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The first rule of Muslim atrocities in the UK is that you’re not supposed to talk about them. Not long ago the Starmer regime unleashed a ruthless purge against anyone who mentioned that a Muslim terrorist had stabbed a bunch of little girls, declaring that it was a national emergency to shut down any speech on the matter.
But the topic of Pakistani Muslim ‘grooming gangs’ and the atrocities they committed against huge numbers of young English girls, and the role the authorities played in covering that up, has once again come to the surface.
The British authorities not only enabled and covered up for the Muslim rape gangs, but they arrested the parents and girls as young as 12 for even mentioning it. This level of treasonous horror is something that may not be discussed, but Musk suddenly began discussing it.
And the media is freaking out because the Starmer regime can’t simply send a few ‘lesbian nana’ bobbies to raid Musk’s digs the way they can most ordinary people in the UK.
Here’s a headline sample of the freakout.
Musk accused of ‘politicising’ rape of young girls in UK to attack Starmer – The Guardian
UK Right Warns Trump Allies That Musk’s Posts Have Gone Too Far – Bloomberg
Keir Starmer must slap Elon Musk down – before someone gets killed – The New European
Ministers hit back at Elon Musk as tech billionaire steps up attack on Keir Starmer over grooming gangs – Evening Standard
Elon Musk Faces Fury Over Support for Jailed Fascist Leader – – The Daily Beast
In a regime built on lies about Islam, no one is prepared for the subject to be aired in public. The UK authorities, across the spectrum, have been complicit in allowing Islam to dominate the UK. It’s past time for a reckoning.
Part of the outrage here has been directed at Safeguarding Minister Jess Phillips for rejecting requests for an inquiry into the Pakistani Muslim sex grooming gangs.
Why did she reject those requests?
Despite her vocal opposition to violence against women and girls, Phillips may be worried about opening herself up to allegations of Islamophobia after nearly losing her seat to a pro-Gaza independent candidate last year.
British politicians have been bribed, suborned, corrupted and intimidated into remaining quiet about Islamization. Those young girls paid the price.
If the Brits had acted like this back in 1939, they would be speaking German.
And the threat now is so much worse than that posed by the Germans.
Instead they will speak Arabic
English is a germanic language.. better than speaking Arabic
100%…. Some estimates say a quarter milliion UK girls have been raped by these Trojan horse invader pigs. If I were one of their fathers, it would be hunting season on them.
Ditto with America.
The M.S. dose all it can to hide the truth about Open Borders and the Welcome Refugees useful idiots
Excellent article. Good for Musk.
Rape is a fundamental part of Islamic warfare.
First, it is a “reward” to the Jihadi rapists, and attracts rapists into the Islamic cults.
Second, it demoralizes the infidels, and spreads the bad seed amongst their communities, including genetic defects.
Probably a lot of other reasons also, but I have a headache, so can’t remember at the moment.
Thinking about it makes my head hurt too!
It is not Elon Musk “politicizing” this issue. It is the treasonous cowards in the British government who allowed these crimes to happen because they decided to be politically correct instead of following the law and righteousness. They should all be hung as traitors to the nation. British men and women, rise up and save your country!
The British government politicized it when it tried to silence the loudest and most existential political issue of the times. What purpose is there for government if not to protect the people?
Musk is merely in a position to speak without serious repercussions.
Musk seems like a really good guy to me. Smart and tall, too.
The history of South Africa is interesting. The Dutch arrived early and evolved differently. Similar to Americans who evolved differently due to having to cope with the difficult environment on their own.
Yes, I’ve always felt sympathy for the Boers. They were there before the British, Zulus and Xhosas. Only the Bushmen pre-date them and everybody ignores those people.
Ain’t gonna happen. The Brits have been neutered by propaganda and the police state. It’s now multi-generational and they are incapable of even contemplating the uprising you urge them to. We can only take their plight as a dire warning, and keep fighting the good fight to MAGA!
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”-George Orwell
68 Million people in the UK , 4 million of them are Muslim , who’s voting in these lawmakers ?
Indoctrinated leftards.
They have the same vote counting that we do in the cities. Ouch!
Yeah, last I knew, California here was still fake counting fake ballots. All D-Bag, of course.
They need to let the politicians know, maybe by undercurrent, that collaborators will face harsh consequences.
Islam is not even a religion in the usual sense, but an aggressively expansionist militant utilitarian collectivist ideology under color of religion. It bills itself as a total way of life, which is, on it’s face, totalitarian. It is a universal economic failure everywhere it does not have money coming out of the ground and makes for very unhappy societies when one man can have 4 wives and 3 other men have to go without, and resort to homosexuality which is only superficially forbidden by Islam, and then there is boy play, Baza Bachi, widely practiced in Afghanistan. (see the documentary The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan) Often in Muslim families the youngest boy becomes the sexual outlet for the father and older sons. Imagine how that poor kid grows up. Inbreeding is rampant under Islam with first cousin marriages being the norm, which also does not make for a happy or prosperous society, nor does the fact that Islam makes men it’s slaves by giving them their own slaves, their women. That brings us to female genital mutilation (FGM) which is done to restrict all pleasure in sex to the male, and then there is honor killing, all of the victims of which are curiously female.
islam = FILTH
It is not a religion. islam is a political belief..
What good has being woke ever done?
How much more damage must be tolerated before this is stopped?
FPM should be highly commended for covering this story and for shining a light on this abomination going back many years.
All the best to FPM and Mr. Greenfield
Tommy Robinson has paid dearly for being what used to be called being a normal man – protecting his family, his community and his girls. By punishing Tommy, the British government sent the clarion call to jihadis that European girls (always highly prized by them) were back on the menu.
And Nigel Farage has abandoned him.
Farage will not acknowledge Tommy Robinson or his persecution.
There is a time to talk. And there is a time to fight for survival.
Talking time is over in the UK.
The natives must either fight or go extinct.
communism plays the long game and has invested ALOT to corrupt British culture/integrity since the 1920s, this is only the latest chapter.
Please notice that a typical “bloodless attack” is to back up a bus full of poor interlopers to the border fence then push them over. This is happening now all along many borders. It is a standard playbook and they have been doing this to the EU and Britain now for decades.
This attack must be neutralised and reversed.
Let me get this straight. The British government imported millions of men, who practiced medieval customs, including systematic abuse of women.
These men subsequently gang rapped the children of English citizens all across the country, as part of a medieval ritual.
When the citizens complain and ask for justice, THEY get arrested? And anyone who talks about it is subject to arrest.
What if the roles were reversed?
If any host nation allowed it’s citizenry to commit these atrocities to immigrant children, as well as arresting the victims, the entire world would be enraged!
Musk is politicizing the rape of young girls according to The Guardian. In fact, Musk is publicizing and condemning decades of mass rape that politicians have collaborated with. The Guardian using the word politicizing is pretentious for a rag so far to the left that if it took one more step to the left, it would fall down and be raped.
The UK government’s desperation to suppress the rape gang story, stifle free speech, and enact de facto blasphemy laws are all facets of their preemptive Muslim riot control program.
Maybe the revalotion to this disgusting trend has started in the USA with the election of Trump. Musk has done the world a great favor by stopping the clamp down on free speech and throwing out the corruption in governments across the globe has started.
C’mon folks. What’s a jihadi to do since he can’t get laid in the real world. His only relief is being able to rape white women in a foreign land.
Coming to a no go zone near you.