No one likes a backseat driver, but in times of great political stress when the media’s candidate appears to have lost the plot, it begins to step in. And that’s a double warning.
1. The media has lost faith in the administration and is trying to save the cause from the politicians it backed.
2. It’s also a warning that the media will only carry so much water. It won’t stop its overall water carriage business, but on some issues it will break with the Biden administration, as it would occasionally break with the Obama administration.
First, the Washington Post tried to dissuade the Biden administration from trying to gaslight the public by convincing them that inflation was a corporate conspiracy, and instead urged blaming the public for spending too much money. Though considering spiraling food prices, that argument is ultimately just as stupid and doomed.
Now the Associated Press is warning that, “Biden’s agenda disconnected from voters’ everyday reality”. Which is to say that, “The president’s partisan election-reform push is a distraction from the biggest challenges the White House faces: the economy, COVID, and crime.”
That’s a matter of perspective. For the lefties who are running things, the economy and crime are distractions from rigging elections. But the AP, like the Post, is trying to micromanage an administration by pointing it in the right direction. That’s not what the media is supposed to be doing, but that particular ship sailed a while ago.
Much of this micromanagement is about style not substance. The media is emphasizing that the Biden administration has lost the narrative and is failing to connect with the public. That much is true, but the media, which has high mistrust ratings and was until recently in lockstep with the administration, is hardly one to talk.
The media would like to claim that it knows how to fix Biden’s messaging problem. But who’s going to fix the media’s messaging problem?
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