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Get ready for ‘Misinformation’ round 3.
When Democrats, their activists and their media declared that disagreement was not a dangerous contagion known as “misinformation”, a ruthless Big Tech/Censorship alliance took off in 2017.
Round one of the Misinformation Wars was about censoring any materials about Hillary Clinton’s scandals while claiming that the only reason Trump won was because of Russian ‘misinformation’.
Round two was based around censoring Biden scandals and any claims that the election had been rigged.
Since history repeats itself as farce, round three is about videos of Biden acting out of it which have been dubbed “cheapfakes” because they supposedly lack context or have been edited and now are being dubbed as “misinformation”.
Whether or not Biden is out of it in a particular scene, is a matter of perception, not fact. And yet here come the fact checkers trying to establish something that only a team of medical professionals with access to the patient could hope to establish.
NBC News: Misleading GOP videos of Biden are going viral. The fact-checks have trouble keeping up.
Misleading is not true or false. And while some videos may be misleading, others are hard to argue with.
After years of claiming that Hillary and Hunter Biden’s scandals were Russian misinformation, we’re on the verge of claiming that videos of Biden looking ‘out of it’ are an assault on democracy and have to be censored to protect the Democrats from democracy.
Biden is clearly suffering from dementia or some other mental disorder that makes him unfit for office. For those who deny it, know this: you are exploiting a confused old man. Shame on you.
He has stage six Alzheimer’s.
Stage six effects and symptoms:
– Cannot carry out activities of daily living without help
– Forgets names of family members
– Forgets recent events
– Forgets major events in past
– Difficulty counting down from 10
– Incontinence (loss of bladder control)
– Shitting in pants
– Difficulty speaking
– Personality and emotional changes
– Delusions
– Compulsions
– Anxiety
Sounds familiar when you see him staggering around lost and glassy eyed on video, yes? And when he TRIES to read a speech. That fucking evil retard.
There are only seven stages of Alzheimer’s. Stage seven is basically death, which will take Alzheimer Joe Beijing Biden out of our misery. Heels Up Chlamydia Harris couldn’t POSSIBLY be worse than Pedo Joe’s handlers.
Thanks for the info Jeff !!!
When the Democrats get around to guiding Biden to Exit Stage Six, another one term failure is an option – Jimmy Carter.
Whoever down voted me sucks senile old man dicks.
that’s somewhat off topic aye eye? 🙂
Yeah, maybe a little. But I fuck lots of homeless and crazy chicks, so nobody should listen to me.
I was with a neighbor today who’s coming back and claims she’s a lesbian. I would fuck a tree if there’s a knothole in it.
Depraved psychopathic morally corrupt leftist Democrats need to protect the Democrats from democracy, Freedom and Liberty.
“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,
and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”
Biden and the democrats have a short memory.
Who are you going to believe, desperate demostrated liar democrats,
or you own lying eyes?
Biden is obviously the “placeholder” for whomever is actually making the decisions and running the country. The ruling cabal have probably already selected the next “placeholder” who is going to replace Biden in the next few months.
“Cheapfakes.” Another stupid and fake lefty D-Bag term that will VERY SOON become as toxic and unused as “woke.”
Who do these morons think they’re fooling, anyway? The only people who believe crap like that are fanatics who want to believe lies.
Raggedy Anne Jeanne-Pierre needs to stop lying so shamelessly. But she can visit me anytime. 🙂
Yeah, I was just thinking about the rhetorical term “cheapfakes” earlier.
For one thing, how do they know it’s cheap? Could be very expensive 🙂
I think they’re trying to word play on cheap shot and deapfake. They’re ones to complain about cheap shots, and joe’s mental incapacity isn’t fake.
I think you figured it out. I wouldn’t have. Dirtbagocrat lefties are so bizarre to me I have trouble grokking them. It’s like they speak gibberish or something. You have to pay close attention to understand what they’re saying.
what they are saying is all demonic lies – period
It rhymes with “deep fakes” and will be confused with that term, although both may refer to the same sort of thing. Why they changed to “cheap” from “deep?” IDK . Ask the very well paid (I’m sure) psychologists and linguists they hire to write their propaganda.
Good point.
Boy, those weirdos are hard to figure out.
aye eye is very pricey
KJP is a shallow fake.
I still want to do her, though.
she’s a lex you know – and demonic – you want that spirit in your spirit – demonic possession is hard to get rid of
I think I could cure KJP of that. I’m with a chick right now who says she’s a lesbian and wants to legally change her name to some masculine one, and she has a girlfriend. Crazy, right?
You’d never know it when I’m with her, though. She’s all over me and even my neighbors have noticed. They say “Jeff, isn’t she a lesbian? How did you do that?”
I think all a lezzy needs is a good dick to set her straight.
you’re a funny guy – not like a Joe Pesci funny guy — LoL – i’d like to meet you and buy you an vernisawaitchaing sausage sandwich with onions
“Vernisawaitchaing sausage sandwich with onions.” I don’t know what that is but it sounds tasty.
Anytime, my friend.
“Media Wants to Ban Videos of Biden’s Senility.”
Well, that means no videos at all. That’s a good thing, too.
My PTSD gets to level 4 every time I see that senile lying crooked dirtbag biden
Again, I must consult my Translat-O-Tron.”
Misleading: Anything that suggests a conclusion that the Biden regime is trying to steer you away from.
I got this book ENEMIES by Peter D’ Abrosca its all about the M.S. Media and their war against the American People
To Democ-rats, criticizing Democ-rats means spreading Russian dis or mis-information and doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin. Can you say “F.I.S.A. warrant?” Democ-rats intend to lock up the opponents of “their democracy.” If this were a movie it might be a bondage flick called “Karine Jean-Pierre’s Missing Dong.”
I’ll give KJP a “Long Duck Dong.”
I wonder if Biden’s quite as demented as he seems. Why do I wonder?
1) He is solidly clear of any later investigations into his crimes. No one can questions his honesty when he cannot remember anything.
2) Most importantly, no one can question him when he acts like he cannot remember who collaborated with him.
3) The stage is set for the media to send in their cheerleaders when he drops out of the race and extol his successor.
they put biden in adult diapers – accounts of him pooping his pants on the world stage in presence of world leaders and those people unable to ignore the stench is very real – no, this demonic crooked dude biden is shot – dead from the brain down – breakfast at biden is at play –
Yes, Queen Camilla said he shat himself right in front of her and just sat there unconcerned. (Alzheimer’s.) She said the smell was rank, although I’m paraphrasing.
The next step is arrest and prison for any bold hooligan’s who insult the “Great Leader”. This has already started. As absurd as it seems , Douglass Mackey, who made comical internet memes insulting the “great hillary clinton” gets prison time. Leftist know full well that making people shut up is essential to their cause and history has shown to what extent they will go to shut people up and it ain’t pretty.
Nobody believes that Joe Biden is capable of functioning to do his duties in the office of the Presidency.
The Spiritual deception of which Jesus warned isn’t mere happen-stance. In the Book of Revelation, John describes Satan as “the great dragon….that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world. Revelation 12:9. Jesus described Satan in this way: “He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” John 8:44.
Without the wisdom and grace of God, we’re all vulnerable to deception. This Era of deception is causing the erosion of trust in foundations that have held our cultures and civilizations together for millennia. That erosion will intensify as we approach the World of the End.
too late – the cats outta da bag – the world knows more than a dangerous section of USA citizens that biden is shot to hell – and hell is where his soul is soon to go because the crooked dangerous sob is not long for this world! I was thinking last night, hoe briben’s lying crookedness must be known by CONgrASS for decades and they turned the other way and said nothing. I blame CONgrASS for biden being able to carry on in his money laundering and selling out the USA for decades – some in CONgrASS must be compromised participants in the treasonous money laundering and other high crimes, others were warned and fear for their life and career and family – now the attempts to expose and impeach biden and his vile demonic cabinet of pirate conspirators against the Constitution and citizens of the USA are like watered down decaffeinated coffee – yet the dirt bag demonc-Rats impeached Trump with the GOP either joining them or afraid to speak out in CONgrASS – WHY? Is USA lost in the final coup d’etat that we are in now because of stolen 2020 election and 2022 election in Arizona – to which now the renegade Az AG is indicting anyone who spoke out against and wanted to investigate the 2020 and 2022 election just as what is happening on the federal leveil!
Quoting our illustrious leader Hoe Briben: “I sjushchoiyou and hooshshwhowohs – you know, the thing you dog faced pony boys”