Two House Dems decided to go on a trip organized by Miftah, an anti-Semitic hate group.
Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib’s since-canceled trip to Israel was sponsored by Miftah, an exceptionally anti-Semitic group that praises Palestinian terrorists and claims Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover. The organization also publishes Neo-Nazis and calls for the destruction of Israel.
And the mainstream media not only covered for Miftah and defended Omar and Tlaib, but raised a ruckus that the Jewish State had the temerity to deny the bigots entry.
Then Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib retweeted a cartoon by a bigot who had submitted a cartoon to Iran’s Holocaust cartoon contest.
Again, the media shrugged and looked away from their anti-Semitism, while celebrating them as heroes and victims.
But now, finally the media discovered “anti-Semitism”.
Trump Accuses Jewish Democrats of ‘Great Disloyalty’ – New York Times
Trump: Jewish people who vote Democratic show ‘great disloyalty’ – NBC
etc, you know the rest.
Trying to spin that as anti-Semitism requires entirely eliminating the context.
“I can’t even believe that we’re having this conversation. Five years ago, the concept of even talking about this, even 3 years ago, of cutting off aid to Israel because of 2 people that hate Israel and hate Jewish people. I can’t believe we’re even having this conversation. Where has the Democratic Party gone? Where have they gone where they’re defending these 2 people over the state of Israel? I think that any Jewish people that vote for a Democrat, I think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty.”
Yes, ‘disloyalty’ is not a good word here. ‘Stupidity’ would be better. So would ‘self-destructive’.
But the media’s pretense that Trump was accusing Jews of disloyalty to America is very obviously dishonest. It’s especially dishonest from the same media organizations that have no problem with Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib trafficking with straight up anti-Semites, trying to pluck a line out of context, and then building a case around it, while the context is that Trump was condemning Democrat anti-Semitism.
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