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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Tim Hernández, a state legislator in Colorado, is not a stealth Marxist in the sense that all Democrats are, since the statist, authoritarian policies they advocate would lead us straight to the gulag. No, the earnest young Hernández is even worse: he is an open, out-and-proud, avowed lover of Marxism/Leninism and all its work and all its pomps.
If he ever became president of the United States (or the guy who runs the president), those gulags would in short order become a cheerful new feature of the American landscape. In the meantime, Hernández continues to make abundantly clear where his loyalties lie: not with the United States of America.
On Saturday, pro-Hamas protesters stormed the Colorado state legislature and hung Palestinian flags and anti-Israel banners on the gallery railing, while chanting all the usual slogans. Hernández was thrilled, writing: “Standing in strong solidarity with Coloradans who bravely stood up and disrupted our job this morning calling for a Ceasefire in Gaza. Over a majority of Americans now support a Ceasefire. I urge my colleagues to listen. #FreePalestine.”
He concluded this tweet with an emoji of a Palestinian flag and another of a slice of watermelon. Apparently, he meant the watermelon as an assertion that the Palestinian jihad against Israel was ultimately a Marxist struggle: green (the color of Islam) on the outside, but red on the inside.
Hernández included two photos, one of the legislature galleries festooned with Palestinian flags and the other of his own desk. In the foreground of the photo of the galleries, the unoccupied desks of several of Hernández’s colleagues are clearly visible. At the front of each are two small flags, one of the United States and the other of Colorado. But in Hernández’s photo of his own desk, there is a significant difference: on his own desk, the Marxist legislator has replaced the American flag with the Palestinian flag.
Hernández must have considered, if only for a moment, whether to replace the American flag or the Colorado flag on his desk, and he made the choice that most clearly reflected his loyalties. Hernández, who frequently rails against “Whiteness” and has called for a “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution,” clearly has no loyalty whatsoever to the United States. He is open about his Marxism/Leninism, although he prefers to take a practical approach to indoctrinating the masses, rather than inundating his hapless charges with the finer points of Marx’s theory of capital:
We like to compete who knows Marx better, who knows these things better, who’s a Leninist. Listen, all right, I’ll give you a real take on this s**t. Kids don’t care. Yes, it’s important to know theory. But you have to do some practices, you have to get out into the streets. You have to get into your workplace. You have to go to your families. If we are just sitting, talking in an ideological circle, our kids are still going to schools that are underfunded where they are investing more in their failure than in their success.
So Hernández’s loyalty is to the Coloradans, whom he wants to transform into loyal cadres of the worker’s paradise, and to the Palestinians, whom he imagines are Communists as he is underneath all their Islamic jihad rhetoric, and so those are the two flags he displays on his desk in the legislature.
But Hernández’s display raises the inevitable question: why is this man in the Colorado legislature at all? Don’t members of the Colorado State House have some obligation to be loyal to the nation in which they reside, or is that an impossibly antiquated notion in these days when our country has no Southern border and literally anyone in the world can waltz in and demand every benefit that American taxpayers are required to provide?
It is a particularly peculiar feature of our insane age that we have people who amount to open traitors as our representatives, and no one seems to mind very much. Imagine if Harry Truman or General Patton were to return to America, today’s America, and see the Marxist Tim Hernández replacing the American flag with that of a terror statelet and proudly spouting the rhetoric of those who want to destroy the United States and replace it with an international tyranny.
But we have no men like Truman and Patton today; they’ve given way to the likes of Old Joe Biden and General Milley. America today has the representatives it wants and deserves, and one of them is Tim Hernández.
Well – I don’t believe Lenin had much gain trying to make Muslims into Marxists, but it’s very doubtful this little commie in the mountains knows much about that.
You don’t need much to tower over these little monsters. But, never let them be the ones with the guns.
Time to vote this Jackass off the Island period
This clown should be recalled post-haste. He is violating his oath of office everyday he is in affice.
Just like all the rest of the Liberal Democrats do
Tim H. is a vile and disgusting person.
It must be fashionable to show off the ugly filth nowadays.
Its about time we send these anti american, anti jewish, anti freedom assholes back to where they came from. We need to literally escort them out of our country.
“But Hernández’s display raises the inevitable question: why is this man in the Colorado legislature at all?” It’s because a stupid and gullible electorate voted him into office. What are you going to do with a voting population like this?
It is not logical or sane to allow those who have ideologies that require the overthrow of the government, of and for the people, to be active in our government. Communism and Islam both require world domination under their dictatorship. Neither one should be allowed to participate in US governments, because they represent enemies of the United States government and its citizens. These people represent THEIR interests, not those of US citizens who support a government OF AND FOR the people. A government that does NOT REPRESENT THE PEOPLE is NOT a legitimate US government!
Have you not noticed that the present Administration is filled with the most radical Marxists available? Have you not noticed that the government now represents the interests of the enemies of the US and harms our Nation at every opportunity? Have you not noticed the billions of US taxpayer dollars sent to enemy nations while the taxpayers are beggared by riots destroying middle class businesses and Lock Downs destroying jobs, home ownership, eating up life savings of those same taxpayers who are offered NOTHING by the government who lavishes funds on corporations and institutions that really do not need assistance? The gigantic corporations and financial institution are given funds but the backbone and support of our Nation, the middle class, are taxed and regulated to death. Could that be to destroy them as Lenin instructed? Lenin said that they could not institute Communism in the US while the middle class existed. Do we now have a government that represents the people? The SCOTUS denied US voters the right to have an honest investigation of THEIR election for THEIR Representatives to THEIR government. That is how elections were run in the old Soviet Union. You could vote all you wanted to but those who counted the votes were the ones who chose the government, NOT the voters. We have not even restored any security to the voting system even though many fraudulent votes have been proven to have occurred..