The Mary Trump book is yet another dive into the deepest dumpsters by a culture industry looking for any smear that comes to hand.
Here’s the latest pitch.
President Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump said the Trump family often used racist and anti-Semitic slurs, exhibiting “a knee-jerk anti-Semitism, a knee-jerk racism,” when she was younger.
“Growing up, it was sort of normal to hear them use the N-word or use anti-Semitic expressions,” Mary Trump, whose tell-all book “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man” was published this week, told The Washington Post in an interview published Thursday.
While no one knows what goes on behind closed doors, Trump family history tells a fairly different story.
Fred was a noted philanthropist who gave generously to Jewish causes including the Long Island Jewish Hospital. In The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a Presidential Candidate it was noted that “[Fred] Trump was so active in Jewish and Israeli causes that some believed that he belonged to the Jewish faith.”
This affinity for Jews was also espoused by Fred Trump Jr., Donald Trump’s older brother, who joined a Jewish fraternity, Sigma Alpha Mu, while attending Lehigh University, even though he was not Jewish. In a strange note, several of the fraternity brothers have been quoted as saying that while in university, Fred Jr. claimed that his father was Jewish.
Fred Jr would be Mary’s father.
When he enrolled at Lehigh University in Pennsylvania, the boy with blond hair who had attended an Episcopalian boys’ preparatory school on Long Island joined a Jewish fraternity.
“It may have been Freddy’s first attempt to make his own statement to his father,” said his best friend at Lehigh, Bruce Turry, who, like several other former fraternity brothers, remembered Freddy claiming that his father, the son of German immigrants, was Jewish. (He was not.) “Freddy was a classic illustration of someone who had a father complex.”
The Jewish fraternity brothers kidded Freddy about his middle name, Christ. He found the ribbing, like much else in life, hysterical.
That’s from a New York Times article, only 4 years ago, that was quite hostile to Trump, Donald that is, but the narrative had not yet changed because Fred wasn’t currently a target, because Mary wasn’t on the radar.
Contemporary accounts make it fairly clear that Trump’s father was friendly to Jews.
In an exclusive interview, Rabbi Wagner, mashgiach ruchani of Yeshivas Ohr Yerushalayim in Moshav Beit Meir, shares the incredible story of how Donald Trump’s father, Frederick Trump, built a shul for the congregation headed by his father, Rabbi Yisroel Wagner, and went on to make annual donations of funding for the kehillah and to aid Jewish families in financial distress.
According to Rabbi Wagner, not only did Fred Trump donate the plot of land where the shul was built and cover the expenses of the construction, but he also attended the ceremony at which the cornerstone was laid. “Fred was very moved by my father’s speech at the ceremony. He was highly impressed, and he became my father’s close friend. They met again and again, and over time they developed a close relationship. Trump viewed my father as a holy man and a great sage. He used to call him ‘my rabbi.’
“As I mentioned,” Rabbi Wagner continues, “the president’s father was very devoted to his Christian faith. So in addition to the business aspect of the shul, which he viewed as a very worthwhile move to benefit his Jewish tenants, he also put his whole heart into it. Over the years, my father had an official meeting with him once a year, in addition to the many other times they saw each other. At each of those official meetings, Fred would make a generous donation to the shul. In fact, most of the funding that maintained the shul came from Fred Trump.
Rabbi Wagner adds that over time, Fred Trump’s donations grew progressively more generous. “Sometimes, my father would tell him about various Jewish families in the area who were needy, and he would give large sums to help them as well.”
Trump’s own relationship with Jews has been pretty hard to miss. And it comes from somewhere. That somewhere seems to be his father. There’s a whole lot of history of a positive relationship which, if the media were at all honest, ought to raise some questions about Mary Trump’s claims, especially considering that some of the information comes from its own reporting.
But the media has no interest in the truth, only in the narrative.
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