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The Gemara in Sanhedrin 77A distinguishes between various cases of direct and indirect murder. The former carry a death penalty in the human courts, while indirect murderers receive death by heavenly design.
A teaching from Rabbi Zeira is cited with the following inference:
האי מאן דעייליה לחבריה בביתא דשישא ואדליק ליה שרגא ומת חייב טעמא דאדליק ליה שרגא הא לא אדליק ליה שרגא לא
One who brings his fellow into a marble house [which is hermetically sealed] and lights a candle for him, and he dies – he is liable [for directly murdering him]. Thus if he did not light a candle for him, he is not [liable as a direct murderer].
Rashi explains that by lighting the candle, he “invited” that which would kill his victim – actively causing his suffocation – whereas if he did not light a candle, his death is considered to have come in a passive, indirect way.
As Rashi writes: “ומת בהבל פיו”.
He died by the breath of his own mouth.
If one is confined to a place without airflow, he will eventually suffocate. Each breath he inhales draws oxygen out of his environment, and each breath he exhales replaces it with carbon dioxide. As time goes on he will increasingly be re-inhaling his own invisible waste, which will ultimately be the cause of his death.
Breathing in one’s own exhalation is harmful to one’s health and potentially deadly.
But of course. Even an infant instinctively knows that. One who requires complicated scientific “studies” to “prove” the obvious is not intellectual, but the lowest of fools.
One who forces people to wear masks, or misleads them into believing they are harmless, is guilty of harming them physically, perhaps even to the point of a slow death. Although they cannot be charged with direct murder, their punishment will surely be meted out at the hands of heaven.
Rabbi Chananya Weissman is the author of hundreds of articles and seven books on a wide range of subjects. He is also the director and producer of a documentary, Single Jewish Male, and a series of short films. His work can be found at and He can be contacted at
Mo de Profit says
Good to hear from you Rabbi, it’s been a while.
The ONLY reasons for masking were:
1. Fear
2. Money for the Chinese manufacturers in big Pharma
3. To make Chinese people feel better about their already obsessive masking behaviour
They were, and are damaging to health, as you say even a child knows it but the World pHarma Organisation wanted to promote Agenda 21 and they succeeded.
Watch out for Agenda 2030 it probably won’t end well unless we defund the UN now!
Mary says
Start working from home! Great work for-Ever, Stay at Home Moms OR anyone needs an extra income. Get started. You only need a bgh computer and eraz a reliable computer connection so don’t get late
Raymond in DC says
Rep. Nadler in a recent House debate declared that NOT putting a 2-year old in a mask to “stop Covid” was child abuse. We all knew Nadler wasn’t that bright, but that is deranged.
Chananya Weissman says
You’re being magnanimous by calling it deranged. Insanity can be forgiven. This is unadulterated evil.
Forcing the kids to wear masks al day in School should be a crime
During WW II in the UK School Kids had to have Gas masks with them in School and know how to put them on for fear the Nazis would use Gas Bombs
Chananya Weissman says
What’s your point? Are you unable to tell the difference between wearing a gas mask specifically if you are in a place with toxic fumes and wearing a mask for hours on end because of an irrational paranoid fear of the ordinary air around you? Would you recommend for children to wear a gas mask 24/7 for their entire lives just in case? Would that be medical and scientific progress?