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Mayor Eric Adams has spent much of his time in office justly complaining about the massive invasion of illegal migrants. The Biden campaign even booted him over his direct criticism of open borders and its consequences. But Adams also exemplifies the national shortsighted response to illegal migration.
One day, Adams is protesting illegal aliens being bused from Florida and Texas, the next day he buses them to Canada or upstate New York.
He warns that the city is being flooded and then tries to make the city an even bigger illegal alien magnet.
Gov. Kathy Hochul and Mayor Eric Adams made passionate pleas for the federal government to expedite work permits for the 70,000 asylum seekers who have arrived in New York City.
Business leaders, congressmen, and even a Venezuelan asylum seeker joined Hochul and Adams to plead with President Biden to expedite work permits for migrants so they can start living the American dream.
What officials want is for the feds to expedite work permits. Currently, asylum seekers have to wait 180 days after their paperwork has been successfully filed.
“It is creating an underground market where individuals could be exploited, unable to pay into our tax base, working long and difficult and dangerous jobs because they are living in the shadow of the American dream and not out front. It increases the risk that they can be abused,” said Adams.
The American Dream means invading someone else’s country and then getting every form of social services imaginable, but let’s pass over that.
Mayor Adams knows the city is flooded and his proposed solution is to flood it even faster and then have the government legalize the illegals as soon as they arrive.
What happens when the illegals keep coming? Or when they make up the population of the city?
There are the open borders activists who genuinely want to destroy the country and there are political hacks like Adams who have no vision and are just scrabbling to postpone the inevitable.
Adams just cares about the immediate financial issues. But kicking this can down the road just makes matters worse.
Drilling a hole in the boat isn’t a good way to bail out water, but that Adams’ plan.
The entire population of Mexico can fit in New York City, but it’s going to take the rate Biden and Mayorkas are doing it We need a non-stop Bullet Train direct from Mexico City to NYC.
Get your facts right. There are more than 9 million people in Mexico City alone, about the same as there are in New York City. Furthermore, this crop of migrants are not primarily coming from Mexico but from smaller Central/South American countries.
Short-sighted. No long-range plan. Just constantly improvising.
What would Jesus do? Jesus would be on the side of the poor and the needy. Jesus would be on the side of altruism and self-sacrifice. Jesus would tell us you are your brother’s keeper, love your neighbor as you love yourself. Jesus would be for open borders.
Jesus would tell us don’t be concerned about this transitory pilgrimage of life on earth or any pain and suffering you may go through in my name. You are here to seek salvation from Original Sin by sacrificing for me and your neighbors, I will reward you with eternal life in my Kingdom when you die. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. Turn the other cheek. Love your enemies.
Are we going to be true Christians sacrificing for Jesus, preparing ourselves for his eternal after-life, or selfish, greedy, capitalists pursuing our selfish, individual, happiness here on earth?
Convert your lectures to suppositories and consume them yourself.
You might want to read what Jesus said about rendering unto Caesar what was Caesar’s. And his parable about swords.
In other words, actually read the Bible.
You are your brother’s keeper, love your neighbor as you love yourself, love your enemies, turn the other cheek, the love of money is the root of all evil. a rich man cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, the meek shall inherit the Earth, pride is sinful, it is better to give than to receive,
is not rendering unto Caesar, but rendering unto Jesus what he demands of you.
“As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”… Jesus looked at him and loved him. “One thing you lack,” he said. “Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” – Mark 17 – 29
To follow Jesus and gain his Kingdom in Heaven is not about selfish, greedy, capitalism and pursuing your happiness on Earth, but the very opposite. You must render unto Jesus everything and sacrifice for others everything for Jesus then you will gain eternal life.
“Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks to spears. Let the weak say I am a warrior.”
Jesus was not a pacifist.
Wouldn’t Jesus actually rebuke the economic migrant for imposing the burden of his care on his neighbor under the pretext that it was ok to covet his prosperity?
Yes. He had a strong work ethic.
Few transport mechanisms excel like pipelines.
We need one right now, and in the worst way.
We need a deportation pipeline.
Harden your hearts because it’s them or us. They go, or we do.
Wetbacks aren’t migrants. They don’t come to pick fruit and leave when the season is over. They aren’t birds which migrate South for the Winter. They’re INVADERS and they never leave.
Call them what they are.
Hard working, self-supporting, immigrants would be no problem if we did not live in an altruist welfare state.
Does it make any essential difference to you if the government mugs you and spreads your income to someone who wasn’t born here or someone who was? In either case you work, you get mugged by government, and Joe Biden and your legal or illegal neighbor gets to eat you alive.
Even before this open borders crisis the American tax payer was being eaten alive by his natural born neighbor, by the Palestinians, Israel, Germany, Japan, United Nations, NATO, by any “noble”, “altruist” cause the government decided to mug you for. The American taxpayer has been funding the whole wide world for a century now.
Illegal immigration is wrong and destructive and I’m not condoning it but the welfare state is much more immoral and destructive than illegal immigration. As a matter of fact it is the same immoral code, the “noble” code of altruism, that first made the welfare state possible, that is also the basis for open borders.
The welfare state was never about altruism. I’s always bee about creating a dependent class of Dirtbagocrat voters.
As LBJ said “I’ll make them vote Democrat for 200 years” 🙂
Yeah, at least he was honest, unlike FDR and the current Dirtbagocrats.
The tip of the blade has centered upon the rib cage. One great finishing thrust and our demographic heart is impaled and stilled forever.
Florid prose aside, we are in big trouble.
Addressing and attempting to reverse these crises cannot be accomplished without political power sufficient to leverage prosecutions.
We allowed Bush to assemble a titanium framed unbeatable security apparatus based upon the vows that it would never be hijacked and used against the American people.
We gave Obama the instruction manuals and blue prints. He prepared the system for hijacking.
We are witnessing the whelping of a hijacking in a painful, protracted delivery.
The pain is only beginning.
Obama didn’t hijack America, he simply pushed the hijacking of America even further, to its final destination. If any president hijacked America it was FDR. He began the welfare state, the first major phase of the march towards the American totalitarian state.
Dumber then a Stump stupider then a sack full of rocks a bald headed pea-brain opened the floodgates and is trying t o swim
What American Dream would that be, Mr. Adams?
Maybe they should move in with this pathetic little pinhead
Eric the Imbecile Adams is clueless and incompetent one can only expect him to screw up, along with Corrupt Kathy Hochul as governor, New York is toast.
When considering everything regarding illegal aliens, migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, illegal immigrants, undocumented workers, any name you want to use, the reality of the situation is that illegal immigration will destroy the United States. Some of you may think America is a divided nation now, but just wait, it will get worse.
There are many other factors that will contribute to the downfall of America. The list is too long to list here in this reply,