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“It would cost hundreds of billions of dollars to deport every undocumented immigrant in our country,” Senator Dick Durbin warned.
After losing the open borders debate and the election, Democrats and their media stopped arguing that mass migration is a right and that mass deportations violate human rights.
6 out of 10 registered voters were polled in favor of deporting illegal aliens. The American people had spoken.
So Democrats and their media instead argued that mass deportations would be too expensive. The American Immigration Council, an immigration lawyers lobby group funded by the Ford Foundation, Soros and other open borders groups, was quoted in the media as warning that mass deportations might cost $88 billion a year. None of the media outlets citing the AIC have reported what it is and who it represents, but have taken its $88 billion figure as fact.
This would still make a year of mass deportations cheaper than California’s $128 billion light rail to nowhere. And unlike the light rail to nowhere, the deportations would actually go somewhere.
Mass deportations would end cartel violence and restore national security making it a far better investment than the California train that the Biden administration had decided to fund again.
There’s no reason to take the AIC’s figure as fact. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has an $8 billion annual budget. It already ‘expels’ around a quarter of a million illegals and foreign criminals a year. ICE does more than just detain and deport illegals which our current deportation system often does in about the most expensive way possible. Illegals are currently deported on charter flights also used to fly executives around the country. There’s no reason for the ‘rock star’ treatment.
But let’s for a moment assume that the wildest estimates of open borders supporters are right.
One estimate of the costs of the border crisis ran to $150 billionin 2023. Even assuming that the $88 billion figure is correct, mass deportations would still provide a $62 billion net benefit.
But the $150 billion is likely only a part of the larger cost. Consider the story of one just city.
New York City alone has spent $5 billion in 2 years on the illegal alien invaders. Next year the city expects costs to double. And that’s just the cost of social services. The costs of the illegal alien crime wave can’t even be calculated, but the annual cost of incarceration is over half a million per criminal. The costs of the legal system are difficult to factor, but they are in the high millions. Illegal alien migrants already account for 75% of the arrests in Midtown Manhattan. Over 58,000 illegals in the city have been convicted of a crime or face charges.
New York City would have spent tens of billions of dollars on illegal criminals. That’s one city.
But those tens of billions of dollars are only the most direct costs. Illegal alien crime has forced residents and companies to leave the city. The number of vacant storefronts has doubled. The city’s economic growth has slowed and its future is being held back by the migrant invasion at a cost of further untold billions. Those are losses that easily overshadow the costs of removing the city’s massive illegal alien population beginning with its violent and corrupt criminal elements.
Deporting illegal aliens is expensive. Keeping them here is staggeringly far more expensive.
Education is just one example. Among the illegal alien invaders are over 700,000 school age minors. The cost of educating them starts at $13 billion a year and goes up from there.
NYC alone has enrolled an estimated 40,000 migrant minors. The city’s schools spend an estimated $36,000 per student. That comes to around $1.5 billion in costs. And the costs for non-English speaking students with social problems would be even higher. Chicago has an estimated 17,000 migrant minors enrolled in schools. The city’s per pupil spending is over $34,000 making for total costs of well over $500 million. (While Chicago claims to have spent only $400 million on the migrant invaders in total, the actual numbers are obviously far higher.)
Illegal alien inmates in federal prisons already cost us over $1 billion annually just to incarcerate them. While California bars reporting the legal status of criminals, it was estimated in the past that at least 15% of the state’s prisoner population were illegal aliens. Assuming these numbers still hold true, that would result in over $2 billion in annual costs from illegal alien prison inmates.
317,000 illegal aliens have passed through Texas jails over the years which potentially comes out to $7 billion. But that only tells part of the story. The illegal aliens in Texas jails committed over 1,000 murders. The cost of a single murder, the police response, investigation, trial, and imprisonment runs in the millions.
The 1,000 illegal alien murderers in Texas prisons represent a loss of billions of dollars alone.
While all government spending ultimately comes from taxpayers, mass deportations would be a primarily federal expenditure while much of the spending on illegal aliens is local. Cities have had to close parks and reduce other services to make ends meet. Property taxes have been raised which means that senior citizens are being forced out of their homes to pay for illegals.
Federal spending on mass deportations will have much less of a devastating impact on local communities than the cost of housing, feed, policing, educating and dealing with them.
Finally there is no price that can be put on the cost to the families who have lost a member to illegal alien crime, drunk driving and drug trafficking. No price that can be put on communities and a nation torn apart by open borders. No price that can be put on the existence of America.
Without secure borders and mass deportations, the United States of America has no future.
Democrats who have never shied away from record budgets only bridle at one form of government spending: national defense. Biden’s last proposed budget was a massive $7.3 trillion. The Biden administration allocated $7.5 billion to building electric car chargers. Almost none of the chargers from this subsidy for wealthy electric car owners were ever built.
Imagine how many illegal alien criminals we could have deported for that $7.5 billion.
Some open borders advocates argue that illegal aliens provide economic benefits through cheap labor. But the labor is only ‘cheap’ for their employers. It’s hideously expensive for the taxpayers who pay to house, feed and educate every single member of their large families.
Open borders cost us tenfold for every supposed benefit that some special interest gains.
The likelihood is that the illegal alien population is already a burden that costs us far more than $88 billion or even $150 billion a year. And while a year of mass deportations would not cost us $88 billion (unless we insist on flying them out on Bono’s plane) it will be a bargain at any price.
Mass deportations may be expensive, but the only thing more expensive than mass deportations is not deporting them.
Actually it could be done very cheaply. Just report them to ICE when they are arrested for something else.
Nice listing of costs not ever listed in the msm. The last cost is the unemployment benefits and welfare an American citizen receives for being displaced by a cash paid illegal alien.
That may be true, also by that same calculation one could include the costs of unemployment benefits, and welfare a U.S citizen receives after allowing manufacturing jobs to be exported to Communist China over the past 30 years. NAFTA was supposed to “solve” the illegal immigration problem from Mexico, instead there was a loophole that allowed products to be imported from China, and shipped in duty free, if they shipped it to Mexico first, and did something as trivial as slapping a name label on, something that Mr. Trump tried to put a stop to in his first term.
OPEN BORDERS: the reasons are far more sinister than merely keeping wages depressed and rents soaring for people like Biden crony Larry Fink of BlackRock.
The Obama – Soros path of destruction requires not only the globalists’ agenda of no border, but the final destruction of the American middle class, and America’s Judeo-Christian culture (Frosty Wooldridge posted an article that articulates how at odds the Mexican culture is to that of America. called CLASHING CIVILIZATIONS or more accurately clashing cultures).
The bankster regime of Barack Obama, Eric Holder and ‘Credit Card’ Joe Biden funded (with tax dollars) and operated the Mexican fascist party of LA RAZA ‘The Race’, now calling itself UnidoUS (that English???) out of the White House under La Raza VP Cecelia Munoz who went on to serve on Biden’s presidential transistion team. In CA La Raza is second only to the Democrat Party in power. No, don’t be fooled into thinking that illegals, who volate every other law, are not also voting because it’s illegal to do so (Dems are working hard to decriminalize voting by illegals – and it will come!).
The TRUE cost of the Mexican occupation is far greater than $65 billion. Mexifornia alone hands illegals $30-$40BILLION YEARLY for social services with counties handing out more. YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR these figures only go up despite CA’s boom/bust deficits.
What if the $1.5 BILLION the County of Los Angeles hands out (YEARLY) to illegals had been invested in building condos for low-income LEGALS…. YEAR AFTER YEAR???
The aim of the Democrat Party ruling class, all gamer-lawyer servants of the billionaire class, is to build a mass SERF class of heavy breeders who will reject education (as does so much of the hispanic culture) and provide ‘cheap’ labor, which is, in fact, staggeringly expensive. Think leaf blowers, which in CA plague every community in voloation of the codes. This is likely to be one more tax-free underground economy.
In most ways MEXIFORNIA is a feudal state of dem billionaires and the biggest Mexican welfare state in the world to keep the ‘workers’ working ‘cheap’, albeit subsidized by middle Americans’ taxes.
Next: amnesty so illegals may legally bring up the rest of Mexico.
VIVA LA RAZA SUPREMACY? we’re living in it!
Except the problem with that theory is that many of the illegal immigrants are no longer Mexican in origin, they are from South, and Central America, with some coming from Haiti, and even Communist China. The truth be told they don’t know where many of these people are coming from, or whom they are, when you have an open border, and a neighboring country willing to look the other way as human traffickers use that country as a staging point, they are going to take full advantage of this. The same is going on, to a lesser degree on the Canadian border due to lax refugee and asylum laws, though the main issue is that criminal gangs use Canada as a staging point to smuggle hard drugs into the U.S. because of lax enforcement.
Given that the true number of illegals living in our country is likely north of 50 million (upwards of 22 million arrived just under Biden) – that’s 15%-20% of our net population folks – the estimated costs here are probably 2-3x higher. Also, if we make it impossible for illegals to work here they will self-deport. We’ve seen it before and illegals head home when the economy here tanks – but then they came right back once things clear up. I remember a “illegal Adient strike day” when I lived in LA. Callers int the drive time chat show I listened to were all saying how great it was;no traffic, hospital emergency rooms were basically empty, teachers could provide the attention they wish they could every day.
Who’d’ve thunk that purchasing a third world underclass at top dollar would turn out to be a costly mistake? This kind of hatred of the US reeks of Obama’s “fundamental transformation.”
DACA – Deport All Criminal Aliens, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
That goes without saying, every country should do the same.
Our Congress has religiously spent American tax dollars on virtually everything but a fundamental necessity for our country: secure borders!!!
We have witnessed the Biden administration’s exorbitant use of American tax dollars for an undeclared war (Ukraine), funding for every farkakte perversion, and somebody’s chirping about deportations costs?
Get outta here!! Huge military cargo planes used to transport troops with temporary reassignments to illegals deportations works well here with either military or armed border agents. Here and gone!
And Americans, we will happily pay for ALL THEIR DEPORTATION COSTS!!
The real $$$ will be for all the rubber rooms needed by the left having prolonged withdrawals as their “we will be in power forever” voting block disappears along with their fundamental transformation dreams. They will be the boo Hoo hoo fest on TikTok!!!
Quit feeding them, quit housing them, quit free phones, SNAPcard, debit cards, free transportation, free health care, free education. When they starve, freeze, become ill, can’t phone home, can’t go to school, They will leave. When they commit serious crimes protect yourself with 2A to neutralize the threat. Put all the legally deported under court orders on semis at the border & back it up to opening and give then back to Mexico who ushered them through their country to deposit them here. Return to sender.
First, as Republican Congressman Sonny Bono said in the 1990s, to end the illegal problem, follow existing laws.
Second, create a very simple law: Make it a felony to hire any illegal alien, punishable by forfeiture of the business that hired them. The tools are there. Make E-Verify permanent and required to hire any non-natural born citizen, so no employers can say they got fooled by fake credentials,
Third: End Birthright citizenship and chain migration.
Stop all Latin immigration. No lotteries, No asylum. Our Latino quota is full, and thanks to Joe Obiden, will remain so for decades.
Let that little Irish family into the country that has been waiting years. Let refugees from Eurostan Muslim immigration come–not the Muslims, but the Danes and Swedes–First they will have to take a test verifying they wouldn’t try that in America. 🙂
Awesome Daniel, great figures that don’t get out to the General public very often. (or w/out being twisted)
How this for a plan :-
Every Illegal migrant gets a federal fine (kind of like a traffic ticket, or a fine for bad behaviour), fine collection with private fine collectors.
Make it about 10 or 15K per person, enough to cover accom and flying (despite the fact they walked here in the first place)
Think about that, you can’t go through customs without settling the account, you can’t get a govt job, you (most likely) can’t rent a place to live, you can’t get credit, the list goes on forever.
It’s going to make going back home and staying there VERY attractive …
Plus … it’s going to make it less attractive to pay cartels 5 – 10 k to get here plus costs, then once you’re “processed” you have to pay a further 10 – 15k to be on the loosing side of staying ..
PUBLISH ALL DEMOCRAT SANCTUARY BS, so the Illegals know where “the safe places” are,,,
then scare them out of everywhere else, out of all those little towns, previously “safe” places etc …
Two things will happen, the “sanctuary cities/states will get what the Democrat politicians want, the Illegals will assemble in force, the voters will scream “ENOUGH” ….. the voters are already screaming “ENOUGH”, imagine if the illegal body count in sanctuary cities/states was increased by a factor of 100 ..
THE VOTERS WILL FLIP RED , as a minimum..