halal – it doesn’t have the PETA one but it has others
One of the things that seem to happen on the internet is swamping by pro-Islamic sites. Plus, on Archive especially, some sites will have a hundred or so tags. I was searching for material on medieval monasticism, and up popped lots of Qur’ans like a rash – and it was because of multiple tagging. So I complained – and got back a sanitised version of my email indicating that I should not have named the Islamic community as being the ones most likely to push the Qur’an. Being, as, it was probably the Mormons or the Zoroastrians, you understand. On one occasion I actually posted a sarcastic review, because I was trying to do serious work and having to wade through all this stuff to get to what I was really looking for, for which I had in fact used accurate search terms.
I would say that England is in the downward slide to becoming a Muslim country………….I don’t know if they have the spine to put a halt to all this craziness going on there. The US better start waking up also….the camel has his nose under the tent in Michigan with all the Somali Muslims living there…..just a matter of time…………….
Not just England mate as Scotland now has a muslim running the country and Wales now has a non Celtic Welsh person running Wales, plus London has a wee nipple high muslim in charge and the moron living in 10 Downing Street is an Indian Hindu..
So not just England…But the entire United Kingdom.
Year ago the British Labour Party adopted a political strategy that the American Democratic Party is now using — stuff the country full of Muslims and brand yourself the anti-Israel party.
That was the plan from the beginning.
First they increase their numbers, then some mullhas/imams take over their leadership and turn them into terrorist thugs to be used to finish the job of invasion.
It would be an interesting experiment to apply Muslim laws on Muslims like that practiced in S.Arabia !
The ones who don’t want it will get in line when the time comes, or most of them. Intimidation!!
I was checking out estate agency websites recently – and prioritising those properties that are in towns which do not yet have a mosque.
…what is going on right now in America is nothing compared to what will happen to the USA when Islam DEMANDS total acceptance of Sharia Law to replace the US Constitution…with the help of the Progressive-Liberal-Marxist-Democrat Party and the numb-to-reality RINOs. It will happen and it will not be pretty…
…next is the ‘no-go-zones’ in some US cities (which has already started), then Sharia Law Policed Areas. Muslim Law Courts interpreted from the Quran, potential mass executions and a Sharia Tax imposed on all that are not considered Muslim but needed as ‘slaves’. to serve…blame apathy and political arrogance from the US political left and numb willingness to go-along-to-get-along by the US political right…
“” One day the black man will have the whip hand over the white man”… Enoch Powell… London 1968..
This statement ruined his career and we called him an old racist fart but in fact we are the fools for not listening and believing what he told us would happen in the future, and here we are today living his truth.
islamism is the new nazism.
thanks, Ill check it out.