Megyn Kelly wonders what the big deal is about blackface
— Tommy Christopher (@tommyxtopher) October 23, 2018
Media Never Trumpers, people associated with the right who were vocally opposed to Trump and operate in the mainstream media, can be loosely broken down to those who completely sold out and those who didn’t.
The former are pretty easy to find. David Brock types like Jennifer Rubin and Max Boot who appeal to the lefty demographic at the Washington Post by publishing increasingly hysterical articles calling for the destruction of Trump, the GOP and the entire planet.
They adopt lefty talking points, rarely if ever dissent from the left, and are not conservative in any way, shape or form.
They serve as ragepuppets, ranting about Trump, while trying to find terms on which to fit into their new radical movement.
But then there are people like Bret Stephens, who revile Trump, operate in the mainstream media, but still put forward conservative ideas.
These need not be very conservative.
Most media Never Trumpers were never all that conservative to begin with. But any conservative ideas are too many. Bret Stephens infuriated New York Times readers when he questioned global warming.
But it’s most often identity politics.
Identity politics is the defining cult of the left now. Heretics are swiftly and ruthlessly punished. Anyone questioning political correctness will have a mob coming after them.
And thus, Megyn Kelly.
It was always going to happen because, despite expectations, Kelly didn’t turn into Jennifer Rubin. Not only wasn’t Trump the focus of her life, the way he is for career Neveries like Max Boot and Rubin, but she occasionally expressed mildly conservative views.
The remarks that got her fired don’t even qualify as that.
“Back when I was a kid, that was okay just as long as you were dressing as a character,” Kelly suggested.
The topic was painting your face black. The hysterical social justice crybully outrage rolled in. And it’s all over.
In the age of Black Lives Matter, it’s socially acceptable to pose with Louis Farrakhan, who praised Hitler and spewed hatred at Jews and white people in general. It’s utterly unacceptable to suggest that kids painting their faces was ever socially acceptable.
But that’s the price of operating on the left side of the media’s Berlin Wall.
Yes, the money and opportunities might be better on the other side. But you’re also living in a totalitarian state undergoing a perpetual cultural revolution that might grab you at any moment.
Kelly should have seen that coming. But too many Never Trumpers failed to understand the Left. They were too comfortable in lefty surroundings. Like the Jews in Nazi Germany, they never saw what was coming for them.
Meanwhile those Never Trumpers who have sold out will have to shout louder, call for the execution of the entire GOP in their Washington Post columns, burn the American flag on the Fourth, and keep running, while looking over their shoulders to see if the social justice mob is gaining on them.
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