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Same weird logic for our inner city people. Its not murder until a white kills one of them in self defense. Then its the old JIM CROW rant.
When King George Floyd finally got his due, you know that plenty of people in that area were scared to say what they were thinking…………”thank effing goodness, its way past time”
You are so right! The crying and celebrating poles represent something awful – the lack of meaningful, purposeful life and the ability to pursue one’s own happiness.
Thanks Daniel! If their criticism was allowed to go through, Israel wouldn’t be allowed to do anything.
One silver lining is that the critics have destroyed their credibility beyond repair.
I look forward to the day when Israel does not seek or desire permission to be allowed to do anything.
Absolutely right Daniel! Recently, I encountered a “Free Palestine” devotee, who kept parroting “the genocide of our lifetime” & “the children!”. fictions. When I responded with facts, historical & current, she did not respond; but just kept repeating these same lies, and would not make any apparent effort to read &/or understand the facts I was trying to share. This “Free Palestine” mass movement is a well-financed social contagion which is out of control. This is like a religious cult; there is no ability to have a dialogue with someone who has lost the ability to think – and to think critically. The “Free Palestine” devotee can only repeat, like mindless zombies, the propaganda lies of Hamas. I find it ironic that the fictional “Palestinian people” have continued to put out fictions about Israel & the Jewish people; while so many in the West are gullible imbeciles who blindly believe this nonsense.
Like the entire Left, it is a cult and it doesn’t debate, it attacks non-stop. It repeats its messages over and over again. It asserts, never defends or responds.
|The whole darn United |nations has becom9e the biggest supporters of the Terrorists
been that way ever since the USSR took it over
Perfect! As usual Daniel is spot on
Thank you, Terry.