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The media has settled on its ‘Big Lie’.
The UCLA version of the Big Lie is that the Hamas supporters and their encampment were “peaceful” and then they were attacked by violent Jewish counterprotesters.
You’ll see variations of this lie at local papers like the LA Times and the LA Daily News, and in the nationals, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and of course across a lot of cable news.
The actual facts are that the Hamas supporters had been harassing Jewish students and even violently assaulting them.
The day before the riot, I heard an account at my own table of a student being assaulted.
UCLA professor Dr. Nir Hoftman joins @johnrobertsFox to detail the aggression he faced from protesters on UCLA's campus and to explain the minimal intervention from the university to restore normal order and end the encampments. #AmericaReports
— America Reports (@AmericaRpts) April 29, 2024
One of UCLA’s own professors was assaulted with no response from the university.
Professor Nir Hoftman, who has taught at UCLA for 22 years, was assaulted earlier this week while walking on campus looking down on his phone. In an interview with Fox News, he described what had happened: “They literally assaulted me on the way over here. I was walking to give the interview to a news station and two or three thugs tried to block my approach to the open area. I ignored them and one of them stood in front of me and said, ‘you can’t walk this way.”
Hoftman said that another person tackled him from the side and ripped his earbud from his ear before running off. “The security people who were there, were watching, not doing anything.”
The professor called what’s going on today in UCLA as “anarchy, it’s like the wild, wild west.”
This is the first interview I’ve seen with the Jewish-Iranian student who was attacked at UCLA by the anti-Israel protestors.
Most news organizations didn’t even cover the incident or dozens of others at UCLA.
— AG (@AGHamilton29) May 4, 2024
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And there is the Jewish student who was assaulted, which led to some Persian Jews coming back to kick some ass.
UCLA allowed Hamas supporters to block Jewish students from campus. They admitted it. And the media won’t report it.
I believe this is one of the first videos of the incident.
In this video you can see he’s trying to escape a protestor blockade preventing access. He is running from them and they chase him down and surround him. Like they’re on a hunt. I don’t know what’s happening now….…
— Stephanie🕊 (@stephsvox) May 1, 2024
Parent @UCLA gave permission to release this audio of her phone call with @UCLAPD as they describe the school's directive to allow protestors to restrict the movement of Jewish students.
"Are the protestors allowed to block students who are paying tuition from classes? No, but…
— Stephanie🕊 (@stephsvox) April 30, 2024
The media is lying. It knows it’s lying. There’s video evidence that shows it’s lying. And it will go on lying because establishing and supporting an ideological leftist narrative is all it does anymore.
When UCLA snowflakes embrace Muslim “tolerance” you can expect suicide bombers. Stay tuned.
And just who are those people most likely to become suicide bombers? I would think by now the world knows who they are. Refuse all Muslim student visa’s, ban all Islamic studies in all universities. America has banned cults in the past and that is precisely what Islam is.
The depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent Islamic scourge has come to America.
This American calamity must be stopped cold now by deporting Moo–Slums and all illegal aliens.
And it is absolutely necessary to eliminate and crush the Islamic sources of funding aimed against America and US citizens and Jews and Israel.
This includes George Soros, the Saudi and Qatar and Kuwaiti, Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Jordan, and Yemen, as well as Iran.
Islam is the enemy of America and US citizens.
America and US citizens must must must recognize that Islam and Islamic countries and societies and cultures are their insidious enemy that is seeking to destroy America and bring misery on US citizens and Jews everywhere.
Islamic brainwashing of America yoots is already making great inroads into American culture and politics, as demonstrated on so many American college campuses.
Wake up America and defend and preserve yourself before it is really too late.
Islam is the insidious enemy of America and US citizens.
Members of Congress must, MUST act and stop, STOP, with the will of the overwhelming majority of the American people behind them, this administration’s Nazi jihad domestic and foreign policies. The government is a hybrid Islamic Reich.
Congress is the last hope within this rotted government to stop Biden and his regime. How? There’s got to be a way.
Do Americans want to be like 1930s Germans?
Will America become Germany to Obama’s being Hitler?
What would happen if the clear, courageous voices of Congress called for early elections and regime change now, because, with what’s happening, November may be too late to loosen the administration’s stranglehold. So much damage has been done and with every passing day there is a new calculated crisis or issue and a premeditated directive to implement destruction.
Blessed America will be cursed because this administration hates Israel, “the collective Jew”, and wants to destroy America, the only country in the world whose founding ideals are divinely ethically compatible with the Jewish State of Israel.
But the other variable is what God’ll do. This we have no control over.
Is America destined for destruction???
Will non jihad, non anti-Semitic America pull itself up from this administration’s suicidal nose dive?
I pray it does.
To mj ….
No truer words have been spoken in your comments.
Especially this one ….
“The US government is a hybrid Islamic Reich.”
The US is Nazi Germany. It is allied with Islam and very dangerous for Jews.
Any Jew who fights back, asserts himself , or thinks he can just walk on campus while Jewish, simply cannot be. allowed to.
We all know what’s next. Because we saw those movies.
On or about fall of 1986 I sat in a meeting of the Middle east solidarity committee. the co-chairs were an entitled nepo brat (her father was a chemistry professor (so free academic ride) and another woman. the real chair was Lefterri (pronounced Left terry) I do not know if I spelled the name right or if it was his real name. He was mid 20s or mid 30s and studying nuclear engineering at Urbana, Illinois. just the thing you want right? A Palestinian studying nuclear engineering.
He complained or merely recounted that the activism of the 1970s and early 80s at airports or universities were ineffective. At the universities they had turned into coffee klatches
The PLO got started up in the 60s. they were already agitating by the 70s on American campuses.
They have been at this for over 50 years, 1/2 a century.
Deport all Islamic scum from America.
Declare the Saudi and Qatar and Emirates and Kuwait and Oman and all Islamic “Royal” families
the enemy of America and US citizens and Israel and Jews.
The Urbana Solidarity Committee in urban consisted of 3 men and 4 women.
* One was the aforementioned daughter of a chem professor
* One was down for everything. Protesting South Africa, The Contras, protesting women as 2nd class citizens (she was attending a premier college) by sleeping on the quad, visiting West Africa., etc. If you watched the film PCU, you get the picture. that film instantly clicked with me because of what I observed on campus. The film is a primer.
* A Palestinian American female.
* A black female who was upset she could not immigrate to Switzerland, because in her words she was black. She did not speak German, French or Italian, .. i suggested Holland as it was 10% nonwhite. I figured she could swing that and the standard of living was just as high. She gave me a dirty look. Either she really into mountains (move to Denver?) or wanted something to bitch about (whitey).
None of the females were bad looking.. Other than the turnoff of the nose picking by the last one.
Two of 3 males were Jewish and in grad school. One in mathematics and the other in economics.. One of was being prodded to complete his thesis, but he was scared of the real world. i..e. making a living.
Last male was Lefteri…future nuke bomb maker? Where is he? Saudi Arabia, Egypt? Iran, Iraq? Syria? Libya? they all had or have programs.
I’ve been to Champaign–Urbana quite a few times. It’s a nice place except for the college crowd. I remember scaring some camel jockeys there. For some reason, islamopithecines tend to think I’m a Jew and that scares them. They were probably all engineering students learning how to make bombs and destroy bridges and other infrastructure.
Academics are mercenaries, They care not about their country or national security. The only care about the benjamins.
Lot of money in Urbana. They are pushing up sky scrapers like crazy. changes the look and the atmosphere.
Also whites are not a majority. A they are a plurality maybe. Lot of students from China and South Asia. when I attended , 5% of students were from China. Now it is higher. Lots of students from India and Pakistan as well.
For me it s not the color. Pakistanis and Indians have the same color, bit only one of them scream Ollie Ollie Snackbar before shredding themselves and people. that the majority do not does not carry weight with me, the moral support it , donate or vote back in their home countries for it.
BTW I married a foreigner and they are different. They are darker and they are alien. One thing they are not is from a kil-lah society that wants to do in the West.
I look forward to the day when the public has had enough and we beat these passive aggressive, wimpy terrorists to death.
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent brainwashing Islam has been a scourge on Humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
The machine reading this is horrible. Please go back to using humans. It’s reading everything includng all the numbers related to the post. I had to stop listening bec ause it was driving me crazy.
Middle East Solidarity Committee (Urbana U of I chapter)
What is more disturbing than the PKLO having been at this for 50+ years on American campuses is that the Muslim Brotherhood has been at this since the 50s.
One bad trip by Qutb of Egypt to Colorado. instead of being grateful for not being persecuted in the US, he immediately plots to take over America.
Too bad his fellow Egyptians did not off him before the trip.
Where is the National Guard to open fire on these assholes. Elanor and her mom are gorgeous Jewish women and as a Jewish man I am beyond pissed. I moved from LA county nearly 7 years ago. If I was there, I would have gone early to give these ass hole punks the beat down they should have gotten as children instead of left to grow without morals, decency, ethics, as well as YHVH’s Biblical commandments. As a Hebrew I am telling all Hebrews in USA to arm themselves, get off your fat lazy asses and start physical training and Kosher diet and get ready to rumble because this is not the Spanish inquisition, Russian pogroms, or the nazzi holocaust, this is global antisemitism because the world has gone mad and possessed by demons if not physically but in , and this is the big dukearoo – the last stand – the ushering in of the antichrist and culmination of Biblical prophesy. Who would have thunk but think us Jews must do now and not assume this is letting off steam from frustrations of the 2 year shutdown-lockdown from the pLandemic along with engineered inflation and shortages and the open border, 10-7-2023 shock and every lie the media and the demon perverts working in the White House spew. We are in a global coup d’etat targeting USA first. As USA goes so goes the world. Do not let them steal another election, 11-5-2024. We must get President Trump back into the White House or the free world as we have known it and the USA are gone baby gone!
You got it right Muggs ….
” I am telling all Hebrews in USA to arm themselves, get off your fat lazy asses and start physical training and Kosher diet and get ready to rumble because this is not the Spanish inquisition, Russian pogroms, or the nazzi holocaust, this is global antisemitism because the world has gone mad ….. ”
The American ruling class and elite and democrats are now full throttle in the process of not only abandoning Israel and Jews,
but also abandoning America and US citizens.
The depraved murderous Islamic swine started this fight, and we are going to finish it in Spades.
They could turn into what the 60’s and 70’s students became: SDS, Weather Underground, and the SLA. And they were into armed robbery, assassination and bombings. The FBI needs to infiltrate and see what the current groups are up to before that gets started.
We’ve already seen what Antifa and BLM can do, so why wait until people get killed.
History is repeating its self and it was not that long ago that what is happening in this country was happening in Germany they had a war over that eventually and it was never going to happen again now it is happening again in the US where I have heard it said that something like that would never happen in this country .Well it is happening and under the most devout Catholic president that has ever lived and he is the most corrupt old fool that has ever been prez he is a liar a thief on the take the biggest baby killer this country has ever had a senile old fool that showered with his own daughter and they said it can’t happen in this country well it is happening and the Jewish people had better wake up and the rest of us also. The dem/communist party is nothing but communists or worse and the RINOs aint far behind. Can you say Mike Johnson the biggest pos that has ever been speaker and the communists want to save his ass.
Oh, For crying out loud, these were paid agitators to disrupt campuses.
Nah. In the media’s big-picture perspective it was relatively peaceful. There were no rapes, beheadings, or eviscerations. So, yeah, it was pretty much peaceful. Thank you, students, for showing such admirable restraint.
“And it will go on lying because establishing and supporting an ideological leftist narrative is all it does anymore.” Yup. Telling the truth would hurt their friends and their side. So they lie and conceal.
The MSM lies to the stupid people who could care less because they are stupid and really like watching the “news” because it’s just another show on TV.. Our Nation is in big trouble folks….
The New York and L.A. Slimes Washington Compost L.A. Daily Noose Etc. Not real news just leftists Propaganda the New York Slimes(Times)has been lying to their readers and subscribers for a long time especially the NYT’s which covered up for Stalin, Hitler Castro and the Viet Cong and is behind the 1619 Project. Its really time to totally Boycott the False News Period