Clearly a case of systemic racism or internalized racism or whatever the buzzword of the day is.
But it appears that some of the cops in the Memphis case came by way of lowered standards.
Tadarrius Bean and Demetrius Haley both joined the Memphis Police Department in Aug. 2020, NBC News reported, more than two years after the department dramatically loosened the education qualifications to become an officer.
Recruits no longer needed an associate’s degree or 54 college credit hours to join the force, and could get by with five years of work experience, Action 5 reported.
Loosening the required qualifications however means that the department is ultimately getting “less desirable” job candidates, Mike Alcazar, an adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and a retired NYPD detective, told The Post.
“They’re desperate. They want police officers,” Alcazar said. “They’re going through it, they check off some boxes, saying, ‘Ok, they’re good enough, get them on.”
The department showed signs of struggle with recruiting new police officers, offering $15,000 signing bonuses in 2021 and 2022, Fox 13 reported.
Now there may be a number of reasons.
The year of BLM burned out a lot of cops and terrified others into getting out. With a tight labor market, everyone had trouble hiring. Big city cops headed to the suburbs to find better-paying and safer jobs where they would get more respect and face fewer risks.
But police forces were also under pressure to “look more like the communities they serve.” At 58%, the Memphis police force was majority black, but still below the percentage for the city.
Karan Parmar, identified as a chief of police in the greater Enid area, and veteran Army officer, according to his LinkedIn profile, authored a condemnation of Memphis police hiring practices based upon information he received.
According to a source within the Memphis PD, the 5 charged officers weren’t hired through the usual structured PD hiring process. City leaders felt the existing process was too strict and kept certain people from getting jobs at the department. City leaders began their own hiring process and then pushed new hires into the agency, bypassing the testing procedures in place at the department. You can read between the lines what that all means.
All 5 of the charged officers were hired by the City, and didn’t go through the rigorous PD testing process.
This is what quota hiring looks like. Lawsuits and dead innocents. The city should pay the lawsuits instead of the Police department. This Murder wasn’t created by old school policing or by “white supremacy”. This murder was directly facilitated by liberal policy.
Is that true? Who knows. But it’s not implausible.
Betsy Brantner Smith, a retired police sergeant and trainer as well as spokesperson for the National Police Association, said the videos showed a disregard of proper training.
“Nobody teaches baton strikes above the shoulders, nobody teaches kicks to the head, nobody teaches the denial of medical aid,” she noted. “These men were street fighting, they were not acting as police officers.”
Kicks to the head are especially damning. It’s what street thugs do. That’s a beatdown. And it looks very different than the restraint attempts that were at issue in other cases, like the George Floyd drug overdose.
Interestingly enough, even Chief Cerelyn Davis’ hiring is a topic of discussion as it relates to “lowered standards.” She became the first female police chief in Memphis’ history in 2021, even though she was previously fired from the Atlanta Police Department in 2008 due to her alleged involvement in a sex crimes investigation into the husband of an Atlanta police sergeant, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution.
Two detectives accused Davis of telling them not to investigate Terrill Marion Crane, who was married to Sgt. Tonya Crane, after they obtained photos of him with underage girls.
Crane was later indicted by a federal grand jury for child pornography after the FBI took the case, according to the Daily Mail. He pleaded guilty to one count of child pornography in 2009, the news outlet reported.
The indictment was issued after Atlanta police took no action in the case and a subsequent investigation by the city pointed to Davis as the reason.
Crane’s wife, who was a sergeant working with Davis, also admitted to “finding and burning” some of the child porn photographs her husband had taken of the victims.
Davis was demoted from major to lieutenant before being fired from the department, the New York Post reported.
Davis is now a celebrity when it’s her department and therefore her responsibility.
Jeff Bargholz says
Davis is an unqualified piece of shit but I have to admit, she’s hot. When I see her on TV all I can think is yeah, yeah, yeah!
Algorithmic Analyst says
They are trying to make her the scapegoat, but similar Progressive hiring policies are taking place all over the country. Then when they screw up so badly that they get fired, they sue for racism, get a big settlement, and an agreement not to tell potential future employers what happened. So they get hired again, fired again, screw up again, etc.
Jeff Bargholz says
You know, those five thugs look like moslems to me.
plusafdotcom says
… and the point of each of your posts was………???????????
Jeff Bargholz says
She is responsible, AA. She got fired as the chief of the Atlanta PD for her inability to lead and corruption. The city had to pay out a fortune to the victims of excessive force by some of her officers in some bar and she protected a pedophile.
In Memphis, she created the SCORPION Unit but didn’t have the ability to supervise it and didn’t assign somebody who could to do so. The unit became an unsupervised power unto itself and did whatever the fuck it wanted to, which resulted in the murder of Tyre Phillips. It was inevitable that they were going to murder an innocent under those conditions.
That’s what happens when a person is elevated to a position of authority just because she’s a black woman, rather a promotion on merit. She should’ve subjected those unqualified scumbags the city foisted on her to extensive training and fired all the ones who failed.
Jeff Bargholz says
Moslems are scum and responsible for the majority of violence in the world……and black moslem converts are the worst.
Jeff Bargholz says
She is responsible, AA. She got fired as the chief of the Atlanta PD for her inability to lead and corruption. The city had to pay out a fortune to the victims of excessive force by some of her officers in some bar and she protected a pedophile.
In Memphis, she created the SCORPION Unit but didn’t have the ability to supervise it and didn’t assign somebody who could to do so. The unit became an unsupervised power unto itself and did whatever the fuck it wanted to, which resulted in the murder of Tyre Phillips. It was inevitable that they were going to murder an innocent under those conditions.
That’s what happens when a person is elevated to a position of authority just because she’s a black woman, rather a promotion on merit. She should’ve subjected those unqualified scumbags the city foisted on her to extensive training and fired all the ones who failed.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Jeff, good insights.
Jeff Bargholz says
Eight gay guys here, I see.
Frank Rizzo says
“City leaders felt the existing process was too strict and kept certain people from getting jobs at the department.”
AKA hire more low IQ blacks because they can’t keep up with the rest of society.
Lowering standards goes on all the time. This isn’t new. Even when there is no shortage of officers HR is instructed to hire more blacks. Further, not only are hiring standards lowered, but promotional standards are lowered. You end up having AA blacks getting promoted to rank based on their skin color, merit or qualifications be damned.
I worked at one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the country. Blacks always scored at the bottom for any test, including promotional tests. Asians, whites, Hispanics then blacks on every test. The NAACP and other pro black groups protested saying the test was…….wait for it…..racist. A big meeting occurred with lawyers and any test going forward had to be reviewed by black leaders before approved.
Frank Rizzo says
A new test came out that was deemed acceptable and not racist according to the NAACP and other black groups. Guess what happened when everyone took a promotional test for Sgt? Take a wild guess. Asians scored first, whites, Hispanics and blacks last!!!!! It was their approved test!!!! They still complained and cried racism.
The dept changed the entire testing procedure to the following: there were now separate lists one for whites, Hispanics, Asians, and blacks. You had to choose the top scores from each group. So, now you had to pick a black candidate. Scores from other groups were in the 90″s and you’d pick top 3, for example, to fill spots. If a black scored 75%, and it was the top score in the black group they get promoted to.
This was decades ago!!!!
Kasandra says
Believe it or not, there is actually an official name for such a ridiculous procedure. It’s called “race norming.”
john says
IN PHILLY – RIZZO – Whites did not score last. White were given different test dates than other people. When they showed up the testing center doors were closed and locked.
I know two close people this happened to – neither one is a liar. We have had OPEN racial discrimination against whites since the late 1970s.
Frank Rizzo says
“whites did not score last”
I never said that. I said blacks always score last.
Steven Brizel says
Abolishing the anti crime unit was an act predicated on the singularly poor logic of throwing out the baby with the bathwater..Memnphis, whuich has a skyrocketing crime and homicide rate, won’t have the same reduced by either the absence of a street crime unit or a unit composed of those who sole basis for being hired was as an exercise in affirmative action,.
Daniel Greenfield says
people, mostly black people, will die over it
Jeff Bargholz says
What the “SCORPION Unit needed was proper training, supervision and oversight. It was successful at first. Supervision and command are key. Without it, the unit developed a subculture and became unaccountable. A thug squad.
It was a good idea on paper but lousy in execution. I’m surprised a murder like that of Tyre Phillips didn’t happen sooner. That incompetent police chief is culpable for his brutal murder.
David Mu says
This IS the new face of urban policing, and we shall all be ‘gifted’ with the fruits of its unfolding. After all, any concern for just basic education is – racist.
NAHalkides says
The Left is entirely responsible for the Memphis incident. They drove out good police officers by their war on police that included poisonous lies about institutional racism, creating a shortage of officers, while they waged a simultaneous war against merit in hiring and promotions. We see what that did in Memphis, and you can bet it’s having the same effect everywhere the Democratic Left is in control, which means most major cities.
This is a good time to move to the suburbs or rural areas.
truebearing says
Exactly. The left is responsible but they are also the ones who benefit when hey successfully break down law and order. They benefit when blacks protest events like this as if it was perpetrated by white cops. This is all evidence of how little white leftists respect black people.
Chief Mac says
I remember when I went to the US Army Flight School and was in the 2nd flight to have females. We had two one (a black female soldier) was there because she was qualified. The other (a white female) was affirmative action candidate.
To the say that nobody wanted to fly with the affirmative action candidate. The powers that be pushed her through flight school and she did manage to kill several soldiers due her piss poor flying
ElkaZ says
Interesting that Betsy Brantner Smith says they were street fighting. I’ve commented on other sources, prior to reading this,that the cops were pure ghetto and responded to his resisting as ghetto not as cops! Years of teaching in the ghetto in NYC taught me how very different standards of behavior are!
Rather Ray says
Public has demonstrated willingness to elect sub standard legislators to Congress and white house. Why would it be surprising that less competent politicians are taking us to WW3 and few less competent police officers go too far and take us war with criminals.
Rather Ray says
Public has demonstrated willingness to elect sub standard legislators to Congress and white house. Why would it be surprising that less competent politicians are taking us to WW3 and few less competent police officers go too far and take us to war with criminals. Not sure why college degree is useful requirement for putting drug cartel and gang members down. If we needed individuals with college degrees to fight our wars and put our enemies down we would have to end draft.
plusafdotcom says
A possibly better way to address the issue of ‘why is a college degree a requirement’ is to examine what a college degree can often INDICATE about the applicant.
It won’t Always be a reliable screening tool or ‘litmus test,’ but if it indicates, on average, socialization, ability to solve problems on your own and flexibility in complex situations, it might be at least One Ingredient to bake into the list of ‘qualifications’ for applicants.
hilton33 says
What happened here, happens all the time in gang cultures. These cop’s were disrespected, first when he ran, then when they pepper sprayed him and themselves, then when they tazed him. Being disrespected in the gang culture and not retaliating means you’re a bitch, and soft. They did what the culture expects from them. If you’ve never seen a gang beatdown watch the video, it will show you.
Daniel Greenfield says
That’s it in a nutshell.
Jeff Bargholz says
Which is exactly why they shouldn’t have been cops, especially ones with autonomous authority.
Frank says
This young man should have never died . But that doesn’t mean that his death cannot be taken advantage of by the Democrat party VP Kamala Harris. She will visit the funeral just to exploit the sad situation. But as you all know would never visit a black child’s funeral from Chicago to any other major city. They are all ghouls.
truebearing says
That sadistic beating makes Floyd’s arrest look like a massage and a foot rub, yet the punishment for all of the officers involved will be the same. Now the left has a new way to use racism to further breakdown law and order.
I’ll bet that if black residents were polled on which cops they trusted more, black or white, the white cops would win.
roberta says
Yeah, white police would win the trust poll, as long as blacks were polled individually. Put them in a group and let peer pressure have it way……See who wins then
Blacks are told/taught/pressured into conforming into (what black is)
To be black they have to purchase crappy music, and silly clothing, walk a certain way, talk a certain way.
Be outraged upon command (which comes easy because their culture celebrates violence) 9 of 10 intercity blacks fall in for it every time.
They are the war machine for the left, and some love it, others are too blind to see it, none will stand up and say it.
Phil Lipofsky says
Love them kool mohamhead beards.
Jeff Bargholz says
You noticed that too? Nobody else but me has.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s scary, a Black Muslim police force.
I remember one late night I got on an AC Transit bus in Oakland or Berkeley. There was noone else on the bus except maybe 8 black muslims, all in their neat suits and, what do they call them, bow ties? I was in good physical shape back then, and didn’t have any fear or realize there was any danger, but admired their military like discipline and self-control. But I realize now they could have pulverized me in seconds. The bus driver was probably black also. Fortunately I was very quiet and polite.