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The media exists to relentlessly non-stop defend evil. Saying that there’s nothing too evil for the media to defend misses the point. Like the rest of the Left, the media is specifically drawn to defending evil. Inverting good and evil is what animates its deepest passions. That is at the heart of what the Left’s revolutionary mission is.
And this is just another day in the left of the media’s crusade for inverting reality in defense of evil.
Ex-San Francisco fire commissioner who said homeless man beat him is accused of initiating altercation with bear spray – NBC News
Former San Francisco city official attacked homeless person with bear spray minutes prior to metal pipe attack, public defender says – CNN
Ex-San Fran fire chief faces charges for using pepper spray on man who attacked him with metal pipe – Daily Mail
Who is the “homeless man” in question? As usual, it falls to the Marina Times to tell the truth.
When images of a transient trio allegedly involved in the brutal, near-fatal beating of former fire commissioner Don Carmignani began circulating on social media, I immediately recognized them. For over two decades I’ve had a presence in the area, from the Marina Times office on Chestnut Street to house sitting for friends. Last year, after putting my car in a garage on Magnolia Street, a man came running at me with a long stick screaming, “I’ll kill you, bitch!” Clearly high on drugs, I recognized Nathaniel Roye, a transient who has camped on Magnolia off and on for several years. I managed to shut and lock the door just in time, breathing a sigh of relief as the shadow of Roye’s feet paced back and forth outside the garage.
Marina residents have complained on the Nextdoor app as well as to Northern Station police and District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani about Roye and Buck, and a new man who joined their encampment named Garret Doty. The three are belligerent to neighbors and visitors, block sidewalks with their tents, urinate and defecate on the streets, and use drugs to the point of passing out midday; they can often be found sprawled in a pile of trash by the Shell gas station on Lombard and Laguna Streets, or by the Walgreens on Divisadero and Lombard Streets. Multiple residents have witnessed both Doty and Roye “sharpening weapons” — such as the stick Roye came at me with — at both locations.
As if their behavior isn’t despicable enough, Roye and Buck not only use drugs in front of Marina Middle School, but Buck has performed oral sex on Roye near a preschool as children walked by. Another woman wrote that Roye “exposed his genitals while chasing her.”
A North Carolina resident, Roye, 26, has a criminal record dating back to his 2019 arrival in San Francisco that includes possession of drugs and paraphernalia, vandalism, threats of violence, exhibiting a deadly weapon, and assault with a deadly weapon…
Garret Allen Doty, 24, is a resident of Louisiana, where, in 2018 at age 20, he was arrested for strangling his girlfriend during a domestic battery. Doty didn’t have a record in the city — until the night of April 5, 2023…
After yet another morning with Doty, Buck and Roye outside the entryway of her house on Magnolia Street, Joan Carmignani joined her son, Don, on a 911 call to report the encampment, stating that Joan didn’t feel safe leaving her home after past encounters, including threats of violence toward her family. Neither the San Francisco Police Department nor homeless services responded, despite the Carmignanis reporting the trio had been openly consuming drugs and exhibiting “extremely aggressive behavior to passersby.”
Later that evening, Don returned to his mother’s home and asked the trio to leave, at which point he says Doty and Roye approached him “in a threatening manner.” Video shows Carmignani pulling out what appears to be a can of mace and point it in Doty’s direction as Doty backs away.
A subsequent video captures Doty calmly rooting through a recycling bin, where he finds two metal pipes and methodically puts them together, taking practice swings in the air. He returns to Carmignani and begins beating him about the head and face. As Carmignani retreats, Doty continues bashing him, chasing him all the way to the Shell Station, where witnesses reported seeing Carmignani staggering, covered in blood. He was rushed to the hospital with a broken jaw, lacerations requiring 50 stitches, and a piece of his skull was removed to relieve swelling on the brain. Police arrested Doty, and District Attorney Brooke Jenkins charged him with assault with a deadly weapon, aggravated battery with serious bodily injury, and assault with force likely to produce great bodily injury…
Three days after the attack, video emerged of Buck in front of the gas station screaming at Roye about wanting crystal meth and putting him on “dick payment.” On April 11 — not even one full week after the attack — neighbors report that Roye “threw rocks at multiple mothers with children in strollers.” Apparently, he has a thing about strollers: on April 27, according to several residents, Roye was arrested for once again throwing rocks at a mother with a child in a stroller but had “already been released and was back in the Marina.”
Understand, this is what the media, what the Left and the party it has overtaken, the Democrats, support and want to see happen everywhere (except in their own gated communities and doorman-gated buildings).
The media has been attacking Carmignani, but this goes well beyond one victim. It’s the state of terror inflicted by numerous ‘Royes’ who populate major cities and who represent the real face of the “homeless crisis”.
Democrats and their activist class created and perpetuated this crisis for financial gain (lefty nonprofits have picked up tens, if not hundreds, of millions ‘solving’ the homeless problem) and political power.
The crisis requires a constant state of terror. Anyone resisting it is swiftly demonized. This is the same leftist playbook that has been playing out on any cause, from BLM to transgender child grooming to the homeless crisis.
It’s all the same worn agenda and the same tactics that are over a century old. And they depend on waging terror on normal people with the aim of breaking their will.
The terror isn’t always strictly necessary, but the more violent and ugly a group is, the more the Left is drawn to them.
Evil isn’t nearly as fun as an abstraction. The Left needs to inflict actual pain.
“Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined. A world of fear and treachery and torment, a world of trampling and being trampled upon, a world which will grow not less but MORE merciless as it refines itself. Progress in our world will be progress towards more pain. The old civilizations claimed that they
were founded on love or justice. Ours is founded upon hatred.”George Orwell – 1984
These men are special. They are Samurai, the elite warriors for the Left.
Unlike the heroes of the Right, whose manufacture has been discontinued, these feckless paladins are enjoying boom times as demands for their skill sets mount.
America, the land of opportunity.
San Francisco is a lost cause.
All the decent people who still live there should just get the heck out. Or, if they like their homes, and just want the crime and filth to stop; do something really drastic.
Vote for a Republican.
They need another big time Earthquake like the one from 1906 only bigger
San Francisco is liable to get rolled over by a Tsunami eventually.
That might just clean up the sidewalks.
Gotta wash those turds away, LOL.
i know of foolish old Democrat voters who agree with every point I could make but then say “nothing is worse than if a Republican is elected.” They have their devil, the Reeeepublicans and they can never let go of that belief.
That’s really pitiful. And they vote.
Their voting is the scary part.
Thanks Daniel, excellent article, excellent video.
The former fire commissioner had quite a dilemma. Calling police brought no response, his Mom couldn’t leave her house. i guess dogs or private security or moving out of the area are the main options that come to my mind at the moment.
Attack dogs are an excellent option. Derelicts and black gutter thugs are terrified of dogs. And dogs are very loyal.
Yeah, it puzzles me why dogs aren’t used more often.
Because they take your dog to the pound for a week(Rabies observation) and you pay a fine if it bites someone, and if it does it again, they put it to sleep. And the bum won’t have any problem finding a leftist lawyer to sue for their medical bills and pain and suffering. I wouldn’t risk my dog.
Say, doesn’t SanFran have an old 19th century tradition of dealing with outlaws the police won’t lock up?
Sure. If Mom moves out she won’t be able to list or sell her house because these ne’er-do-wells are camping in front of it, but if she can’t list or sell the house it will be unoccupied, meaning they can move right in and it will be impossible to get rid of them. Maybe that’s what they’ve been after all along.
I never thought of that. It makes sense. Predators always want what’s yours.
Sadly these thing escalate out of control when government fails or refuses to do its’s job. Vigilantism starts and is the beginning of the complete collapse of a civilization. Next time Mr. Roye hangs out harassing woman with babies he will not get bear sprayed, he will get a bullet in the head.
But why? Vigilantism is the only way to save civilization. The people must police when the police will not. If the people would remove the criminals in charge already we could have true law and order.
Perhaps, none would try these corrupt criminal tactics again.
Instead they learn that we are cowards and fear being called names like “vigilante” or the over used “racist” and so we shame ourselves by allowing our families and our children to be abused
The cure for this comes in a variety of calibers and grains
Meanwhile these same bunch of Nit-Wits want trump be sent to prison for not committing any crimes and gun owners go to prison for refusing to register their guns. Yes once again the M.S. Media and Hollywood Nit-Wits support a murderer while opposing armed self defense
DA’s and many Judges rely on conviction rates to gain re-election, most have no concern who gets convicted of what so long as some individual is convicted and as soon as possible, they will get their convictions!. Whenever someone is actually tried for a crime the accused must first be found and be at the trial. Who is easier to convict?, the itinnerant or homeless individual or the home owner, Auto owner, Driver’s License holder and tax payer whose whereabouts and job are virtually public record, It takes 5 min to find the homeowner, the other may never be seen again. The Home Owner/Tax Payer IS the low hanging fruit and will be convicted. The individual with no known residence making them hard to find will prove hard and possibly even “too expensive” to prosecute. The DA and the Judge will maintain or raise their conviction record and the voters will re-elect them. The low hanging fruit will pave their way to re-election. Tax paying home owners have much invested thus much to lose which makes them easy and very lucrative targets of this system.
Seems like these Three High Amigos causing so much trouble in a decent neighborhood make themselves very easy to find.
There are some Mothers out there who don’t share this Much and Gush stuff from a whole bunch of sawdust for Brains Liberal Journalists
Most mothers, if you threaten their babies by throwing rocks at them.
It’s not self defense when you leave, obtain a weapon, then come back and assault someone. The prosecutor is a real piece of…work.
I’d hope the neighbors would be uncooperative with the police if the bums are found beaten to a pulp. Sounds like they pass out regularly, it should be easy. Maybe the neighborhood should have a “turn off your surveillance cameras day.”