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After attending the inauguration of Iran’s new president among the festive chants of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh found death waiting for him.
“We always shout: ‘Death for the sake of Allah is our loftiest aspiration,’” Haniyeh had claimed.
The Hamas billionaire who lived in luxury in Qatar hadn’t actually wanted to die, but he should have been careful what he wished for before the missile granted him the death he cheered for.
After the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7, Haniyeh had declared that we need the “blood of the women, children, and elderly” to awaken the “revolutionary spirit”. But his his dreams of killing all the Jews and seizing Israel ended when he left the protection of U.S. terrorist “allies” like Qatar and Turkey, and visited Iran.
Haniyeh never left Iran.
Earlier, Israel had taken out Fuad Shukr, the number two figure in the Hezbollah Islamic terrorist group, still wanted by the United States for his role in the Marine Corps Barracks bombing in Beirut which killed 241 American military personnel. It followed that up by taking out Haniyeh even as he was staying under the terrorist regime’s military protection in the heart of Tehran.
Allies from Doha, Moscow, Beijing and D.C. to CAIR to BLM to the BBC mourned his death.
“Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive!” CAIR San Francisco head Zahra Billoo tweeted. “Tonight, we mourn Ismail himself but know his martyrdom is not in vain.”
White BLM leader Shaun King, who recently converted to Islam, cried that, “the United States and Israel have just assassinated the dear brother Ismail Haniyeh,” he declaimed. “These genocidal monsters think that this weakens Hamas, or weakens the resistance, but it does neither. It will only strengthen both.”
Haniyeh had previously condemned America for killing Osama bin Laden, describing the Al Qaeda leader as a “Muslim Mujaheed” or Islamic Jihadist, and hailed Abdullah Azzam, the brains behind Al Qaeda’s theology, as “a knight of Jihad and resistance against the enemies of Allah.” But the media still rushed to redefine him as a “pragmatic” peace-seeking “moderate.”
The BBC described Haniyeh as “moderate and pragmatic”. Reuters confusingly claimed that, “tough-talking Haniyeh was seen as the more moderate face of Hamas”. “Ismail Haniyeh was the pragmatic face of Hamas,” Sky News told viewers. The Guardian hedged a little by describing Haniyeh as “relatively pragmatic” compared to, say perhaps, the Caliph of ISIS.
Relativism was also the order of the day at the New York Times which quoted someone from the European Council on Foreign Relations describing Haniyeh as “a relatively pragmatic counterpoint”. The Washington Post lauded Haniyeh as “a more moderate force in Hamas.”
The very moderate Hamas leader had previously bragged that his Arab Muslim colonists in Israel “sacrifice their children, their sons, for the sake of Palestine and for the sake of the land of Islam and the Muslims. The might of the nation of Jihad is revealed on the land of Palestine, as well as in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Sudan, and in all the fronts of confrontation with the enemies of Allah.” By “enemies of Allah”, the Hamas leader meant Christians, Jews and all non-Muslims.
But the media had its pragmatic and moderative narrative. The Wall Street Journal jumped in with “Strike in Iran Kills Hamas’s Leading Advocate for a Gaza Cease-Fire”.During the Oct 7, Haniyeh had prayed in gratitude to his god ‘Allah’ for the initial Hamas successes in killing Israelis. He had then urged Muslims to wage war to ethnically cleanse all the Jews from Israel.
Stories quickly followed about the “dangers of escalation” and a “regional war”, as they do every time Israel fights back against Islamic terrorism. Islamic terrorism is never an escalation, only defending against it is. Muslim terror victims are just statistics, but the death of Muslim terrorists is always the subject of worldwide concern in the international capitals of terrorist appeasement.
The Putin regime in Moscow, which has been responsible for ‘suiciding’ political opponents around the world, declared that “the elimination of Haniyeh is a political murder that is completely unacceptable to us.” As opposed to the ones that are acceptable to it.
China, which had recently hosted a Hamas delegation, condemned Haniyeh’s execution and claimed that the Communist regime, which keeps threatening to invade Taiwan, “has always advocated resolving regional disputes through negotiation and dialogue.”
The Biden administration worried that the death of a murderous terrorist who had urged a “Jihad of Swords” and proclaimed that “we should hold on to the victory that took place on October 7 and build upon it” would undermine its attempt at “peace negotiations” with Hamas.
Oct 7 was a horrifying lesson in the fact that peace doesn’t come from making deals with terrorists but by standing up to them and putting them down. The Big Lie of negotiating with terrorists is based on falsely describing them as “pragmatic” and “moderate”. Every Jihadist, no matter how horrifying, is characterized as a leader looking to make a deal for the right terms.
No one takes Islamic terrorists at their word. And they should.
Jerusalem, unlike D.C. and Brussels, has begun taking Islamic terrorists at their word. When they talk about destroying Israel and killing all the Jews, they no longer assume that’s a negotiating position, but a plan. And when the terrorists say that “Death for the sake of Allah is our loftiest aspiration”, they don’t assume that’s empty rhetoric, but a genuine aspiration.
And Israel is fulfilling their pragmatic and moderate dreams of being martyred for Allah.
“We love death like our enemies love life,” Ismail Haniyeh, pragmatic moderate, once claimed.
A man should do what he loves. And politicians and the media should stop lying about what he is. And about what Hamas is. And about what Islam is.
Now I suppose the M.S. Media wants us to all fly our flags at Half-mast for this Monster?! Tell the Lap=Dog Media to Scram. And those Cowards still hide their faces
I’m sure Kamala Harris deep mourning – she and her fraud of a husband will sit shiva for the Hamas creep as will Kapo Schumer.
“Kapo Schumer.” That’s a good one because it’s true.
Kudos to Israel for ridding the world of these evil monsters!
Too bad we can’t livestream their faces when they meet
AllahJesus and learn that there are not 72 virgins waiting for them!But there ARE 72 virgins for them!
There’s Joe, and Steve, and Ben, and… ~
… Bob, and Roy, and Jeffrey! ~
Ben and Jerry……….
Leadership Decapitation Assassinations for all depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent
Islamic scum should be the foreign policy of America.
Starting with the ayatollahs when they’re all in the same room.
I assure you they do not meet YESHUA MESSIAH – they are dispatched straight to hell – the holding place for those who will not pass the JUDGEMENT
The ‘virgins’ are restored and recertified for new “Shahids”.
You mean it’s a Hymen stitch up?
They’re going to be the Virgin butts (presumably but maybe not) for 72 donkey dong demons.
The establishment won’t admit to anything, they are all licking the boots of the UN which is run by muslim extremists.
Look how Britain’s prime minister reacts to a Rwandan refugee’s son after he murdered little girls in Southport.
At least this time, normal Brits are rioting. That subhuman islamopithecine murdered three little girls and wounded eight. And they were very young kids.
I notice the government officials are apoplectic about the riots. They NEVER react this way when the koranimals riot – on a regular basis.
It’s one thing for the Pravda Times to call this thug “moderate” but the WSJ??
The WSJ has been slipping.
sigh ,•°° °
The WSJ editorial site is good. Its news side is as bad as the rest of the media.
I used to read them over lunch back in the 1980s. They were actually a good news source back then. Now not so much 🙂
Sorry, Daniel. The Wall Street Journal editorial site was good when Robert Bartley was editor. Now it is just hit-and-miss.
The Wall Street Journal is a leftist rag posing as a serious financial journal. It also pretends – poorly – to be conservative.
I wouldn’t use it for toilet paper.
Great job! Outstanding points that need to be spoken loudly.
The only good “moderate terrorist” is a dead “moderate terrorist “
My only question is, is Shaun King a white black guy turned Muslim, or has Islam supplanted the fake minority status he claimed so now he is just a white Muslim guy? Or perhaps while he was at it maybe he picked a whole new thing to go with Islam like being Uyghur or Moro?
You can be a white guy or gal, convert to Islam and then you’re an oppressed minority.
Wha do ya mean Daniel? Oppressed minority!!! They are the ones oppressing innocent people around the world for the love of Allah!!
He is actually a Mongoloid.
Mongoloids can actually be productive members of society but Pig Boy is just destructive.
“We love death like our enemies love life,” Ismail Haniyeh, pragmatic moderate, once claimed..”
I think there’s a huge win-win with his statement, where everybody gets what they love.
“We love death like our enemies love life.”
OK Fine. We’ll give you death. We want you to be happy in your death.
Has The Washington Post described him as “an austere religious scholar” yet? You know that’s coming.
How bad does one have to be to be considered a bad terrorist?
Only non-Muslim terrorists are bad.
Well, he was certainly “pragmatic” – the end justifies the means to a pragmatist whose focus is on getting the desired outcome no matter what has to be done to get there.. Killing and raping women and children are just necessary incentives to rally “troops” for his quest, and all out war is the most effective means to wipe out Israel
And I guess you could call him “moderate” – because he hadn’t actually completed his work yet, he left off somewhere in the middle.
All Muslim terrorists are pragmatic. Western governments aren’t.
Yeah, that was one thing I noticed reading Richard Burton’s collection of 1800s books.
The fact Israel could target such an official puts the fear of God in ALL its enemies. That is what is panicking everyone. It means no one is out of their reach.
It is truly amazing.
Absolutely, No one should ever doubt Israel’s abilities to surprise!
Palestinians, backed by and supported by Iran, slaughter, rape, burn alive and kidnap Jews at every opportunity, and then celebrate in the streets.
Then they promise that such attacks will continue until all 7 million Jews in Israel are dead.
Then they promise to kill all the Jews in the world.
Then they hide behind and beneath Palestinian women and children.
When the Jews defend themselves as best they can from a suicidal, genocidal enemy, the Politically Correct World Press and politician complain it is the Jews who are “escalating” the war and “inflaming the situation.”
The Politically Correct World Press and politicians just cannot stand it when Jews refuse to go quietly to their deaths.
If the establishment of the State of Israel means anything, it must at least mean this:
No one gets to kill Jews for free anymore.
Hey Mike … Please allow me to quote you …. just for emphasis.
” If the establishment of the State of Israel means anything, it must at least mean this:
No one gets to kill Jews for free anymore. ”
America needs it own Islamic “depraved Islamic Leader” Decapitation Policy.
“the elimination of Haniyeh is a political murder that is completely unacceptable to us.”
lol, he really said that?
Well, he’s the last man standing 🙂
Something tells me Hamas is going to have to accept Pig Boy’s extermination unless they can pull a Lazarus number on his stinking corpse.
So that’s what a moderate Muslim looks like. I always wondered…..
I wonder if he was exterminated with moderate prejudice.
The same idiots claim Holocaust Denier Mahmoud Abbas is the “moderate Palestinian President” who last faced voters in 2005 when he was elected to a four year term, and Hanan Ashrawi, who has twice been caught peddling blood libels about Jews and whom Peter Jennings allowed to insert 45 minutes of propaganda into live coverage of 09/11 while Palestinians celebrated the murder of 3,000 Americans was the “moderate Palestinian spokeswoman.
Anyone who would spend one red cent on a subscription to The New York Times or The Washinton Post is as bad as Germans who read Der Stürmer in the 1930s.
It makes me smile when I hear muslim leaders tell us that they love death but do everything they can to avoid being killed. The idea seems to be, death is for the small muslims not for the grand muslims.
Twelve innocent children were killed in Majdal Shams, they were Drudge people and not Jewish. When Hezbollah found that out, they took it back and said, “Actually it wasn’t us, it must have been the Iron Dome misfiring. Pieces of Iranian truck fired Falsq rocket were scattered all around the site of the massacre.
Fuad Shukr also directed the terrorist groups attack against Israel on October 7. Shukr was a key operative in planning the attacks of the 1983 attack that killed 241 marines in their barracks in Beirut Lebanon.
Iran’s outgoing intelligence minister said, “Dismantling the Mossad’s infiltration network in Iran is the greatest achievement during my tenure.” Hows that workin out for ya? The Wealthy terrorist Ismail Haniyeh left his cushy hideaway in Qatar to attend the inauguration of Iran’s new President. It appears that many have egg on their face because of their own arrogance.
“Drudge people?” Dis you write that on purpose or by accident?
Here is the letter I sent on the subject yesterday, which of course will not be published.
Terrorists Must Be Killed
The idea of “bringing terrorists to justice” is a breathtaking mockery of any civilized understanding of justice. The feral psychopaths of Hamas and Hezbollah never display the civility required for Geneva Convention definitions for militia, armed force, or volunteer corps, but are so dissociated from country or culture, so committed to butchery that they best match Webster’s definition for a virus. They are not insurgents or freedom fighters, and when captured, certainly not prisoners of war. These killers are not members of an organized resistance movement carrying arms openly, and they have no distinctive identifier. The Geneva Conventions describe terrorists as beyond the pale and they are to be eliminated with any means effective.
Regarding the IDF attacks resulting in civilian casualties, I am also reminded of Geneva Conventions provisions placing responsibility for those deaths. Articles 28 and 29 of the Fourth Geneva Convention says the terrorists are responsible for any civilian deaths. Those civilians qualified as Protected Persons within the enemy’s physical control and cannot be used to render certain points and areas immune from military operations. The Convention articles are as follows:
ART. 28. — The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations.
ART. 29. — The Party to the conflict in whose hands Protected Persons may be, is responsible for the treatment accorded to them by its agents, irrespective of any individual responsibility which may be incurred.
I just read it so I assume it was published.
One more down 1.5 B to go.
“We love death like our enemies love life.”
Yeah, that’s why he was hiding out in Iran. I don’t know if Pig Boy saw his death coming but if he did, I guarantee he pissed himself in terror and would’ve begged for his life if he’d had enough time.
What a bunch of frauds.
2 down thousands to go , they love death . oblige them wherever they are . its a win win .