Cori Bush is a Congresswoman known best for her anti-Israel views, which are as indelible a part of her mental makeup as they are for her companions in arms, Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah) and Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu). In fact, while she was not one of the four founding members of “the Squad” (Tlaib, Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Ayanna Pressley), her virulent views on Israel entitle her to be considered the fifth member of the Squad.
There’s a lot one could say about Cori Bush’s biases and bizarreries, but for now, I’d like to introduce to you her “spiritual guru,” one Nathaniel Davis, whom Cori Bush has put on her staff payroll – not as a “guru,” but more prosaically, as her private security guard. This is the person to whom Cori Bush listens and from whom she seeks guidance. You can get the full story on Nathaniel Davis here: “Meet the Anti-Semitic Spiritual Guru on Cori Bush’s Payroll,” by Andrew Kerr, Washington Free Beacon, March 7, 2023:
Nathaniel Davis, who claims he’s 109 trillion years old and that Jews control the world, has received $137,000 from Bush since 2020.
He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate, and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. An intergalactic master of psychic self-defense born 109 trillion years ago, his days, he says, are now spent tending to his crops and spreading anti-Semitic conspiracies.
Nathaniel Davis III also happens to be Rep. Cori Bush’s (D., Mo.) close friend and her highest-paid private security guard.
Davis has earned over $137,000 providing “security services” for Bush since 2020, according to FEC filings, the latest of which showed disbursements of $5,000 in Dec. 2022. Using dozens of social media posts, including photos and videos that show Davis with Bush, the Washington Free Beacon has confirmed that Davis is in fact a St. Louis, Missouri, spiritual guru known as Aha Sen Piankhy who teaches classes on how to read minds, summon mythical beings, and maintain urban gardens—to avoid having to buy food from the Jews.
Davis, a former member of the vehemently anti-Semitic New Black Panther Party, is a natural fit for Bush, who has a history of associating with anti-Semites. She spent years working with anti-Israel activist Neveen Ayesh, who has said she wants to burn Jews alive. A vocal supporter of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, Bush is a close ally of her fellow Squad member, anti-Semitic Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.)….
Cori Bush enjoys attending marches with her security guards. She favors for such occasions a black t-shirt with a message in white: “Y’all gone have to stop killing us.” The clear implication is that (all) whites must stop killing (all) blacks, a message that is both outrageous and incendiary.
When Davis, who did not return requests for comment, is not protecting the congresswoman, he spends his time teaching St. Louis’s black community to grow their own food—so they can liberate themselves from a genocidal Jewish cabal that runs the world.
Davis, it seems, is a believer in a Protocols-of-Zion cabal of rich Jews, apparently determined to rule the world – or rather, they already rule the world. And one of the way those Jews rule the world is by controlling the food supply, which is why blacks must learn to grow their own food.
“I’m going come teach the people how to survive. It’s what I came to this planet for in this lifetime,” Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook live stream. “I’m 109 trillion years old in this galaxy, the Milky Way galaxy.”
So we now understand, if we hadn’t already guessed, that Nathaniel Davis is certifiably insane. This 109-trillion-year man is the spiritual guide for Cori Bush, which means that she, too, is very likely insane. But that, of course, won’t matter to the Bidenites. As long as she votes with them in the House of Representatives, they won’t raise the little matter of her sheer nuttiness.
Davis has advanced a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including the belief that the Rothschild family “runs the Western Hemisphere” and unleashed the COVID-19 pandemic to murder 99 percent of the human population. Davis is also a proponent of QAnon, according to a Facebook post he shared in December 2018.
“You got the global elite looking to kill every last one of us. They want to wipe out half the population of the planet,” Davis said in a July 17, 2020, Facebook livestream.
It is unclear when or how Bush and Davis met. But the congresswoman’s personal Facebook page shows that she is friends with “Aha Davis Zadok El,” one of Davis’s Facebook accounts. There, he claims to be a member of the “Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect.” Davis’s various Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts are riddled with references to the “Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect.”
This self-described member of the “Priesthood of the Sun Moon Sect” – which has only a sole priest, Aha Davis Zadok IL, formerly known as ‘Nathaniel Davis’ – apparently met Cori Bush online, likely through Facebook. Bush and Davis have developed a close relationship, as the 109-trillion-year man has become her indispensable spiritual guide. But since it might look a little strange to put Davis on the payroll as her “spiritual guide,” especially given his claim to be 109 trillion years old — which the press might find out about and mock — Cori Bush decided to hire him as one of her “security guards,” knowing that would not arouse any interest; no one would bother to look into his background. For this, Davis is being paid about $50,000 a year by the American taxpayer. Not bad for someone who is both completely uneducated and completely insane.
Davis has also claimed a number of supernatural abilities, including the ability to summon hurricanes, levitate, and retrieve winning lottery numbers “from the spirit realm,” a difficult skill that Davis warns may come at an undisclosed cost to the summoner.
If Davis can choose winning lottery numbers, why does he bother working at all? Why does he need to advertise for clients on the internet who might want to hire him to teach them his supernatural skills?
The Free Beacon was able to confirm just one event in which the psychic self-defense master provided security to Bush.
Wearing an oversized beige T-shirt, green cargo pants, and a white face mask, Davis was latched to Bush’s side during a July 3, 2020, protest that culminated in her shouting through a megaphone outside the home of Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the St. Louis couple that brandished weapons before Black Lives Matter protesters a week prior, according to video footage of the event….
Bush appears to have taken steps to conceal Davis’s identity in her campaign spending reports by listing her campaign headquarters’ address for the majority of her payments to Davis—a move that made it nearly impossible to identify which Nathaniel Davis was on her staff.
But the three other campaign payments to Davis list a residential home in St. Louis, which is the same address Davis used in July 2020 when he formed a Missouri LLC called the Revolutionary Business Group.
Cori Bush tried to hide Davis’ identity as a staffer because, while she may agree with Davis, her “spiritual guide,” she is at least aware that others will find his claims off the wall. So she chose to make sure that most of the payments to him went to her campaign headquarters. A handful of payments to him were, however, likely by oversight, sent to his home in Missouri, the same place where his “business” had its headquarters. This business was an LLC called the “Revolutionary Business Group,” headed by Davis (and apparently Davis was its only employee), said to be a “business incubator,” with apparently no businesses to incubate. It claimed to have offices in five states and in the Netherlands. There is no sign that any of those offices ever existed. There is no website for the group. It hasn’t posted anything at Facebook since January 2022.
Still, Davis refers to the group on his various Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. He appears in an August 2020 Facebook videointroducing the Revolutionary Business Group team, in which a colleague introduces him as “Mr. Aha Nathaniel Davis III.” Davis later refers to himself as “Aha Sen Piankhy.”
Davis claims he chooses not to make use of his most destructive powers. But he is not above making threats, claiming in May 2020 that he can cause his enemies’ teeth to fall out whenever they speak his name.
In sum, this is what we know about Cori Bush’s antisemitic and lunatic “spiritual guide,” Nathaniel Davis. He claims to be 109 trillion years old. He claims to have magical powers to destroy his enemies, including being able to cause his enemies’ teeth to fall out whenever they speak his name. He claims that Jews control the world, especially its food supply, which is why black people should learn to grow their own crops. He claims he can summon tornadoes at will, cause earthquakes with his hate and conduct blood rituals to bring ruin upon his enemies. He claims to have “a number of other supernatural abilities, too, including the ability to summon hurricanes, levitate, and retrieve winning lottery numbers “from the spirit realm,” a difficult skill. He claims to run a “business incubator” called the “Revolutionary Business Group,” with offices in five states and the Netherlands. There are no such offices anywhere in the world. He is available, his online advertisement states, to teach “psychic self-defense, building your aura, strengthening your chakras,” and so much more. He combines aspects of a New Age con-man, the magic panacea-promoters and mountebanks at county fairs in nineteenth century America, and Louis Farrakhan. He decided that the name “Nathaniel Davis” was insufficiently expressive of his magical powers, and since 2020 he has been using the bizarre name “Aha Sen Piankhy.”
Cori Bush thinks so highly of Nathaniel Davis that she hired him to serve on her staff, with a salary of roughly $50,000 a year. He is designated as a member of her security detail, but in fact, he is her “spiritual guru.”
Just how crazy must Cori Bush be, if she chooses someone as crazy as Nathaniel Davis, a/k/a Aha Sen Piankhy to be her “spiritual guru”?
Spurwing Plover says
Slaves still wear masks free men don’t
Miranda Rose Smith says
He claims he can summon tornadoes. Remember Shakespeare’s Harry Hotspur? “So can I, or so can any man, but will they come when you do call for thhem?”
goob says
Doesn’t look a day over 105 trillion.
GarandLuvr says
Let’s face it, after 100 trillion years you’re just phoning it in… 🤣🤔
Kasandra says
FWIW, I have read that he isn’t licensed by Missouri to provide security services so the whole thing would appear to be a scam to funnel $$$$ – either those of taxpayers or campaign contributors – into his pockets. And our media are where?
KenPF says
My computer has a calculator so I did some calculations. Nathaniel Davis claims he’s 109 trillion years old. Trillion … not million … not billion: Trillion. The universe is 13.8 billion years old. That makes Davis 7898 times the age of the universe. Before the creation of the universe there was nothing; no matter, no energy, no laws of physics, not even time. I wonder if Davis knows any of this.
Better not tell him. Who knows how he would react.
PS: I also wonder what Mel Brooks would male of this.
Hannah54 says
Well, it figures that a dude who can’t use English properly also has difficulties with math.
(“I’m debating on *weather or not* I will start that class again.”)
Anyway, I clicked over to the WA Beacon article, and the closing remark was worth it:
“Davis claims he chooses not to make use of his most destructive powers. But he is not above making threats, claiming in May 2020 that he can cause his enemies’ teeth to fall out whenever they speak his name.
At publication time, this reporter’s teeth remain firmly affixed to his head.”
Spurwing Plover says
back when the Gulf Oil Spill disaster some screwball claimed they were going to stop the whole thing using MEDITAATION INT EH END IT WAS GOOD OIL FASHION Technolgy NOT MUMBER GUMBBO POPPYCOCK THAT ENDED IT
Andrew Blackadder says
I often ask those morons that tell me the Jews run the entire World and so I ask them if that was indeed true then don’t you think they would have a bigger country?.
I just love to see them freak out at that statement..
Im old and have lots of time to play with the heads of fools.
The idea that fat ass black Cori Bush has such people as this nutter around her tells me more about her than it does about him.
My pronouns are me/he/and dontgiveashit.
Rob Porter says
Andrew, a good question re Jews choosing little Israel.
One thing is certain, among black Americans the U.S. has some of the world’s most stupid, hate-filled and racist people who devote an enormous amount of their time to accusing others, particularly whites, of racism. As an outsider looking in I never cease to be amazed. I wish they could apply what Scotland’s Robert Burns once said: ‘”Oh the gift that God would gee us, to see ourselves as others see us.”